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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
Although she really wanted to sleep for much longer, the blue-haired technician opened her one good eye, still from a lack of good sleep as she stumbled a little before then groaning. "More trouble... can't there be any rest?"

(Crew's Quarters A)

"I... think so. Though don't put the eggs into a basket, it might still be there." Lurea smiled softly, though seemed unphased by the fact her dark side may still have been inside her as she murred from the affectionate kiss, snuggling up to him. "So where are we now, huh? Any idea?"

(Crew's Quarters B)

"I think so... doesn't seem like we're moving." Kyosan murmured, loving the gentle slurp as he ran a soft claw through her hair gently, carressing one of her ears lightly before then smiling. "Good to have you back, Ada."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Sorry, Blue, but there's no one out there. There's nobody manning the watch towers and the radar's showing no lifeforms out there." Zorromon slowly arose from his seat and offered Kotana his paw. "We should wake the others. Four of us can check the village, and another pair can keep an eye on the ship just in case."

(Crew's Quarters A)

"I guess we're at that village now. I can only really hear the wind and snow out there though." Crimson opened the blinds on a nearby window, revealing a snow white world below. Nothing stirred amongst the wooden homes and caverns however. "Hmmm, I wonder if they went south for the Winter or something. Well, I guess Zorro knows. Shall we get dressed, Lurrie?" He then gently kissed her cheek as he sat up in bed.

(Crew's Quarters B)

"Thanks, Kyo." The champion digimon smiled lightly, feeling better than before, though she couldn't shake the feeling a part of it still remained. (Well, as long as I have control over it now, I guess I don't mind.) Ada then sat up in bed and wagged her tail gently. "As much as I'd like another nap with my handsome dragon, I'm curious about what's going on. We'd better get our pants on, eh?" She then playfully stuck her tongue out.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well... I seriously need some rest. I can use my suit to alert me should anything happen to the ship as long as I can tap into it's frequency... so, if someone else can stay behind with me, I can keep control of the ship and use it's firearms if need be." Kotana tried to explain, trying to take Zorro's paw with her thin hand before placing it in his grasp. "Maybe the four of them could go out... which reminds me, any idea on your sister?"

(Crew's Quarters A)

"Well, it'd be a good start, after all, we can't walk out like this." Lurea giggled, looking towards her armour before then looking to him again. For a moment, she pondered, before then murmuring. "Remind me, did we get any clothing for me after?"

(Crew's Quarters B)

"Would be a good idea, even though if it was just us two I wouldn't mind walking in the buff." Kyosan joked playfully with the neko, admiring her naked figure once more before then looking around for his clothing. His healing had done much to help him recover, as he found himself almost free from his pain besides small aches, as he slowly slipped over to reach for his clothes.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Well, I guess the village isn't that big. They shouldn't get lost around here." Zorro smiled and held her hand, his fingers rubbing hers softly, before he answered her other question. "My sister is still sleeping I guess. Well, I better make those other guys up." He flipped the switches for the PA system, setting them for just Rooms A and B. "Attention! Get out of bed, you mooks, we're here! We'll be holding a meeting on the bridge in ten minutes! That is all!"

(Crew's Quarters A)

"Geez, good thing we already woke up," declared Crimson, finding the announcement kind of loud before he returned his attention to Lurea. "Anyways, yup. Don't you remember all that shopping we did?" The fox chuckled before asking, "So are you going to put on something light beneath your armor?"

(Crew's Quarters B)

"Remind me to skin that muscle head out there when he's not looking." Ada rubbed her ears for a moment before she giggled towards Kyo. "Hehe, silly, though that does sound like fun." She stuck her tongue out before dressing up back in her black and white clothing. While she clothed herself, she noticed Kyo's body was looking far better than before. "Looks like you're healing quickly. Do you feel okay?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Alright then..." Kotana murmured, smiling softly towards the fox although weakly as she moved herself to try and find the frequency, messing around with a few buttons on her suit while trying to calibrate the both of them together.

(Crew's Quarters A)

"I was... actually thinking of just wearing casual clothing." Lurea remarked, smiling softly before approaching the bags over in the corner, picking out another set of clothing she had managed to get. Dressing herself up, she dressed herself in the sexy red underwear from before, giving a teasing twirl for the fox before then slipping into a black sleeveless top and another pair of dark jeans, smiling softly. "Something like this, perhaps?"

(Crew's Quarters B)

Hearing her concern, Kyosan's ears twitched for a light moment, before he smiled warmly. "Oh, I'm just fine. Crimson's gel as always did the trick plus my body loves trying to fix itself." He joked, laughing softly as he knelt over. His figure was on view for Ada as he then began to dress up in his usual clothing, only thanking himself that they weren't destroyed like his much older clothing.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Heh, is there anything you can't do?" teased Zorro, while at the same time sounding impressed by all of her technical gadgets and knowledge.

(Crew's Quarters A)

"Y-You look great..." Crimson nearly drooled from the sight of her rump and curves in the sexy red underwear before he regained his senses. "Well, I guess there shouldn't be any trouble, unless this meeting says otherwise. I'd get a coat on though, it looks cold out there." The fox got some clothes on for himself with a pair of camouflage pants, a white shirt with some sort of black skull emblem on it, and finally a thin, black coat to help endure the elements.

(Crew's Quarters B)

"That's good." Ada was relieved before she then giggled lightly from Kyo's teases. "Silly boy, two can play that game." She turned around and showed off her cute little rump dressed only in a pink thong before she pulled up her black jeans. A simple red shirt covered up her lovely pink bra, before she put on a black leather jacket to help her fight off the weather. "Alrighty, I'm ready! And you?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I can't draw for the life of me, so I guess you can call that a weakness." Kotana gave a soft light chuckle from his questioning, after a few moments finding the frequency before a few digital fragments sparked out from her suit, before a light hum seemed to power up the ship a little. "There we go."

(Crew's Quarters A)

"Don't worry, I think I've got something in here." Lurea mumbled, sorting through the last few assortments of clothing before finding a small blue leather jacket for herself, smiling before slipping herself into it and zipping it up gently. "There, how's that?"

(Crew's Quarters B)

Although trying his hardest not to drool from the sight of her naked figure covered so little, the dragon chuckled darkly and flushed across his cheeks. "Naughty kitty." He could only comment, finding it appropriate as he pulled his black jacket with the furred collar back around himself, zipping it up before then putting his claw in his pocket. "There, that should do. Though I don't really need it..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"So you can really tell what's happening all over the ship?" Zorromon stroked her hand softly before adding, "Like maybe she how my sister is doing right now?"

(Crew's Quarter's A)

"You look nice, Lurrie." He leaned forward and kissed her nose playfully, before telling her, "Okay, lets see what this meeting is all about."

(Crew's Quarter's B)

"Oh, don't be so macho, silly boy. You'll thank me later when your butt isn't frosted over." She finished her joking around and grabbed his arm happily. "Hehe, let's see what the muscle-head wants and get out there."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I'll give it a try, don't blame me if I can't." Kotana nodded, blushing gently from the soft hand stroke and smiled up towards the warrior fox before closing her eyes. Her suit seemed to react as she shuffled a little, before re-opening her eyes. "Seems she's doing alright. By the time you get back, if it takes long, she'll be awake most hopefully."

(Crew's Quarters A)

"Alright then, lead the way foxie!" Lurea blushed lightly towards the playful nose kiss, smiling softly before taking Crimson's paw in her claw before then slowly walking with him towards the bridge.

(Crew's Quarters B)

"Well, I am toasty, after all," Kyosan chuckled, flipping a small fire in his finger for a moment before waving it off, blushing gently across his scales and appreciating the soft clutch to his arm as he made his way with her. "Okay then, let's get moving, kitty."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Thanks, Blue." He wrapped his arm around her softly, his furry muscle helping her stay warm before he noticed everyone entering the bridge. "Heh, about time you slackers woke up."

Crimson whistled as he started cleaning out his ear with a Q-tip before asking Zorromon, "Huh, did ya say something?"

Zorromon groaned before he told them, "Anyways, things seem odd down there. The ships scanner's didn't sense any lifeforms and I could see anyone on the guard towers. I'm going to stay here with Kotana to maintain a safe headquarters. You four need to get out there and find out what's going on."

"What's the magic word, huh?" Ada poked Zorro playfully in the chest before she giggled toward him.

"Please..." groaned Zorro before rolling his eyes. He then asked, "So any questions or anything else?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions