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Magical Starsign.
"Arf! Arf!" Reno barked annoyedly at Hyouzen, but then softened the barking at Arc as if trying to justify himself, though it probably sounded the same either way.

"Woah woah, calm down, people!" Karomaru got off his seat with the ice bag on his stinging spot which fortunately let his other eye see perfectly. He reached down and pulled Reno up by both his tails.

"Owrrr?" Reno found himself upside down, the tails seemed strong so he didn't feel pain but he seemed less agressive now.

"Oi, if you want food you only had to ask, and don't go biting people," Karomaru scolded his familiar, then bowed down to Hyouzen, "Sorry about that. Guess he was hungrier than I thought, haha..." he nervously laughed.

"Owwr, rrowr... Arf!" Reno whined twice and then barked softly to his master as if trying to justify himself over as well, grunting like a small child who's been denied hearing.

Yachiru frowned slightly, but smiled comprehensively to Kitt, "Festive bunch" she said as she watched the scene with emphathic embarrassment.


Mar humped Thorne hard, driven by his fury from earlier in the dungeon but with enough self-control to avoid hurting the raptor's body. He pushed until he could no more and then suddenly brought his hips back, slamming inside with all his strength as he growled, "You love big cocks, don'tcha?! Say it! Tell me you love it when I'm inside!" he roared dominantly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Yeah, they are." Kitt giggled softly, picking up her empty tray, "Hey, what's everyone planning after lunch? Wanna see if there is anything fun to do around here?" she asked, her tail wagging.

"Well depends on how hard that teacher'll be to evade." Shadow smiled, "But hey anything beats another class from those two."


"Ahhh, oh yes, I love being stuffed by you so much," Thorne roared in pleasure, thrusting up into Mar's own hips, wanting his entire length pounding into her, "And they dont' get any bigger." she moaned.

The moment was briefly interrupted by a loud voice ringing in both Mar and Thorne's ears, as well as Lucien's, "Enough off-time," the dark voice echoed, "Our invasion will begin shortly, I want all of you in the main room, now!"

"Worst, timing, ever," Thorne growled in aggravation.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh fuckkk. Where am i?" Ayumi mumbled, blinking at the bright lights. The teacher shakily pushed herself up, realising she was in a bed. Running an unsteady hand through her tangled purple mane, she tried to assess her surroundings.
"The infirmary? Ah! That's right! I must've passed out after my fight with Mar... It's the last thing i remember. I could barely keep up!" She said to herself, swinging her shaky legs out of the tangled white sheets and onto the floor.

As she did so, she heard a low, growling yawn from beneath the bed, and her bright red familiar wandered out from under where she had been sleeping, giving his master a light nip on the leg.
"Koko! Have you been waiting for me to get up? Sorry kid, i must've been beaten pretty bad. How long have i been out?" Ayumi said, standing up and scratching the lion behind his ears. She walked gingerly over to where her long coat hung, and put it on over her corset and fishnets. Rummaging inside it, she was delighted to find some cigarettes left, and lit one with a flame from her fingertip, drawing deeply.

"I better go find Vook and Katt... I wonder if they managed to rescue Kitt?" The teacher said thoughtfully, marching out of the door with much more strength, Koko trailing dutifully behind her. Miss Ayumi was back in action!

all i ever wanted was the world.

Demon-Lucien, as well as inner Lucien heard the command given by a familiar dark voice.

"Already?" Demon-Lucien said, "I was having fun."

"You were destroying everything you could see." Lucien said scoldingly.

"And? If one isn't afraid to exert their power, then one isn't as weak as those he fights." Demon-Lucien's grin, from the start of his release, had never left his face. It seemed like it was stuck there and it concerned Lucien.

"I wonder why you're so happy all the time?" Lucien asked.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Demon-Lucien rasped, "I can't grow angry, for it loses focus and I can't grow sad, because I have no sadness, so that leaves happy. Wicked or not, it feels tremendous!" the demon chuckled a bit, but was quickly interuptted by Lucien.

"We should head to the main room, perhaps I should take over."

"Now? I haven't introduced myself to the others yet. Don't you want them to see your true personality and strength?"

Lucien frowned, "You are my demonic and power-lusting side, but not my true side. My demonic side, yes, but I am my human side." Lucien grew impatient to get to the room, "I've no interest to argue, fine, we can show up it your form, but don't cause trouble."

Demon-Lucien's grin widened, "Trouble? I wouldn't DREAM of causing unreasonable trouble."

"Reasonable or not, keep your...personality levels to a minimum."

"As you wish." Demon-Lucien replied, heading of to the specified room.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
The water dragon looked towards Karomaru, and told him, "Eh, it's okay. Not like he did any real damage." He grinned and gave a light chuckle. "You might want to get him a leash though." Hyouzen then nodded towards Kitt, telling her, "Hey, that's a good idea. There's got to be something fun to do around this dump, heh."

Arc became excited at the idea of spending more time with the feline as he uttered with glee, "An epic quest! Let's go!"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Shadow," Karomaru intercepted, "You sure we should try this? I don't want to break any rib and stay in that boring infirmary anymore if they find out we're skipping," he said with his lips nearly trembling as he imagined Vook flinging both of them around the arena and breathing fire over them while maniacally laughing, "I wouldn't like to piss a dragon off, dude."

Yachiru raised an eyebrow, "Oh, right. You guys still got that punishment to assist to..." she said as she remembered the earlier topic, grumbling a bit as she also had hoped to find some more fun moments to take the chance to relax, "Well. What are you two going to do then?" she asked. Karomaru shrugged almost unsure, then looked at Shadow expectantly.


Mar gave Thorne a last hump as the order rung in his head, he growled in frustration, "Damn, and I was saving it until you cummed," he said, reluctantly pulling away from Thorne, "But I don't want him getting mad at us either," he said, having trouble to control his needy, throbbing erection with his claw, "We'll get back to this soon, though, you can count on that."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
It was time to get some answers, and so, Ayumi headed to where there was likely to be a teacher or two, the teacher's lounge. Bursting in, the weapons mistress was glad to see the first familiar face she had seen in a long time.
"Dottie!" She exclaimed, rushing over to the pretty young dragoness and grabbing her in a bear hug, the poor younger teacher's face being smothered in Ayumi's oversized breasts.

After letting go of her collegue, Ayumi sank down onto one of the comfy chairs, lighting another cigarette. She was surprisingly tired, but put it down to the weakness she felt after just awakening from such a long unconcious spell.
"How long was i out?! Did Katt get Kitt back safe? How are the students that were down there? Any news on that bitch Thorne and the Dark lot? Tell me everything!" She demanded, crossing her legs and glaring at Dot.

Afterall, there could be a crisis occuring, and Ayumi would have no idea! Admittedly, Dot probably wouldn't be sitting in the lounge like this if there was. Koko curled up at his mistress's feet, while Ayumi awaited an explanation.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"Tough call," Shadow groaned, "Gonna be in for a beating one way or another it seems. So either we go to the class and deal with what's thrown at us or skip out and pray she doesn't hunt us down."

"Well, why don't you just go. You seem to have already had a tough fight with Katt, so what would the point of more physical combat training be? Maybe she'll work on your defense?" Kitt shrugged.


"Yeah we'll pick up later." Thorne sighed as she stood up, redressing, "Come on, let's go see what's happening. Don't wanna keep him waiting."

*Main Chambers*

Thorne sighed slightly as she entered into the chambers, looking up at the large throne their master was sitting on, "You called?" she smiled.

A pair of bright red eyes appeared under the helmet, "Yes, I did. You have a new task. I require a number of magical artifacts that are being held within the school, I need you to infiltrate it, acquire them, and return. Should you fail, don't bother returning." he said, clearly a threat. A small hole similar to the one that had appeared at the training grounds opened up near them, "Go."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Vook, eh?" Hyouzen smirked as he thought about the curvaceous dragoness. "Heh, didn't realize such a hottie had a mean streak." The water dragon wondered if he would have better luck hitting on her.

Arc chuckled and added, "Oh, one more rejection for a 100!"

Hyouzen put his huge claw around the ice golem's head and asked him, "Say squirt, I feel like munching on an ice cube. Know where I can find one?"

The ice golem shivered once Hyo let go, and uttered, "Arc was just kidding...heh heh heh."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Karomaru felt like crying as he remembered the beating they got, squinting his closed eyes together as he surpressed it. The boy then looked over to his friend Shadow, slowly took the icy bag off his face and finally said: "Let's go. We gotta face those monsters," he then clenched a hand with determination and added: "We're a team, we can do it!"

Reno idly swallowed a burger leftover, his ears twitching at Karomaru's speech as he sat next to Slash. "Auf," he silently grumbled with a mouthful as he flat-stared, having found his master's speech overly and unnecessarily dramatic.

Yachiru nodded, "Okay, have fun you two!" she giggled. Karomaru felt like pouting, he expected to hear some resistance from his 'friends'. Yachiru then looked at everyone else and added: "Why don't we go walk around the campus? I hear a few students there like opening up individual stores! Could be fun, right, Kitt?" she said almost gleefully.

(Teacher's Lounge)

Dorothy's eyes were filled with a bright light and her smile widened as she let go of her tea mug to see Ayumi enter the room. She stood up to greet her but before she could mutter her superior's name she got a mouthful of boob flesh from the taller girl's bosom. Dorothy was unable to talk briefly, but also was kept from breathing, so she broke off when Ayumi allowed her to, gasping for air, "Oh god, I AM glad to see you, but please don't greet me like that again!" she exasperately said.

"Uhm..." Dorothy muttered as Ayumi's voice filled the room, many questions flying into her head as she stood in front of the relaxed teacher smoking her cigarette. Adjusting her big round glasses, Dorothy began from first to last in order; "You were out for less than 24 hours. Kitt was rescued, the operation was a success," she briefly smiled, "The students got back safe as well. Katt and your group got back with the students nearly instantly after Kitt was recovered, we haven't heard anything else since then..." she finished, taking a deep breath to relax and to exchange air before she took a seat next to Ayumi, "Are you really feeling well?" she asked, staring at Ayumi with her big blue eyes.


Mar nodded to his master, having assumed a crouching position in reverence. He lifted his head to inquire, "Master. What will we do to avoid suspiscion this time? I'm sure they will have reinforced their defenses and heightened their awareness after our last operation."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad