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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
Lurea continued to grit her fangs, but nonetheless seemed to show no sign of a change. With a hefty grunt, she rest her head back on the table - through her pain biting her lip. Crimson... where are you?

Steven smirked, before then stepping closer to them both, and grinning. "Hmm, how about you check on the other two? I want to personally see these two squirm for myself..." With a dark grin, his eyes seemed to flash red once more in the pale light.


"Considering the fact we can feel pain and come close to death, I'm sure a huge dream or hallucination is out of the question." Kyosan depicted, running his finger gently over his palm as he looked onto the small people, who seemed to just lifelessly stare back at him whenever their gaze would pass over them.


Nodding and jumping in the Tankmon along with Zorro, Kotana held out her bracelet, also showing her own path towards Kyosan - a thin red beam which seemed to outlay the way towards them. "Well, we got a long way to go. Let's start making tracks."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Blossomon groaned, before he started moving off. "Fine...I'll be able to feel once she's one of my children anyways." He slithered away towards the east wing of the Ethernet to check on the other prisoners.


"Maybe Steven created them, they could be artificial digital lifeforms...or just basic programs with no real thought or personality...hmmm, or maybe they're the creation of the Ethernet itself to maintain it." Crimson thought and didn't have much luck. "Eh, we should probably focus on finding a way out of these bonds."

"Heh heh, good luck." The plant creature slithered into the room and grinned with it's ebony, flower head. "Several have tried, but no one has been able to break out of that prison yet." It seemed to pace about a bit as it pondered, "I wonder what will become of you two. I could eat you right now, but I think Steven is eager to experiment on you both."


"Right, rolling out." Zorromon then hit the ignition and drove out of the garage and out of Akiko Village. The Tankmon easily moved over the rough terrain as they headed towards an odd rock formation. "Don't blink." As they were about to hit the stone arch, they seemed to vanish.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Looking over both his prisoners, Steven nodded and suddenly shifted over to the console once more. In moments, a barrier seemed to form around the room, phasing the room out from the outside world as he slipped across the room towards the two infected Digimon. "Seeds or no seeds, I've got more better plans then just turning you into mindless drones." He grumbled, hearing Lurea react surprised, before then slipping over to her and knocking her head firmly - knocking her unconscious once more. Pulling out several vials in the left side of his shoulderpad, he forced their maws open before pulling out a strange device, and pushing the liquid down into them with it. "I've studied Blossomon for too long. He may be able to feel when you become his children, but his power can't compare to my logic."

He folded his arms and laughed synically. "So much for these pathetic creatures, I outwit them in technology and power combined! The seeds turn you into his children, his puppets. But that fluid will cause those dark influences to become parts of your own persona!"


"Experiment, huh... not like he hasn't done that before." Kyosan grunted firmly, recalling past experiences with the albino-haired man as he grinned towards the plant digimon. "...But so you're his lacky huh? Typical he'd choose such a weak accomplice..."


Blinking as they suddenly vanished, Kotana rubbed her eyes with her false paws - making sure she saw right before then looking towards the valiant warrior for more answers. "What happened just then? The entrance to the tunnels?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Blossomon scoffed at the dragon, telling them, "We're partners. Thanks to me, I've made his plans far easier in this world. I'm the strongest digimon on this island you know, especially after Steven so kindly killed The Machine."

Crimson chuckled a little and told him, "Well, he didn't do a very good job at it, he was still around at the factories until we scrapped him."

The plant narrowed it's eyes and growled. "What?! That's impossible, he brought me his arm and everything!" He then stuck a small tentacle into Crimson's ear, causing the fox to gasp as the digimon probed his thoughts. A minute later, the appendage popped out with the digimon looking rather furious. "Steven...he mocks me!" Blossomon then hissed and looked toward Kyosan. "Steven spoke a lot about you, Kyosan. Maybe you can tell me what he's after." His mind probing tentacle then slithered into Kyo's ear.


"Yeah, it's a secret tunnel. I would have told the others, but you could get lost in here forever if you don't know your way around." Zorromon then smirked towards Kotana, telling her, "Don't worry though, we'll be at the mountain in a couple minutes. Do you have a plan?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
As the tentacle slithered in Kyosan's ear, his mind suddenly sparked, and his eyes suddenly whited out. Within moments, the painful and somewhat mind-tearing flashes of memory that Kyosan experienced would happen the same to Blossomon. Images of piles of dead bodies, with the man sitting contently on top, playfully stabbing a dead man's arm over and over out of sheer boredom, images of him rushing forward and grasping a purple haired woman before suddenly causing an explosion, images of both of them being human and fighting, and then the flash of the swordsman's own eyes, red and peering in the darkness.

"I am Omega. Alpha. I have slaughtered thousands, I have changed many people, and I have turned man against man. Rivers flow with blood, my hands forever dirty red. Those who face my wrath will know the true meaning of terror. Kyosan!"

"Oh god make it stop!" The sudden cry shattered the thoughts and the chain was burst, the dragon shivering from the sudden flash of memories.


"Blast our way straight through the citadel. This thing on my back carries just enough force to shatter an entire castle with a single slug." Kotana remarked, tapping the huge barrel strapped to her back - foreign technology from a distant time.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson blinked and struggled against his bonds, "Stop it! Take it out!"

Blossomon didn't listen as he tried to endure the painful memories before he finally took the tentacle out with even his wicked eyes wide with fear. "I see......I understand who I'm dealing with now." The corrupted plant immediately left the room as he rose his tentacle in the air. He's too dangerous...he will destroy me when he's done with me...unless I act now.


Ada's eyes suddenly shot open again, the pollen apparently wearing off by the Blossomon's command. The corrupted feline hissed and furiously struggled against her bonds. "K...Kyo...where is Kyo?!" Her ruby red eyes pierced into Steven's as the leather straps began to stretch and tear under the Felidaemon's new power.


"Whoa, easy girl. The Ethernet powers the entire island, if you blow the whole thing up...I don't know what will happen really. Just bring down the wall or something." Zorromon scratched his head before hitting the turbo on the Tankmon, causing them to rocket up a hill towards an odd looking portal.

The dankness of the underground was quickly replaced by a chill night sky, the starry blanket warped by the Ethernet's nearby presence.

"Alright, it looks like it's about a hundred yards east on top of that cliff. Go ahead and let them have it." He pointed to where the cloaked temple was currently situated.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Big post alert.


Grunting painfully and slumping on the chains, Kyosan grit his fangs together - his ear had already begun to bleed from the painful ordeal, as he gasped and chuckled slyly. "I guess the enemies are at war with each other now, huh? That buys us some time...."


"Haha, Kyo? Oh, he's quite safe. Just like you are, for now. Though I had to take some pretty extreme measures to keep you safe... just like now. You were infected by Blossomon, and I had to... influence it, before you could become a mindless jibbering wreck." Steven explained, grinning as Ada slowly began to become free as he went over and turned off the shield.

In seconds, Blossomon would realise everything.


"Alright, let's knock down that wall!" Kotana yelled, lifting the giant bazooka before firing a single slug. With a gigantic explosion, a huge hole appeared within the basement floors, just barely scraping past Kyosan's right arm and freeing it, before clenching her paw. "Yes, direct hit!"

Collapsing hardly as one of his arms was freed from the wall, Kyosan quickly set to uncuffing the other, before smashing Crimson's restraints with his flamed claw. "Guess backup arrived quickly, let's move out to meet them!" With that, he stood out from the debris, noticing the Tankmon before then gritting his fangs. "Or... possibly not..."

"Wait!" Kotana called, waving her arms as she propped herself from the Tankmon, looking onto the dragon and smiling. "It's us, Kyo!"

"Kotana! Perfect timing, anymore and we'd be stew!"


"Shoot, I didn't expect them to be here this early." Steven grit his teeth quickly, looking around for a moment before using the overhead. "The Ethernet is under attack! All Little People to mobile stations!"


Within moments of the announcements, the many Little People suddenly armed several man cannons built upon the top of the Ethernet Citadel, aiming towards the Tankmon and training their sight.

Kyosan grunted. "Can't anything go smoothly?!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Blossomon smirked as he entered Steven's laboratory. "Hello, Steven." Several of the plants tentacles were out, ready to lash at the swordsman. "You know, your two little prisoners gave me some interesting little stories. It seems you tricked me into thinking that the Machine was dead. I also found out what kind of human you are."

Ada suddenly ripped out of her bonds and lashed out at Steven, clawing at his face and shouted, "Give me!"

"My children and I will eliminate you and feast on your remains...then nothing will stand in my way." Blossomon then removed the bonds on Lurea and tried to spark the seeds within her. "My child, go and kill the foolish human." The plant was still unaware of Steven's serum within the two girls and that Ada was acting of her own free will.


"Get out of the way!" cried Zorromon as he made the Tankmon go full speed ahead barely dodging the cannon fire as he drove through the hole in the wall.

"Hey, watch it!" yelled Crimson as he pushed Kyo and himself out of the way. "Damn, we'd better follow them."

Zorromon laughed as he and Kotana drove down the huge hallways before he noticed a large door upahead, "Shit, I hope this cannon is strong enough!" He pressed a button on the console, causing the Tankmon to aim his cannon nose at the door.

"Hyper Cannon!" A huge blast caused the door to cave in, revealing Steven's laboratory to the four.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
As Ada came forward towards him, Steven suddenly slipped downwards, avoiding the claw to his face before suddenly grabbing Ada. With almost inhuman strength, he overturned her over his head and sent her launching straight towards Blossomon. "You're still as foolish as ever!"

Lurea, who had started to wake up once more, grinned once feeling her restraints off of her. Within seconds, she stood up quickly, and recovered her trident, before launching it - towards Blossomon. "Let's even the scores a little!"


The door soon caved in, revealling the strange lab to the team. Many different tubes of strange creatures being experimented or tested on. And, in the center tube, was Monica.

Kyosan stopped as soon as his eyes trained on the middle tube, his senses freezing. "Isn't that..."

Kotana froze. "Oh god..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
After enduring Ada's claws and swiping away Lurea's trident with his tentacle, the plant hissed as he threw off Ada and glared at Steven, "I've tampered with my children, Steven." The digimon then laughed at Steven, telling him, "No matter, I'll fix the damage you've done shortly." One of his vines suddenly shot out of a nearby air vent and hit Steven's face with sleeping pollen.

Meanwhile, Ada began to sniff the air and caught on to Kyo's scent. The corrupted feline ran past the two and spotted Lurea, growling to her, "F-Follow..."


Zorromon gritted his fangs and ran up to the tube. The sight of his sister deathly still caused him to raise his sword. "I'm getting you out, sister!"

Crimson then held his arm back and told him, "Wait, if we release her before finding out what she's hooked up to, we may kill her."

Zorromon listened and held position for a moment before sheathing his blade and growling. "Well, hurry up, I can't stand to see her in that thing."

The scientist nodded and began looking over the nearby consoles, noting that, "She's on life support, but these machines are doing something else to her." He then found a databank which seemed to be a log of Steven's experiments on her which flashed on to the screen. "My god..."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions