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DrakeZero/DMX RP (Dead Space)
"All I get is a high grade military rifle and you get a mod that allows you to lift things into the air. Yeah, real fair." he chuckled before opening the adjacent door and scanning the halls. "Clear, let's move on." he said as the group made their way out of the medical section and into the R&D section.

"So, tell me about your brother?" Drake asked as he tried to lower the tension in the air with some small talk. "Older, younger?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I'll make do with what I got, don't worry about me," Michael nodded, dropping the desk and clutching his gloved hand, getting a feel for his new module. Michael followed Drake with a map holo-HUD in front of them to make sure they were going in the right direction this time. Michael guided Drake, the whole way appeared to truly be clear now. With their goal having been reached, Michael looked over the large facility, getting a chill down his spine. What were they about to find...?

That's when Drake broke the ice, he blinked at the question and then nodded, "He's older. Mom's favorite, too," he joked sarcastically, "He's always been nuts for biology and genetics. This place is quite top secret by normal standards, some big government establishment. Jeremy doesn't really talk a lot about his job, but I'm sure it's because of its importance. That and... well... I think I now know why..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
'You're thinking he was in on these so called experiments?" Drake replied as they continued to walk. "Mom's favorite eh? I always wondered what it would be like to have a brother. My own folks always pressured me to be the best. When I wanted to become a miner, both my parents disapproved. Even though my father was a miner. Kept saying I should aim for something greater then what he could do."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Some people live through their offspring I suppose..." Michael said without thinking, he still was visualizing what it would be like inside the R&D building, the holo-HUD for the map disappearing, "Whoops!" he turned to Drake, realizing it could have been an offense towards his father, "Sorry, didn't mean it like that. I'm just a bit tense..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake chuckled, "None taken, my father lived the way he did. He wanted me to be a officer one day. Or a politician, someone with real power I suppose, but I never liked the bureaucratic system." He stopped as they arrived at the main lab door for R&D. "I was always the type to just work and live my life. And not pretend to be someone else." He looked over to Michael. "You ready for what's inside?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"No." Michael shook his head, and as Drake stood on one side, he went to the other since the door would open and they didn't know what was lurking inside. "But let's go in anyways," he nodded, reaching to put an open palm in front of the door's lock, unlocking it. The door seemed to make some rusty grinding before it slowly began sliding off.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake moved into the room. The rifle cocked and ready to fire as his helmet adjusted his sights to the bright lighting of the labs. What he saw was nothing short of horror. The wall was dripping with blood, scattered body parts riddled all over the floor, and even on the window a streak of blood could be seen. If Drake had to guess it looked like someone was dragged to the vents. How could anyone have survived this? He glanced to Michael wondering what he was thinking as they comb the room.
"Anyone here?" Drake called out as he started to open lockers examining for any remains.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael advanced through the corridors, taking a few steps to examine lockers as well. Sadly, their supplies weren't very substantial, they needed everything they could get.

A few sparks started to fly off in the distance, but it was too far to be noticed, it wasn't until Michael had advanced enough on the row of locked-down lockers that he noticed the sparks on the wall. There was something or someone behind the spinning, it was tweaking with the spinning ventilator, and suddenly it started spinning rapidly.

Michael's eyes went wide as the vent broke into pieces and the spinning blades of the ventilator started flying their way as if it was a buzzsaw. Michael was able to duck just in time, falling on his back as he lost his balance. His widened his eyes further as he noticed Drake was still rummaging through the lockers, "DRAKE!" he threw his arm outwards, holding his hand open as the kinesis module activated, the tether stopping the buzzsaw just in place before it managed to come into contact with the miner's throat.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake ducked and sighed softly seeing Michael had grabbed the flying buzzsaw. "Wow....heh I guess you do earn your keep." he said before aiming his rifle at the vent. "Sneaky bastards, come on out and I'll show you how it feels like to be pumped with bullets." he shouted clicking the gun ready.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael was panting, what had just happened? He dropped the buzzsaw, turning his module off, and then proceeded to stand back up. He walked behind Drake since he didn't want to be in the way of the pulse rounds, but it was odd. What just happened didn't follow the patterns of the creatures they had been encountered.

"Drake, something's off..." he then said, "I don't think the monsters are smart enough to overload a ventilation, look," he said, pointing at their 'buzzsaw' which actually was just a fan.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad