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Magical Starsign.
Shadow jumped back swinging his blade overhead to smack away a smaller shard of ice heading at him, Slash landing beside him, "Told ya these classes aren't easy." he huffed, "So what exactly do we have to do to pass this class?" he asked, staring over at Vook.

"Surviving seems to be a good place to start," Slash suggested.


"Oh wow, thanks Yachi," Kitt smiled, picking up the large rock, purring happily, "They're very pretty, they'll look nice on you." she admired the earings. Flare yawned slightly before tucking her head under her wing, clearly not as intersted as her owner.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hee, yep! Slash's got it right." Vook giggled as she landed on the ground where she had taken off from, crossing her arms over her large chest. "This is only a warm-up, though! You kids are full of energy, this should be easy for ya." she added, another wave of icicles appearing, and breaking off of the ceiling.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Hyouzen groaned upon seeing the second wave of icicles about to rain down on them. "Again? This time I'm prepared." The water dragon swung his burly arm around before chucking the large icicle back to its sender. A small section of the ice ceiling crashed down with Hyouzen running towards the safe spot, his claymore coming out to try and defend against any falling icicles along the way. "Ha, I made it....ahhh!" The dragon hissed in mild pain as one last icicle fell and bruised the end of his tail. "Damn, good thing I keep it in shape."

Arc watched his master run around atop his shoulder, amused by his efforts across the icicle rain. "Master's strong, yes."

As if remembering his familiar was around, the water dragon growled and asked him, "Hey kid, why didn't you coat me in some ice armor or something?"

"The dragon lady said the students were training. Arc's thankfully not a student." The ice golem smirked behind his icy face mask, while a look of simmering anger grew across Hyouzen's maw.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I think I'm beggining to hate ice!" Karomaru groaned, taking kelderiver out to slash at the icicles falling his way, finding that his sword's blade was sharp enough to slice them in half like butter, "Sweet! This works!" the boy grinned, but his happiness was quickly overriden as several more spikes kept falling their way, "Woooah! Ahh!" he yelped, almost comically dancing in place as he didn't have time to slash with so many spikes falling his way all of a sudden.

The small Reno was just sitting there with his tongue out, looking at his master while ice flew past him and above him, the generous chunks missing the small puppy, not that he was aware.


"Really? I haven't tried them on yet," Yachiru said, maybe Kitt had some extrapolated perspective that she wasn't aware of, "But if you say so!" she then giggled, moving away to the next stand, "Hmm... I don't see bird food around here. I was almost sure there'd be a grooming shop or something."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Sorry DMX somehow missed not having 'll at the end of that lol.


"Alright, this might be a defensive class," Shadow picked up one of the large chunks of ice from the ground, tossing it up and down in his hand to gauge it's weight, "But the best defense, is a good offense!" he grunted with the effort as he chucked the icicle up towards the ceiling above Vook's head, hoping to cause the icicles to rain down on her instead.


"Well, maybe it's okay, I don't even know what Flare would eat." Kitt pressed a finger to her lip as she thought, looking incredibly cute and innocent, "I mean, she's not a normal bird right?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Very good, Shadow." Vook giggled, brushing her claw over her head in an arc as a few icicles fell over her, six of them landing in a perfect circle around her, before falling outward and shattering; the ceiling returning to normal. "Nice warm-up, eh? I see you all had little trouble." she added with a smile toward her students.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Heh, wouldn't be a challenge if we didn't get bruised up a little." Hyouzen smirked, still feeling rather confident despite the slight troubles they had. "So what's next, huh?"

"Oh! Oh! Summon some ice golems like me! Arc's brothers are strong like glaciers!" Arc grinned until he started to shrink away upon seeing Hyouzen's angry maw full of sharp teeth.

"Bleh, I bet you have something better than ice cubes with arms anyways, Ms. Kyrian." The water dragon then gave a slight pose with his muscular body, still intent on trying to impress the mature dragoness.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
After Vook's smile, Karomaru visibly frowned. His arms were held apart from his body which was totally soaked, "I'm still wet," he complained, throwing his head back to get his blonde hair out of his eyes' visual radius. The boy walked past Hyouzen and stood next to Shadow, whispering to him, "You'd think a big dragon like him would try to be a little more subtle, huh?"

Reno calmly climbed a few of the icy debris and happily barked, skidding to a halt next to Slash, sitting on his butt next to the feline, "Arf!" he cheered at their clearing of the class, holding one of his paws up as if telling to high-five.


"No, she isn't. Good point," Yachiru softly said, then getting an idea, "Hey! I know. Let's go to see Ms. Phane! She teaches Familiar Studies. Maybe she'll know!" she smiled hopefully.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"From what I've seen they don't do subtle," Shadow shrugged, glancing between Vook and Hyouzen, "So if this was just the warm-up, what exactly do you have planned for the real class?" he asked catiously.


"Oh, yeah that's a great idea!" Kitt smiled, "If anyone would know she would, come on, she's probably in her classroom." she suggested, shrugging her shoulder a bit to wake up Flare, "Come on flare, I'm sure you're hungry aren't you? After trying to eat Yachiru's familiar." she giggled a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Is it too late to join? :3

Name: Salem Morgenstern
Teacher/student: Teacher.
Race: half Terran (More or less a human from some place other than earth) half Demon.
Age: 33.
Sex: Female.
Orientation: Bi.
Description: [Image: sample_0d4701e58a741b43ed95e8827cb5.png]
Affinity: Demon magic.
Spells: Verschlingen: Allows her to inhale and eat offensive spells, then if she needs to it lets her fire that same spell back will using her own attack to boost it's power (Currently can't do anything against physical attacks like punches and such).
Rosenrot: Fires a blast of concentrated demonic energy at her target. On it's on it's a fairly impressive attack but when linked to other attacks it can be very devastating.
Weapon: [Image: Nirvana_by_TheAnna.jpg]
Familiar: Succubus.
Background: A graduate of Magical Starsign academy and a rather talented mage, she unfortunately sets a bad example for children as she almost immediately turned to life as a criminal after school. After earning one of the highest bounties in recorded history the academy's current head brought it upon himself to end her crime spree once and for all. In an embarrassingly quick fight Salem was defeated and taken to trial for her crimes. For reasons unknown the headmaster used his status and connections to pull some strings so that when it came time to decide on her punishment she was given an two choices, the initial 10,000 death sentences that had initially been decided on or to serve community service as a teacher in the Magical Starsign academy. (Give you two guesses on what she picked.)
Other info: Likes: Being bad.
Dislikes: The headmaster.
Other: while serving her community service she's been placed under a seal that servilely limits her powers and renders her no more of a threat than the other students and teachers.

Familiar: Succubus.
Name: Herzeleid.
Species: Demon.
Affinity: Demon magic.
Abilities: Spiritual drain: while in contact with a target she can drain of that beings energy, the more intimate the contact, the more energy she drains and the faster she can do it.
Charm: Allows her to cloud the minds of her targets. The effect varies depending on the target, the less control they have of their urges the more effective it is.
Demon strength: Don't let her fool you, she can easily lift twice her weight.
Lady Devimon's Minions