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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
With a cautious look over in the lab coat stained in weird chemicals, Kotana prodded through the many notes before taking a glance over them. They overcovered the entire plot to corrupt Blossomon's seed with a viral serum that would not only destroy the seed, but manipulate it's corruption of data to implement itself permenantly inside the host.

"...Apparently, they are all different parts of his psyche, as well as powers he once used to possess. I guess she has that sort of telekenetic power he used to have with his magic... along with his... charm." Kotana commented.

Murring a little, the darker dragoness snuggled up besides him - the pain had subsided for her, but she felt entirely different. More... confident in herself. "I know your name, Cheshire. I just like calling you that, too." She commented dryly, before then planting a gentle, innocent kiss on his lips for a few moments, then pulling back. "Now... how about we sort this mess out, get what we need and move? I'm sure one of us would rather be in the arms of the other heading somewhere safe..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"That's part of Steven's personality in there? Ugh." Zorromon cringed a bit before he let his guard down, letting the psychic power pull the sword from his paws and fling it into the wall.

"Knock it off, Zorro." Crimson then looked back at Lurea and kissed her nose, "I know it's still you in there, Lurrie. Sure, we'll get out of here, but first we need to find Kyo and Ada."

"We're here." Ada emerged though the doors before the corrupted feline set Kyo down gently and said in a commanding voice, "Crimson, get that medicine out, Kyo's hurt."

Still pinned beneath the sexy dragoness, he nodded and threw over a tube of Medigel for her. "Sure, he's all yours now."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"There, that should take care of him." Lurea cooed eagerly, nearing Crimson with her lips once more before slowly slipping to his side, sitting down beside him before resting her claw on his lap.

"Well, at least we know one thing - things didn't turn as bad as they could." Kotana murmured, sighing relaxed as she looked around the lab and the rooms for any more details she could find.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ada caught the medicine and quickly undressed Kyo's shirt to reach his injuries, telling him softly, "I remember this stuff stinging, but you'll be good as new soon." She then carefully rubbed the cleansing material over where he had been cut by Steven's blade.

Crimson blushed a little from Lurea's alluring actions before his paw came down and gently grasped her claw before he licked her cheek softly. "Teaser...but I think we should get out of this dump first."

Zorromon pulled out his blade with a good yank before he sheathed it once he was sure there was no danger. "Yeah, I'm all for leaving. Once the dragon dude and my sister awaken, I can show you guys to the garage. It's a lot better than walking." He then looked to Kotana and asked her, "That reminds me, how long is that sedative supposed to last, Blue?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, it's not strong at all on digital beings... a normal person would be out for many several hours, but this one for digital things... lasts only one to two hours. So she could wake up anytime." Kotana murmured, feeling embarrassed about using low-class tranquilizers in such a situation. "Sorry if it's too short, Red."

As Kyosan's cuts from Steven slowly began to regenerate, the hilts of where the wings had protruded seemed to vanish - his own regenerative power slowly kicking in and refixing the wounds to his back, groaning hardly. "Grh..."

"We should indeed. Afterall, I don't have long to control over this form... I'll revert back to that innocent girl too soon." The darkened Lurea seemed to murmur, though helping the fox up quickly to his feet with her heightened strength. "Let's get ready to move, shall we Cheshire?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The digitial swordsman smiled towards Kotana, telling her, "It's okay, but we probably shouldn't wait around here. After all this damage, the ethernet's probably going to warp somewhere where it can regenerate."

"Regenerate?" asked Ada, feeling curious as she continued to look over Kyo, frowning upon hearing his groans. She whispered towards him, "Hang in there, it's starting to work." The ebony feline held his hand softly as she watched more of his wounds seal up.

"Yeah. Steven had a habit of busting this place up, but sure enough it pieced itself back together. Anyways, I have an idea so that we can transport my sister and him safely. If we go down to the garage, we can take the cruiser. It's a pretty smooth ride." Zorromon grabbed Monica carefully in his arms and told them, "If everyone's ready, follow me."

Crimson blushed some more before uttering to Lurea, "Well, guess we have our ride out of here, let's go." The fox was amazed by the power he felt in Lurea's claw as she helped him up. "Oh, impressive. You feel a lot stronger, Lurrie."

"Hey, hold up! Kyo's still healing!" Ada hissed, a bit more fiery than normal as the corrupted feline folded her arms. "I'm not moving him until he's ready to go."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"J-just... g-ghut me going..." Kyosan managed to gurgle through his pain, clenching the floor and scraping it as he slowly himself started to crawl painfully towards them, staring towards Crimson. "Don't... g-get trapped here while warping..."

"He's got a point, Ada. Just grab him, he can recover on the way and on the ride, otherwise, we're going to lose ourselves in sense of location." Kotana nodded, understanding Kyosan's motive straightaway before slowly making a move.

"Now now, Ada. Let's get moving, we don't want to keep our boys annoyed nor upset now, do we?" The shadow Lurea cooed, trying to coax the fellow dark neko into moving as she wagged her tail, before turning her attention to Crimson. "Cheshire, let's get moving. I've got little time left."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Oh, what a smug bitch. Kyo's nearly coughing up blood and all she can think about getting inside his pants. Ada's cheeks took on a furious red color before she nodded and carefully carried Kyo on her back. "Sorry Kyo, but once we get on this cruiser, you'll be able to lie down for a while I think." She then started walking alongside the group.

Crimson looked towards Kyo and told him, "Sorry buddy, the medigel's all I've got. If we can ever get back to our world, I can get some better medical supplies." He then looked towards Lurea and told her, "Settle down, cutie. We'll be out of here soon. Which way, Zorro?"

"Down the stairs, but watch your step." The swordsman carefully walked down the steps, noting that some of them were crumbling thanks to all of the structural damage to the temple. Ahead was a long tunnel with several vehicles parked with a large metal door at the end. "By the way, catgirl, did you two take care of that bastard?"

Ada was a bit silent as she moved along towards the garage before telling the crimson digimon, "I don't know. Kyo and Steven beat each other down into a pulp and I knocked him and his goons off the mountain. I don't know what happened to him after that."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"He's... not d-down." Kyosan grunted sharply, his wounds continuing to heal up as he held onto Ada, looking onto them all. "He knew I w-was desperate to finish the fight quick... h-he managed to escape j-just barely."

"Well, that explains everything... but guess he's lost his point of control." Kotana noted, before noticing the vehicles herself, grinning. "Alright, that's more like it!"

"At least we're moving. Come on, we're almost there." Lurea noted, seeing the vehicles while slowly slipping forward, checking everything. "Wonder if there's anything left around here..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Don't worry, handsome. We'll take care of him. I have the feeling he's the kind of person who can't stay away." Ada growled lowly as she thought about Steven's smug face before she marveled at all of the various, and imaginative looking contraptions.

He got away...well, at least can't hurt you anymore, sis. Zorromon gritted his fangs before he heard the corrupted feline speak out.

"Wow, is this one it?" Ada gasped at the impressive looking airship which looked more like a small warship.

"Nah. Fluffy hair said he hired some dude named Cid to fix it, but he never showed up." Zorromon then pointed towards the one to the left. "There's our ride."

"Cool, it's one of those retro saucers," gasped Crimson as he looked at the silver disc. "Does it have death rays?"

"Yeah, it has lasers, but saucer? It's a cruiser, I don't know what you're talking about. Anyways, it's a sweet ride...the Volantor." The fox then hit a button on a small remote he was carrying, causing a boarding ramp to lower towards the group.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions