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Magical Starsign.
Lucien gave a semi-angry look, "I believe I can handle myself quite nicely, thanks." Lucien turned away and walked, "If there's nothing more to be said, then I wish to be alone."
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
"Ugh! She saw through our strategy?! When?!" Karomaru grunted to himself, realizing his plan had failed as the tendrils approached him, and since he had prepared to strike he was left open to the incoming attack, and he barely managed to brace to dimish the damage of the strike full-head on, "Waaah!" he cried as he was sent to the floor from the impact.

(Training Arena F)

"Arf!" Reno playfully barked, greeting the still nervous Tina.

Dorothy cheerfully guided the familiars nearby the pool, "Alright, since we're all introduced, then Tina will begin your training, everyone. Please wait as she prepares herself, okay? Be patient, gee!" she giggled, before crouching at the rim of the pool floor and depositing Tina, who quickly submerged, into the water.


Yachiru thought about Kitt's story. According to the facts as she knew them, if it all had happened during training, then it obviously meant the reason why she and Lucien hadn't been allowed into the Arena was Kitt's abduction. "In that case," she thought, "The teachers must know what happened. Why didn't they tell anyone? Maybe because it's the weekend?" she mused to herself as they walked towards the cafeteria, which was open to those who wanted breakfast. Upon arriving, Yachiru made a mental note to tell Lucien about it when they met later, things like these piqued at the young salamander's curiosity, and she would get to the bottom of it. But in the meantime, Kitt appeared exhausted to keep questioning her.

"So uhm... Glad to be back, huh?" Yachiru giggled nonchalantly, trying to act as if Kitt's story hadn't been an object of preocupation to her.

(Nether: Mar's Room)

"Stupid school, stupid teachers," Mar grumbled, lying down on his bed with his arms behind his neck, hind paws on the wall, "I thought darkness would make me the most powerful Conjurer... I've both elements at my disposal!" he growled lowly, looking at both of his hands that suddenly produced dark fireballs which burned as they hovered in front of his blue eyes.

Flashbacks of his fight with Ayumi made their way into his head, remembering Koko and Ayumi teaming on him together, "Tyrant... I don't need your power. You're useless!" he whispered to his inner self, "I'm powerful as I am, I don't need a stupid familiar!" he repeated in his mind, the fireballs being crushed into nothingness as his claws balled into fists, which relaxed as Ayumi's face clearly showed in his mind's eye, "Light... is it stronger than the Darkness? No way. But I've to learn how to counter it, mastery over a third element HAS to be possible!" he said to himself, blinking as he stared at the ceiling, "I must learn how to control Light" he finally resolved, sitting up.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"What the heck are we supposed to be learning here!?" Shaun growled in frustration.

"Fine, I'll give you a hint," Katt smiled, "I was able to block your attack just now, because I figured out what you were going to do. When Karo distracted me, I expected an attack from behind. Your job is to learn what my weakness is." she grinned, "If you can that is."

*Training area F*

"Still don't get the reason why I need to go in the water, I'm a cat remember, we're not fans of it." Slash huffed a bit.


"Oh yes, it is nice, though," she blushed a bit as she petted Flare, "There was a nice dragon there, I don't know what would have happened if he hadn't been there. I feel like he was the only thing keeping the others from hurting me even worse."


"Your funeral little boy," Thorne smiled, "We aren't above killing others if they get on our nerves. You'd be wise to remember that." she warned as she turned to leave for her own room.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
When Lucien was in solitude, he had taken a seat and thought about the recent events, "Annoying reptile, she greatly underestimates me."

"She greatly underestimates us" his demonic being spoke up.

"Us? I don't think these people would care less if they saw you or not."

"Do you wish to test that theory?"

Lucien raised an eyebrow, "Just so you could get out? I'm in no immediate danger...yet...that I can't handle, so you can just stay in the corridors of my mind."

"Huh. What about that salamander girl back at the school? You left her hanging you know." Lucien did remember perfectly, yet he wanted no conversation. "How do you expect her to know where you are now?"

Lucien said nothing for a while, until, "If we do come across somehow, it probably won't be for ideal chat... ... ...I'm done speaking with you now."

"Your funeral...little boy.Heh heh heh." Lucien lay back and stared at the ceiling.

"'Little boy'...annoying reptile."
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
Karomaru smiled from the floor, his eyes closed, "Well, if there's not anything we can do that'll surprise you..." he jumped to his legs, gripping kelderiver hard, "Then I'll just randomly hit until it works!" he announced ruthlessly, lunging over to Katt as he began delivering flurry after flurry of quick slashes and thrusts at the tendrils surrounding her, stepping closer with each blow.

(Training Arena F)

"You'll thank us if you ever run into a foe that can freeze you to death, gee!" Dorothy giggled a bit, urging Slash to to walk near the pool with her tail, "Come on, don't you want to be a strong familiar?" she asked.

"Arf!" Reno suddenly barked in excitement without warning and next to Slash, as if trying to communicate his eagerness for the class as well.


As Yachiru picked out what she would eat for breakfast, she listened to Katt's story, which confused her further, "Is this the same dragon who kidnapped you?" she asked.


After finishing with re-organizing his thoughts, Mar came out of his room, heading into Thorne's room without a word to anyone else, he plainly barged in, "We've to talk," he said to the red raptor.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Katt shook her head a bit, the tendrils striking out at Karo's weapon, "You're only wasting your energy, you can't fight magic with a normal sword." she smild.

"Not fighting magic," Shadow's voice surprised her as she looked down, seeing him kneeling right next to her, "Think I got you figured out, let's test it." he grinned, swinging at her midsection.

Katt jumped back reactively, the tendrils flying back and coiling infront of her before vanishing, "Hmm, not bad, almost had me there."

"You're shield and those tendrils are from the same power, so you can't attack and shield on the same side at the same time. That's why you blocked my attack from behind, cause the shield infront of you was focused on attack so the back was on defence." Shadow smiled.

"Very good, though I wonder if that was just a lucky guess." Katt smiled a bit.


"You're so enthusiastic why don't you hop in the water?" Slash smiled as he took a step back, "I'm supervise."


"Well, yeah," Kitt shrugged slightly, "But he was still nice, I felt like he didn't have a choice in taking me so he just wanted to make it as easy as possible." she smiled.

*Thorne's room*

Thorne growled a bit as she chucked the book she had been reading behind her head, "Sure come on in, not like I'm doing anything important or anything." she huffed, "Didn't those teachers ever teach you never to enter a lady's room without permission?" she asked.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Not done, yet!" Karomaru yelped from behind Shaun, leaping in the same direction to deliver a straightforward super-fast thrust at Katt as she taunted Shaun. If things went according to how Shaun had explained it, Katt would be unable to deflect his attack this time.

(Training Arena F)

From the water, two shining spheres could be seen as a figure started emerging from the pool. They were revealed to be a pair of glowy eyes belonging to a creature that resembled Tina only about four feet taller, nearly the height of Dorothy and with much longer hair as well as distinctive feminine body curves adorning its frame. The creature hovered just above the water with its hair softly ruffling in air, "Are you ready?" the taller Tina then spoke in quite an angelical tone of voice, its body's pronounced bits being covered by thick veils of glowy water.

Dorothy still was smiling, the transformation obviously not having phazed her, "She won't be able to train you if you don't swim," she explained and Reno barked in excitement as his eyes turned into big pink hearts at the sight of the beautiful familiar's soft voice and god-like appearance.


Yachiru nearly gagged on what she was eating after they had sat down on a table, "You... speak differently when you adress about him," she observed, "You didn't develop feelings for your kidnapper, did you?" she asked, starting to sound concerned for Kitt.


"You don't seem pleased," Mar casually said, then added, "And you never seem to be if I walk onto you when you're reading your violent ecchi manga, was this the case?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, although he didn't sound cocky since he wasn't humored at the time.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Katt smiled, jumping over Karo's attack, grabbing onto his shoulders as he flipped over him, actually lifting him up and hurling him against Shadow, "Don't get cocky now, just because you know how to hit me doesn't mean you'll be able to." she smiled, "No matter, you've passed for now. Remember, there is no such thing as a perfect defence, everything has it's flaws. Learn to spot, and strike at those flaws." she smiled.

*Arena F*

Slash vanished from Dot's shoulder, suddenly appearing near the side of the pool, "Well still don't like water, but I don't mind observing." he smiled.


"Well, I, he was, I mean compared to," Kitt said, blushing slightly, "He really was nice, and seemed kind of caring. Also, sort of lonely, I felt a bit bad for him."


"I never get a chance to just sit down and relax," Thorne sighed a bit as she noticed Mar's demeanor, "What do you want, if you need something to do since that feline left look elsewhere." she said as she layed back.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"If we passed and the lesson was over," a hunched over, badly beat up Karomaru said from besides Shadow who he had impacted with, "Why was it necessary to throw me off like that?! Ugh, I think I just broke two ribs."

(Training Arena F)

"Come on you two, gee. Don't be shy!" Dorothy giggled, standing behind both Reno and Slash, "In you go!" she cheerfully said, pushing both familiars off into the pool.

Reno barked loudly as he was pushed off in surprise, making a big splash as he entered the pool forcefully, "Arf-!" he then came out, swimming doggy style with his tongue dragging out as he looked happily towards Slash, his wet silver hair almost completely covering sight of his eyes.

"Stop toying around," Tina said from her hovering spot, her delicate feet mere inches from the water's surface, "I asked if you two are ready" she impatiently said.


"Maybe he really didn't have a choice," Yachiru said in an emphatic way, mellowing a bit as she stared at Kitt, "I know it's not my place to ask but... Did you two, uhm... you know..." she started babbling, and blushing as well, her curiosity kind of having betrayed her as she actually imagened the perilious but ironically sensual picture of the tale.


"C'mon baby, don't be like that," Mar said, trying to look and sound more like himself so he wouldn't induce repel in Thorne, he crouched in a 'cooly' manner next to the raptor and put a claw on her waist, softly rubbing left and right, "I only need you to listen to me for a bit. That's all," he smiled, "I'll do whatever you want me to if you do. I'll even leave as soon as we're done talking, if you like."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Cause I thought it'd be good to rough you both up a bit, just remember those guys you were thinking of going against are alot stronger, and alot more violent, than us." Katt smiled, "I didn't hurt you that bad."

"I think I taste blood." Shadow growled a bit as he sat up.

"Walk it off." Katt laughed a bit.

*Arena F*

"AH!" Slash flailed his arms wildly, grabbing onto Reno's head and jumping off it, landing on Tina's head, before jumping off and onto the other side of the pool, still bone dry, "HAH! No swimming for me." he laughed.


Kitt blinked, a bit confused. Her face turned a bright shade of red as she realized what she meant, "I, we, uhm, hey is there any fish?" she asked, trying to change the subject.


Thorne growled playfully, her tail whipping around a bit, "Hmm, I'm listening. What is it you need, feeling lonely without that kitten around anymore?" she smiled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad