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Heaven & Hell. Mk.2
"I think that's their biggest, why don't you try with those large vans? You could use them in this way," Mar explained, picking up two large dumbells which would take extreme strength for any other normal being to lift up, but he curled them up and down, working his sexy and huge biceps as he did to show Kitt how the exercise was done.


"Hmm," Dorothy frowned, putting a paw to her hip as she thought, "Oh, I know. Let's begin with a basic exercise, would you like me to show you how to do it first or would you like us to do it in tandem?" she offered, submerging slightly and swimming back to the shore, where she grabbed the rim with her paws and looked back at Katt, her tail swishing around in the water.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Okay, that looks easy," Kitt smiled, grabbing the nearby van and lifting it to her chest, squeezing it against her chest similar to what mar had down before it slid between her breasts and was crushed flat by them. She pulled out the flattened vehicle and dropped it, "Uhm, like that?" she asked curiously.


"Tandem, I guess," Katt answered, still shaking slightly from the chill of the wind blowing through her damp fur, "I'm still having doubts as to wheither felines were even meant to swim." she shivered again as another breeze blew through her fur.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Uhm, actually, you've to pull them up to your shoulders and then back down, like this," Mar said as he repeated the exercise with one arm, lowering a dumbell and then bringing it back up, then back down to show how the dumbell curling was done again, "See? This way, your arms get stronger!" he explained, although he didn't mind Kitt destroying their surroundings with her sexy body as they practised, either.


"It's okay! You won't sink, I promise!" Dorothy smiled and then urged Katt to take the same position she was in, grabbing the rim of the edge, "Just hold by her and then let your body float upwards like this..." she said as she did the same, her body floating up with her voluptous butt being the first thing to emerge from the water, "After that, simply kick the water a bit to simulate swimming!" she said, starting to kick with her legs as if she was swimming, but never went forwards due to her arms preventing her from doing so.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh, okay," Kitt picked up another bus, lifting it up more carefully this time, "Oh, this works much better." she smiled, lifting up the bus with ease, smiling happily, "So what other exercises are there?" she asked, still lifting the bus.


Katt mimicked the position, her own furry legs and behind resting on the surface as she kicked at the water, not quite as gracefully as Dot, "Huh, well, guess this isn't so bad, too bad it has to involve the water." she joked a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Don't wanna sound overly naggy, but could Kitt 'accidentally' or purposedly show her curves off as she works out? Would be great for her giantess self to actually be more self-conscious and sexy.


"Sure, uhm" Mar looked around, grabbing a barbell from the ground and replacing it with the former dumbells, "Just grab that building over there and lift it up with your paws at each end," he said as he demonstrated how to do barbell curling, his enormous biceps bulging enormously with each work out as the barbell was rather huge and heavy.


"You're doing great!" Dorothy quickly countered, "You just have to keep doing this for ten minutes, and then we'll do something else. This'll teach you how to kick, then we'll learn how to brace!" she smiled cutely towards Katt.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: No problem, could crush a few more cars between her breasts, sure that works out something.


Kitt smiled as she lifted the bus a few more times. Glancing into the gym she noticed, past the legions of drooling men which made her blush a bit, a few women in the back kneeling and lifting weights sideways. She watched curiously for a second before she mimicked them, getting onto her hands and knees as she began to lift the bus up with one arm, her chest hanging below her and her ass in the air, "Oh wow, I never knew working out was this much fun." she smiled.


"Ten minutes?" Katt asked in disbelief, "Man this swimming stuff takes a long time doesn't it," she sighed, still kicking her feet, thankful that all her running kept her from getting exhausted. After about ten minutes, or what felt like it, she slowed slightly, "How long's that been?" she asked, breathing a bit harder.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: That works! But soon I also want a few 'accidents' to happen in the manner she learns she can use the city for her own pleasure! X3 Examples include building anal insertion, ice-cream/sweet tart truck gobbling and maybe some apartment/street wrecking with her boobs or ass cheeks. Cleavage is appreciated, Mr. Director!


"Wooo," Mar drooled as Kitt's ass lifted, the sheer size of it summed to the fact her hips were massively wide already making it stand out even more, "Work that ass, girl! Whoota-woman!" he cheered.


"It's about time, you did great!" Dorothy again smiled cutely, stopping and standing up on the underwater floor, "Now we'll do the opposite exercise. Use your paw claws to grip the edge and then brace with your arms in full forward circles, gee." She giggled softly, doing as she had instructed to teach Katt how to brace, her boobs clearly squishing and revealing her deep cleavage with every arm stroke she did.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Accidents can be arranged, *Dissconnects the stop lights* hehe.


"No I'm working my arm silly," Kitt giggled, causing her breasts to swing slightly beneath her.

There was a loud honking noise as a bus swerved to avoid a car running through an intersection, ramming into Kitt's bent over pussy.

"Ahhhhh, mmmm," Kitt purred loudly as she felt the massive vehicle force it's way deep into her pussy, "Ohhh this feels better than i imagined," she moaned, "I never knew, working out felt so good."


Katt couldn't help but stare at her cleavage, purring softly as she dug her claws into the bank, swinging her arms around, splashing awkardly as she tried to keep her head above water the whole time, coughing each time it slipped under or a small splash from her arms hit her.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar blinked in disbelief at her claims, but maybe seeing her 'work out' wasn't so bad after all, "Y-yeah!" he grinned, dropping his barbell to the floor as he started getting hard, "Just continue wiggling your ass as you do it, it uh... helps your hips get shapier!" he added with an excited tone.


"Hmm, maybe you need help with flotation..." Dorothy mentioned, momentarily stopping to brace as she floated next to Katt and stood up again, "I'll help you out, just continue as normal," she said, sliding her paw under Katt's trim belly and on her lean back, supporting her softly so she'd stay up, "You've to relax, calm down, and to trust in yourself... Just submerge your head every so often to get wet again, and then come out and breath, that'll work." She smiled in a rather motherly way as she supported her friend.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kitt nodded, wiggling her hips slightly, moaning in lust as the bus rubbed against her inner walls, "Ohhh, that feels even better," she purred, starting to move back and forth, sliding over the bus, leaving it coated in her juices.


Katt blushed slightly as she felt Dot's hands on her stomache, happy that the water would hide any scent of arousal she might have been giving off, "I, think I can handle it," she said, bringing her legs down to stand up, "Still not looking forward to drying myself but I suppose it's just one of those necesarry evils as they say." she shrugged. She began walking away slightly from Dot, not wanting her to see the blush on her face, her foot suddenly felt nothing below her, accidentally stepping off the edge of a deep shelf in the lake, instantly falling below the surface, "AHHGG!" she cried out as she splashed wildly, her hands smacking against the water surface as she tried to grab at it to pull herself up, panicking too much to remember any of Dot's advice as she slowly sank into the water from her soaked fur weighing her down. Soon her struggling slowed as she began to sink slowly towards the bottom of the lake.

OOC: Yay mouth to mouth resuscitation!
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad