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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
Standing still as the sleeping pollen covered his face, the swordsman paused for a moment, before then moving his hand slightly upwards - slicing the vine's tip in two before then walking forward. "I'm a little too prepared for some parlour trick. If you truly did see Kyosan's memory.... you really expect yourself to live for longer then five minutes?"

Darkness seemed to swallow the room slowly, enveloping both the room and the two in a very dark purple world. "I've never shown you simpletons this power... maybe you should have taken that warning seriously..."

Lurea, as her head continued to swirl, tried to stumble after Ada, slowly making her way towards where she was heading.


"So, let me guess... he's performed some very freakish experiments on her psyche." Kyosan murmured, knowing Steven too well as he stepped towards the tube.

"He created Riese, so who knows what he went to do that alone..." Kotana paused, recollecting previous thoughts.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"You would have found me even if I ran...I know too much." Blossomon then opened the flower buds at the ends of all his vines before hissing at Steven. "It's better we settle it now. ...Spiral Flower!" The plant creature then fired flower heads at Steven, their fangs eager to carve into his flesh.


Ada lead them through the halls of the facility towards the laboratory before hissing as a team of the Little People stood in their way, several carrying some oversized weaponry. "Out of our way!" The demonic feline quickly tore into those on the left, panicking the group for the moment.


Crimson looked at the log closely before telling them, "It seems he implanted her with magical abilities. He also filled her mind with some of the same power he has." The fox then closed the database, and ended with, "No reasons why he did it."

"That asshole! I'll kill him!" Zorromon roared, before he looked at Crimson and told him, "Get her out of there now."

"It could be dangerous. Her mind has been tampered with. He might have removed all of her memories." Crimson shivered a bit as the swordsman threatened him. "Jeez!"

"I'm not going to let him do anything else to her. Open that pod or I'll open it myself." He then pulled his sword away and glared.

"Fine, but if I let her out and she goes vampire on us, I'm blasting her." Crimson tried to activate the pod door, but groaned as he remarked, "Shit, it's always a password. This will take a minute to crack." He then input a small handheld computer and plugged it into the port. Meanwhile, the sounds of Ada and Lurea fighting the Little People in the nearby hall could be heard.

"Humph, trouble," remarked Zorromon as he stood beside Kotana and Kyosan and readied his blade again.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
As the flower heads shot towards him, Steven stayed on the spot - the seeds beginning to slice through parts of his clothing and hitting him. After a few moments, he chuckled and laughed - even though parts of his body had began to bleed. "Is that your opening card? Fine, let me hand mine back," He began, before whipping his cloak out behind him - producing suddenly two pistols and dropping one onto the cuff on his trouser leg, locking in place before starting to fire rounds at the Blossomon.


As the Little People scattered, Lurea stumbled forward after her - luckily the confusion and chaos Ada had allowed her easy passage in a line behind her. "The... door I think... that way..." She mumbled loud enough for Ada to hear.


"Get ready, I think that's more of those little guys." Kyosan muttered, taking a moment to realise he didn't have his blade on him - before then spawning fire onto his claws. "I guess I'll have to shatter some more heads."

"This isn't a game of Whack-A-Mole sadly, so don't think it's just to rack up some points." Kotana warned, readying herself and making sure her suit and herself were ready.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The bullets struck the plant creature, though they only seemed to cause Blossomon to flinch until the barrage was over. "Urgh...your human weapons are so feeble...I know you're capable of more." The ultimate digimon then smirked as he told him, "By the way, those were more than just mere knives I threw at you."

The flower heads with razor sharp pedals quickly jumped up from the floor and bit into Steven where his flesh was exposed.

"My Poison Dream attack is now attacking your body. It will weaken you until it contaminates your entire blood stream. I think you can guess what happens then."


Crimson kept applying his pocket computer until finally he received the password and he used it to unlock the pod. Slowly the lid was removed as a light mist filled the room due to the frigid conditions of the pod. The blond vixen didn't show any signs of life.


Zorromon kicked the door open and quickly stopped his blade as he noticed Lurea coming towards them. "Hey, in here, I'll handle those guys." The fox then leapt into battle and stabbed one of the Little People in the chest.

Ada finished tearing into a few of the Little People and noticed most of them had fled to get reinforcements. She then spotted Zorromon and growled. "Hhrrrr...don't get in my way!"

Zorromon's eyes widened a little at the sight of the corrupted digimon as he told her, "Yeah...sure..."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Ghh... quite the nice surprise..." Steven grunted a they bit against his flesh, the swordsman giving a moment to himself to feign weakness, before launching himself forward again. "But like you said, I have got more. I don't just fire simple mere human bullets." He laughed gently. Soon enough, a moment later - where the bullets had struck seemed to slowly tint a darker shade from their normal colour. "They are the very essence of darkness. Too many might make you vanish.... forever."

He then made a dash forward, preparing his blade before drawing it out with his other hand. "Material Slash!" He roared, a sudden wave of energy bursting from the blade in the form of an arc towards the flower.


As Kotana and Kyosan made their way out, Kotana began to launch herself into the crowds of Little People that had remained behind, a sudden wave of data bursting and launching them flying to the many corners of the room.

Kyosan however had paused, seeing Ada while surprised. "Ada?" He asked, noticing the sudden changes to the neko Digimon almsot immediately.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Fool, I'm made of darkness as well. You can't hope to defeat me with your guns." Blossomon then tried to stretch his body out of the way of the arcing attack, though one of his tentacles couldn't evade it in time, slicing it off and causing the plant to hiss in pain. "Hhrrr...that sword is troublesome...Thorn Whip!" One of his tentacles then quickly lashed out. Instead of attacking Steven however, it grabbed onto the handle of the angel knight's blade and tried to pull it away.


Ada hissed for a moment before she saw that Kyo was looking at her. She grabbed onto his arm and looked into his eyes with her new, red pair. " me...S-Steven did something to me and Lurea..."

Zorromon meanwhile threw a fireball at the last one of the Little People retreated before he grinned towards Kotana. "Heh, good work. That should buy us some time."


Crimson looked at the deathly still Monica before he slammed his fist into the console. "Damn it!" He then heard all of the noise behind and looked to see Lurea slowly walked towards him, obviously weakened by something. "Lurrie..." He ran over and hugged her, before he asked her, "What happened? Is Ada with you and are you two hurt?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Noticing the vine struggling with his hand to pull away his blade, the albino grunted before pulling sharply - launching himself back while his katana went flying back. "True you are made of darkness... but not my own. We are different." He laughed, before then skidding back and firing more, covering himself with more rounds.


"What?" Kyo paused, noticing the dark red eyes staring back at him and gulping, before then cuddling her close. "Come on, you're alright now... fight it, you're strong enough."

Kotana nodded gently, before smiling. "If we can block off that main door, it should buy us even more. Those two are probably well into a heated fight up there."


"Something... Steven did something. I don't know what, but my head feels like it's burning... j-just probably nothing." Lurea murmured, hugging the fox back closely while seeking his body just for warmth.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Blossomon stretched his body, trying his best to avoid the bullets as he told Steven, "Humph, I'm far stronger than those two you tampered with. You'll won't be able to corrupt me." He then opened his large mouth and shouted, "Poison Dream!"

Soon, the whole room was thick with Blossomon's poison, completely sealed in by the doors.


Zorromon nodded before he noticed a security card reader by the door before he groaned. "Damn, need a card key to shut and lock the door down." He then looked at all of the Little People that had fallen. "See any cards on them?"

Ada nodded as she breathed deeply, her corrupted body in pain from the transformations as she held Kyo for support. "I'll...try..."


"That's not good. Look, as soon as we get somewhere safe, I'll run a full check on you two. I'd hate for something to happen to you." Crimson continued to hold her until he gasped as he was pulled back by his neck. "Ack!"

Monica stood quietly, still harboring that lifeless look as she kept a solid grip on the red fox's throat as he squirmed and fought her grip.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Haha, your logic seems very limited." Steven laughed, even as the toxins began to float around the room, though his body seemed more fatigued then before - as he continued to walk closer. "The bullets are "my" darkness. Not something silly like your data virus type, but a true darkness. Just like I've done to your own seeds, and the girl down there - they are each consumed by my darkness. You're seeds... no longer exist."


"There's probably one... ah!" Kotana murmured, before snatching a card from the side and handing it to Zorromon. "It seems to have clearance, it should do it."

"Come on... you can make it, you're not that weak." Kyosan eased her gently, keeping a hold of her before hearing Crimson's sudden gasp, turning for a moment before blinking. "Erk... not out the clear for any time yet..."


"G-Get off him!" Lurea growled, noticing Monica grasping Crimson as she lunged towards the lifeless figure, her claw reaching out and trying to scram the corrupted Renamon.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"You don't get, do you? The only difference between our darkness is that yours is analog and mine is digital." Though Blossomon's body seemed to be growing an extra shade of black, he did not seem to be phased. The plant creature then slid quickly across the room, telling Steven, "A seed can easily be crushed, you'll have to do more to impress me. Thorn Whip!" Two of Blossomon's tentacles then whipped out towards Steven with the barbed surfaces aimed for his flesh.


Zorromon quickly swiped it, causing the bulkhead door to close slowly, cutting off the reinforcements for now. "That should hold them at bay, but they'll probably be back with someway to bust the door down." The fox then heard the commotion from the other room, telling Kotana, "Damn, more trouble, let's get in there." As he ran with his blade brandished, Zorromon though to himself, Sister.

Ada nodded and stood on her own, though her body was still out of sorts thanks to the transformations. "Sure, let's just help Lurea and Crimson." She grabbed her katar though her grip seemed shaky as she entered with the others.


Monica let go of Crimson and stared lifelessly at Lurea before lunging towards her with her fangs.

Crimson caught his breath in time to see the scene, quickly pulling out his plasma gun and blasting the Renamon in the side, the momentum causing her to fly against the wall just in time. "Thanks get away from her...I doubt she's through yet."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions