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Magical Starsign.
It took Lucien about a few minutes before deciding he was bored. He got up, walked out to a more open area, and stood there for a bit.

"Well, voice so eager, if I'm ever gonna figure out how this power of yours works, I may as well let you out."

You think it's wise? the voice replied, You have no idea how much power I possess.

"I know that even with your...personality and strength being external, as long as this necklace is on, your power is limited. And if I calculated correctly, you are unable to remove the necklace yourself, right?"

So confident, yet so true. Very well, I'll play along with your restrictions, but don't think I'm just gonna idle around. The way I train is far more...unorthadox than most.

"We shall see." Lucien touched the necklace and focused. At first nothing happened, but then Lucien felt the same kind of demonic energy rise. This time, however, he let it flow, his skin became darker and darker, blacker and blacker, his face grew out a wicked grin, revealing teeth those of a beast. His eyes changed to a sort of crimson, feral-like vision. However this all stopped as if the transformation was incomplete, leaving a half-demon made Lucien standing.

Lucien stretched his arms, "Ahh, it's good to stretch." When Lucien spoke, the demonic voice echoed his own, "I haven't been out like this in a looonnng time."

Remember; your power is limited and I don't plan on giving you more unless needed. Lucien's normal voice was now heard internally rather than the evil voice.

"So, you DO have control over my power. Don't get too greedy, kid. I may just steal it back. Now then, let me show you how I use this body." Demon-Lucien started by simply running in incredible speed. A speed which Lucien alone could not reach, nor most others. Demon-Lucien halted after what seemed a short amount of laps, but was in reality several. Lucien spotted a nearby boulder and walked over to it.

Youre gonna smash a boulder? Doesn't seem like much.

"Who said anything about just smashing it?" Demon-Lucien grinned and picked up the boulder effortlessly, throwing it across the room, running in it's direction, passing the flying boulder, catching it, throwing it to the other sider, and ran back far ahead of the upcoming rock. Demon-Lucien made his hand shaped like he was holding a ball then focused. In mere seconds, a black-and-red energy orb formed, which became the center of a teal ring made by the same energy, connected it to the ring via lightning. Demon-Lucien brought his attack back ready to throw the energy disc, waiting for the boulder to get closer. When it was about 2 yards in front of him, he shoute, "Negative Force!" tossing the disc, flying into the boulder, breaking it effortlessly. Smaller rocks, broken frm the breaking of the bigger one, flew down. Demon-Lucien drew his scythe and jumped, cutting each and everyone one of the smaller boulders in two, before any hit the ground. When all had been cut, Lucien landed and put away his scythe. Bits and pieces of rock fell to the ground like a shower of pebbles.

Impressive, I guess. I probably would not be able to do that.

"Correction you WOULDN'T be able to do that, not without me that is."

I don't suppose you think that was a bit noisy, do you?

"Why? Do you honestly think anyone's gonna care? I doubt this magic emperor could care less about what rocks we break and if annoys those reptilian smartasses, then I've no problem."

True. True. Carry on then.

"I'm glad you see things through my eyes now...literally." Demon-Lucien chuckled at his own joke and continued with his various and unique training methods.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
"Anyway, are we free to go now?" Karomaru softly asked and stood up only to fall on his knees, having to support himself with kelderiver on the ground as if it was a stick, "I think that was enough of a wake-up call for a few decades."

(Training Arena F)

A light-blue colored serpent made of water hissed behind Slash as his paw pads brushed against the ground's surface, and all of a sudden that serpent charged against Slash as if it was a beam of high pressured water that forced him into the pool.

"I'm not wasting my time with you, so get your wits about yourself!" Tina scowled, the water sporting a serpent again as it circled around her beautiful body.

"Tina! There's no need to be so rough. You should be more comprehensive, Slashy is a kitty, they dislike water," Dorothy argued, but Tina intercepted.

"That little dog swimming over there is of the Fire element. If he got into the pool without a problem, then I don't see how the cat can't do the same," she raised her chin proudly as she patted one of her water serpents.

"Arf! Arf!" Reno barked, submerging to dive after the sunk Slash, using his maw to pull Slash by the back of his neck and bring him up to the surface.

"Just make sure you don't hurt them... a lot" Dorothy said with a cute smile, watching the three familiars in the pool.

"Now, I'm your superior," Tina explained to Slash, obviously still irritated at the fact of how he had been treating her fo the entire time they had known each other, "So do what I say, and everything will be fine."


"Oh, uhm... I-I bet. H-here, let me help you search for some," Yachiru yipped, trying to sway away from the former topic as well as it had somehow been threatening to turn her into a pervert, "You're quite the kitten, don't you think?" she said, hinting at her sudden plea for seafood as they approached the food bar.


"You're sounding quite jealous," Mar raised an eyebrow, but leaned in to put his claws behind Thorne and pulled her around, starting to massage her shoulders, "But no. It's not about that. I'm thinking of re-enrolling into the school. I think I've some unanswered questions left lingering about,"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Well get used to it, the more you insist on risking your lives the more I'm gonna train you two so you don't die while doing it." Katt laughed, hardly even winded after the fight, "Fine you're both free to go, grab some breakfast or something." she shrugged.


"I don't know, something about water's just got my skin crawling." Slash shivered a bit, "But if the choice is swim or deal with an angry serpent, thing, guess it's the lesser of two evils." He sighed a bit as he jumped into the water, his dense body, designed to provide him with the muscle and stamina for his speed, sinking like a rock, Knew there was a reason I didn't like water. he grumbled a bit as he ran in place, unable to move in the water, Well, this sucks. Hmm, then again, if I pretend to drown maybe there'll be a little mouth to mouth. he grinned a bit.


"Hey, I'm not a kitten, I'm 18 already." Kitt huffed a bit, taking the comment as a shot at her maturity, "Alot of cats like fish, it's got a very nice taste to it." she said as she picked up a few small fish and set them on her tray.


Thorne growled softly from the massage, "Sure you do, if that's what you want me to believe." She teased, "Well, you might just be in luck. There was talk about the two of us infiltrating the school. You know who's orders and everything." she smiled, "He believes there might be some objects still remaining at the school that could prove useful to him."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Shadow, you kinda ignored the fact Tina pushed Slash into the water with one of her attacks, not allowing him to choose if to jump in or not. Reno tried to pull him back up by diving and then moving him up instead... Uh, I'll let that slide and improvise since your post didn't have many dangerous things that contradict themselves, but please pay a bit more attention, okay?


Karomaru's head dropped slightly as Katt went as if nothing had happened, "Well, I'm starved. I hate doing things without having breakfast first. Cafeteria?" he asked Shaun.

(Training Arena F)

"Alright! You better learn how to swim, starting now!" Tina said in a commanding voice, narrowing her beautiful eyes as she stretched her right arm out and opened a paw, one of the water serpents encircling her body suddenly reacting and began spiralling around her lean arm, "Go!" she ordered, launching an arrow of high-pressured water that came out of the serpent's open mouth and headed for both Slash and Reno.

Reno whined loudly and turned, attempting to doggy-swim his way out of the attack's direction.


"I also like fish, sorry if you took that in the wrong way though," Yachiru said as she placed a few fish snacks on her tray and dropped her empty rice bowl off to grab a new one, "Say, where are you from?" she then asked, "I'm from Japan, in Earth."


A bit angered at her interruption but effectively pleased at the news Thorne delivered to his ears, Mar forced a smile, "Then it'll be another mission between the two of us," he said, tightening his grip on her pressure points around her neck to add a sexual spice in his massages, "Would you like to cheer for that?" he then smirked in his usual sexy manner as he put on a deeper tone of voice.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Yeah, food sounds great right now." Shadow groaned a bit as he stood, his body suddenly sore as the adrenaline from the battle wore off, "Suppose we should pick up the little monsters first huh?" he asked, reffering to their familiars.

*Training area F*

Slash's mouth opened wide as he screamed, "I thought this was supposed to train us not kill us!" he shouted whipping his hands around infront of him, creating a small air pocket to deflect the water bullet, "Swim faster, I don't think she's playing around."


"We don't really name our home," Kitt smiled, "I'm from Felidae, we live in big forest mostly, we don't really name it since we prefer a more symbiotic relationship with nature, we don't own the area we coexist with it." she smiled.


Thorne chuckled a bit, "Besides those shadows you and I are the only ones here, of course it's another mission with us." she laughed a bit, soon turning into a soft purr rumbling in her throat from the gentle pressure to her neck.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Don't forget to come back here afterward, you two." Vook added, walking up to the two boys. "You've still got to train with me, remember?" she added with a smile. "Now go fill those little bellies. Can't be fighting on an empty stomach now!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Karomaru nodded to Shadow, but before he could walk over to the door to the other arena, he got the pleasant news on their forced plans for later and shivered, "Aren't there chalk and blackboard punishments in this school?" he said with his eyebrows twitching as he forced a smile and nodded to Vook from afar.

(Training Arena F)

"Swim faster!" Tina ordered, more arrows starting to come out of her water ally as they shot like bullets from a machine-gun, following them with delicate movements of her arm, "The enemy won't wait until you've grown fins!" she said.

"Arf!" Reno whined again, as if complaining about Tina's dominant and strict demeanor, maybe since Slash resembled another mammal he'd understand. A bullet went just by him, his eyes widening like plates as his pupils shrank, "Uuaah..." he gasped in relief.


"That's interesting, so uhm..." Yachiru giggled a bit as she prepared her next question, "Do you actually live up in a tree-house and vine-swing around?" she said, starting to picture Kitt in a loin-cloth, all ruffled up, and hollering while swinging around in the trees like a monkey, making her laugh a bit.

Lana was now too busy to lecture Yachiru on manners as she was floating around Flare, sermoning the phoenix about the rudeness of attempting to eat new faces in a kind of senior-ish way.


"Good," Mar murred beneath her neck as he continued massaging the raptor, "I can't wait until this mission begins," he began smirking darkly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Those teachers are going to kill us aren't they?" Shadow groaned as he walked out of the training arena, and through the halls to the cafeteria, "What do you think that weird dragon chick has in store for her training?" he wondered aloud.


"I'm a cat! And furthermore a wind element, is there wind underwater!?" Slash shouted, he turned around quickly, thrusting his arms out and parting the air infront of him and Reno, creating an air-pocket similar to the one he made for Shadow before, "Run, air should create a cushion so you won't sink." he explained quickly before barely diverting another arrow with a strong gust.


"Well we do make homes in the trees, but no swinging from vines." Kitt giggled, "We just jump from branch to branch. It's pretty easy for us to move around, plus the ground underneath the great trees is dangerous."


"Won't be long I'm sure," Thorne growled softly from the massage, "So are you thinking what I am for passing some time?" she smiled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Karomaru shivered at the thought, but shared it nonetheless, "She might breath fire on us, or maybe she'll get really big like my mom's familiar and she'll try to eat us!" he hugged himself as he shook, not having pleasant memories about dragons.

(Training Arena F)

Tina rolled her eyes, "You aren't here to make excuses, you must adapt to every and any situation!"

Reno got behind Slash for cover after hearing him, he wasn't sure about what to do in their situation, plus he wasn't a good thinker to start with. He looked up as the bullets were deflected left and right by the air pocket, but there were just too many of them coming at once to consider taking advantage of the layout, that's when the pup noticed the serpent shooting the projectiles off, "Bow!" he suddenly barked, nodding his head for Slash to notice.


"That sounds like fun!" The olive salamander smiled, taking a few more rice crumples with her chopsticks and ate them with delicacy, she swallowed and then let out a semi-dramatic sigh, "I wish I had been born somewhere like that. It sounds as if you all have great liberty to do what you want and play all day."


"Ho?" Mar raised an eyebrow, his cocky smirk returning to his face, "Thought you wanted some time alone. Did you change your mind?" he softly asked.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"These teachers are trying to kill us. Rather be back home dealing with normal stuff." he groaned as they walked into the cafeteria. He sighed a bit as he sniffed at the air, loving the scent of the food, then grinned, "Hey dude, over by the sushi," he chuckled, nudging Karomaru's arm as he pointed towards where Kitt was.

Flare ruffled her wings a bit, already growing a bit annoyed by the small fairy. Mostly since she still wanted to eat her, despite her summoner's orders.

"So what's your home like? I told you about mine." Kitt smiled, her tail flicking around behind her.

(Training area F)

"Sorry don't speak mutt, assume that had something to do with food." Slash joked a bit ducking as a water arrow nearly struck him in the head, "Hey watch it, don't care how sexy you may be when your small you hit the face and it's on!"


"Mar, when a girl tells you to fuck her, you don't make jokes," Thorne grinned as she looked back at Mar, "You fuck her."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad