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Magical Starsign.
Seconds before Mar had asked his question, Demon-Lucien walked into the room. He had been the farthest away when the command was given to rally and thus entered last. Having heard everything that had been said within the main chamber, Demon-Lucien made his presence known by responding, "Those at the school have been on guard, yes, I have seen it. However, very few know about me and those who do still believe I'm just another student."

Why would anyone notice me, let alone care? the inner Lucien muttered to himself. Unfortunately, the demonic exterior Lucien heard it, "I don't need your meloncholy right now." he told his mello inner.

"So...I believe I could easily slip back into the school..." the next two words he spoke with the inner Lucien's voice, "As me." then reverted back, "And find a creak in their defenses. Besides, destruction from the interior will keep them rallied and guessing, make quite an easy get-in-get-out for us." Demon-Lucien, still aware of the emperor's tremendous power then added, "If that is what you want...Master." The demon barely meant what he said, for he did not like to feel inferior, but he had no choice. On the other hand, the demon was looking foward to killing something after toying with rocks and boulders to his boredom.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
"Way too much enthusiasm," Shadow sighed as he stood, "Alright, let's get this over with, betting we're gonna be spending more time in the infirmary after this is all over."

"Guess we're coming with you then," Slash groaned, "You realize this is all your guys's fault." he huffed.

"Take care Karo," Kitt smiled and waved, before turning her attention back towards Yachiru, "Yeah, that sounds like fun. Bet they have all kinds of things I could never find back home." she smiled.

*Teacher's lounge*

"Ayumi, glad to see you up and about." Katt smiled as she walked into the lounge, having redressed after the few scraps and dirt she'd aquired during her class, "Was worried you might never wake up.


"Do you take me for a fool?" he asked, glaring down towards Mar, "The gateway has strong illusion magic cast on it, you'll be changed from your current forms, doubt anyone that eve knew you would recgonize you." he chuckled. Looking down towards Lucien, "You'll cause no disturbances, I do not have the time to find new recruits because one insisted on getting himself killed. You're to find the relics, and return with them, nothing else." he ordered.

Thorne huffed a bit, "Damn, where's the fun in going there without being able to get a little revenge against that damned school?" she mumbled a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi nodded as Dot explained the situation. All in all, everything was fine! As the familiars teacher asked about her well-being, Ayumi cackled loudly.
"You know me Dottie! I'm raring to go! Mar may have gotten tough, but i can still keep up with him!" She said confidently, although inside she wasn't entirely sure. At any rate, Katt stepped into the room just then, and Ayumi turned and smiled widely at her.

"Pffft, your concern is touching Katt. I'm doing great, as usual. Looks like you're fine after the whole ordeal too, huh? I'll admit, i was a little worried back there." The teacher said, referring to the close call they had experienced in the tunnel.
"Well then, what's our next move? If there's been no more action from those guys, maybe we should be taking the initiative? They appear to have some special interest in our school, and i doubt we're out of the water just yet, you know?" Ayumi said thoughtfully.

As much as she enjoyed a good scrap, she didn't relish the thought of fighting Thorne and Mar again, but it was as she said, the school wasn't safe as long as they were around.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"Shopping?" Hyouzen sounded a little hesitant at first before he then thought out loud, "Hmmm, I guess I could use some sword polish." He chuckled a little as he stood up. "Alright, then. I'm ready whenever."

Arc grinned as he climbed onto his master's shoulder, grinning behind his faceguard once he got a better look at the girls. "Hehe..." He was then sent tumbling down back to Earth.

"Knock that off, squirt. You're gonna make my shoulder numb." Hyouzen stretched his arm a little, trying to warm his beefy muscle up again.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Karomaru nodded to Kitt, giving her a thumbs up, but as he turned around and left with Shadow he dropped his arms and hopelessly sighed, "I hate my life," he whined.

Reno sighed after Karomaru, having wanted to eat more food, but walked beside Slash to follow their masters.

(Back at the cafeteria)

Yachiru smiled back to Kitt, "This is our chance. We don't have many classes today, and tomorrow's a day off, so we can do whatever want!" she giggled.

Lana looked down at her master with a proud smile as she folded her arms, floating next to Flare. "Ah, youth. The refinement of carelessly spending our resources to purchase our desired dreams and hopes," she sighed almost romantically, "Oh, young master, you should watch your wallet!" she suddenly said, almost having forgotten the fact Yachiru had already bought high-quality sandals for sunny days with a quarter of her allowance before they had come to school.


"Mar..." Dorothy softly said after Ayumi, thinking back about her twin. What could have made him like this? Ayumi said he had become stronger, what should they expect? Shaking her head to get off the lamentations and putting on a more cheerful face, she added herself to the plannings, "I'm afraid the school isn't safe anymore. Every student is in danger so long as we don't know what the corrupted students are planning, but..." she briefly stopped, recalling the information she had gotten from Katt after they had arrived from the exploration, "There was this individual. The Magic Emperor, was he? We must find out as much as we can about him."


Mar felt a thousand daggers pierce deep into his soul as the emperor glared at him. He kept his ground and just nodded slowly, keeping his wits about him as his master explained what they would use to keep attention away from themselves, "As you wish, Master," he nodded, standing back up and exchanged looks with Thorne, then looked towards Lucien, "Let's go." He finished, walking first through the portal to the school.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Huh." the demon said disappointed, "I was hoping to kill somthing."

Yes, the inner Lucien replied, however, since this is one where stealth is necessary, I believe it's time for me to take over. The amulet he wore glowed and the demonic form slid away as Lucien was returned to his original appearance. Lucien cracked his neck side to side, "Although, I must admit you to be right. It's not comfortable in there."

I'm sure I'll be out again. the demonic side, now an inner voice, answered.

"Possibly." Lucien walked towards the portal, when suddenly remembering, "Come Vladimir."

The werewolf looked up, got up, and followed. Lucien wondered why he was the only one with a familiar by his side. However, that was a question he would pose for another time. In a little over a second, Lucien and his familiar stepped through the portal behind Mar.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
"No you hate classes, hey we'll blow through it quick enough and then you can go back to your girlfriend." Shadow teased as they headed back towards the training grounds.


"We're just going to go and look around, see if there's anything too interesting to live without." Kitt smiled as Flare landed back onto her shoulder, "Come on, I'm sure they'll have something you'd enjoy too." she smiled, rubbing at the bird's head.

*Teacher's lounge*

"We tried, unfortunately however they set up that gateway it was impossible to find it's original source, doubt the place it transported us to was even remotely near their base." Katt sighed, "They know alot more about the school and us than we do about them, unfortunately we're on the defensive. As for the magic emperor, well, it's possible we could find out who he was. Mastering elements beyond your own inherent one is difficult, mastering all five is virtually unheard of. Only a handful of magicians in history have been able to, the last vanished over a hundred years ago."


"Don't wait up for us." Thorne waved as she jumped through the portal with a smile. Going through was almost instantaneous, as if walking through nothing more sophisticated than an open door as they exited through the main portal on the school grounds. Thorne stretched out as she walked through, her red scales changed into a light blue, her piercings and tatoos vanished as well, "Ugh, hate blue." she groaned a bit as she examined herself, her tail flicking around a bit, "Just not my color."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Gaaaah. Y'mean, all that's left for us to do is boring research?" Ayumi said irritably. She was still cranky from being unconcious, and with no leads or plans to speak of, the situation didn't look all that good. Tapping ash from her cigarette into Koko's scorching mouth, the teacher crossed her legs, frowning.
"Well, i've never been one for sticking my face in a book, so i guess i'll leave that to you guys. I just wish there was something straightforward we could do!"

all i ever wanted was the world.

Karomaru blushed as he clenched his teeth, "Knock it off, Shadow! It's not like that!" he groaned, weakly shoulder-knocking him to the side as he caught up with the wolf, "Let's focus on this," he then said, walking ahead and pushing the twin doors to the arena open, "Is Ms. Vook here?"


"If you're looking for bird food, I think that stand that sells pet pidgeons might have," Yachiru pointed out as they walked around the grassy path, her eyes skipping across to the nearby shops, looking for anything shiny or at least something she'd like to wear: "Hmph. These students should double-check their providers," she said in a sudden, condescending snotty tone.

(Teacher's Lounge)

"Well..." Dorothy muttered under her breath as she let her eyes wander away from Ayumi, "We've started a specialized training regime for students, we're applying it as uhm... punishment for the students that decided it would be a good idea to go search for Kitt without any responsible adult to protect them," she explained, "I suppose you could help Vook with it since she's at the training arena and Katt and I have finished our sessions with them," she proposed.

(School Halls)

Mar popped out of the rift four feet shorter in height and with a lot less muscle. His school uniform had adjusted to his new form, red scales and black hair covering his new body. He had his claws on his pockets as he looked at Thorne with an obvious smirk, "What's wrong with blue?" he said with a small laugh and then observed, "Did you get taller?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Lucien stepped out of the portal folllowed by his dark familiar. Because Lucien was not seen as an enemy to the school, his appearence did not change. Still, Lucien looked about himself, only to find the same gray dress jacket, shirt, dress trousers, and boots he was wearing. "Now that I think about it, I may look too formal to been seen as a demon." Lucien commented.

Do you wish to switch if you're not happy with your form?the demonic inner asked sarcastically.

"Nice try." Lucien muttered to his alter self then speaking up,turning to the two repitilian beings "Now then..." Lucien failed to finish due to a uncontrolable snicker he gave when he saw the newly formed allies, "Forgive me, I can't imagine you looking like that. Anyway, I know not a lot about the school, so what happens now?"
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers