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DrakeZero/DMX RP (Dead Space)
"Shit!" Drake grunted as the tentacles wrapped around his wrist wrenching him close to Socrates. As he fought the pull of the beast he looked down to see a piece of pipe from the barrier. He hesitantly grabbed it and faced Socrates feeling the drool hit his cheek as it roared.

"You are one ugly bugger!" he yelled taking the pipe and striking the tentacle in hopes of loosening it. "Damn it Michael, if you have an idea how to help me, now is the time to do it!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael looked at the steel pipes that comprised the barrier, he wasn't sure if he could do it, but Drake had pulled it out just fine. He could do it; no, he HAD to do it!

Socrates growled as all save one tentacle wrapped around Drake, strongly dragging him to his side as the remaining tentacle pointed to his neck, some sticky substance oozing from it.

"Do not be alarmed, my friends," Freeman began again, "Just allow Socrates to indulge you with knowledge. If you are worthy like me and the others, then you will not suffer. If you aren't... then you will help by feeding him! Hahaha."

"Shut up, geezer! We're gonna take care of this... thing!" Michael declared, jumping at one of the bent pipes, starting to pull with all of his strength. Eventually, the young man managed to use all his strength to pull it out. Michael gasped and readied the pipe to hit Socrates, although he didn't know where its weak spot was located. Wait, the tentacles! No, this rod wouldn't cut them apart. What could he do?! He franctically began looking left and right and even turned around only to notice the reflectors and Freeman. The reflectors! If only he could time it right...

Michael quickly reacted and put all his focus on the task at hand. If they wanted to survive and him to find his brother and escape this madness, he had to do it! Michael pulled the rod back and then leaned onto the barrier, hurling the bent pipe like a boomerang to hit the reflectors. He managed to hit one, and luckily the boomerang hit the other one; whereas the first was crushed, the other was repositioned, startling Freeman as he noticed he would have to reposition it manually.

As Freeman fled, the light stopped showering into the cave, and all of a sudden Socrates appeared to be in a daze. "Drake!" he called his partner who also had a steel rod in his hands, "NOW!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake pulled his arm back and with all his strength he struck Socrates over and over. The sound of the neck muscles tearing as he yelled.
"I am tired of killing you ugly, piece of crap, vile monsters!" With his final words, Drake swung the rod so hard he could hear bone cracking in the neck as Socrates tumbled to the ground.

Drake backed off, the rod still gripped in his hand as he checked to see if they're was life still left in the animal, but he doubted a possible broken neck could stop something like this.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Drake, hurry!" Michael groaned, "Help me out, grr... hereeee!" he grunted, his hands on the steel rods that made the barrier as he tried to pull them out. They needed at least two more off so they'd be able to go out together.

Socrates was twitching on the ground, its tentacles pushing on the ground as the monster's huge size started decreasing very slowly while his spikes began withdrawing thanks to the lack of exposure to the ultra violet light. Freeman was headed for climbing next to the remaining reflector, however.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake dropped the rod in his hand and ran up to Michael grasping the remaining bars and pulling. His teeth clenched as he pulled with all his might. The rods bending more and more.

"Just a little more....." he grunted as he glanced back to Socrates watching as the creature's body twitched as though it was hibernating.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Not so fast!" Freeman called, turning the reflector back to their way, the bright light engulfing the cage.

"Crap! Dammit! C'mon muscles, work!" Michael desperately joined Drake in his effort to pull the pipes apart as a loud growl escaped Socrates' maw, the spikes appearing all over as it seemingly appeared to quickly be regenerating wounds!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake yelled as they pulled the bars far enough. "That's good. Michael, move it!" he shouted as he pushed his partner through. Socrate's body was regenerating quickly and he wouldn't be able to defend himself if it attacked now.

"Break that light!" he shouted, "It seems to be the source of its' power!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You shall be indoctrinated by Socrates! There is no escape, infidels!" Freeman laughed, clicking the remote towards the door, closing it down as Michael tried to approach the exit before Drake's command reached his ears; he was a fast runner when he absolutely needed it.

Socrates roared as it bathed in the light, all spikes reappearing in its body as it reassumed a predator-like stance and glared towards Michael and Drake, the tentacles twitching eagerly behind him.

Michael turned towards Drake at his order and then looked at the reflector, but Freeman stood in his way, "Damnit! If we could only just take his remote...!" he groaned. Socrates was approaching them three, his claws razing the floor as it fixed its hungry gaze upon them. That was it!

"Drake!" Michael nodded to his partner, hinting that if they teamed up they might be able to trick Socrates into attacking Freeman; with the armed man guarding the reflector it would be nearly impossible to hit it without being grabbed by Socrates first.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The older miner grinned, he knew what Michael meant and stood between Socrates and Freeman. "Hey! Beast!" he shouted waving his hands at him. "I bet you can't even get me at full run. Come on charge me you dumb ass monster." he mocked waving his hands trying to anger Socrates. "Come on, I know you wanna eat me so come and get it!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Ah, now I see you are submitting. Splendid!" Freeman cockily grinned. Michael smiled at this and prepared for Socrates to charge.

The creature heard Drake yell and immediately fixed his attention on him. The mutated man ran towards the miner, attempting to strike him down with a single blow with one of his fully-spiked arms.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad