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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"I'll have them, and I'd dare give them to you for breakfast." Steven remarked, taking both of them over his shoulder for a moment, before clicking a button upon his metallic shoulderpad. In seconds, two very small creatures made for him, taking both the dragon and the fox towards their undisclosed location before folding his arms. "So you're going to corrupt those two like you did the others?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Blossomon nodded and told Steven, "Yesss...I'm not exactly sure if it will of them is a virus already and they are evolved. In any c-case, if their bodiessss resist, I'll just eat them. They'll be unable to do a thing as is." The ebony plant reentered the Ethernet with Steven, carrying his quarry in his vines tightly, before he asked him, "Hmmm, there's only one last loose end now. That girl...the ssssister of that foolish sssswordsman, what do you intend to do with her? Sssshe would be a prime c-candidate." The plant creature seemed to licks its lips in delight as it thought about the blond vixen.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"She's my specimin, not your food." Steven murmured lightly, sliding his hands into his pocket as they re-entered the digital space, before then looking onto the Blossomon. "And don't eat them if you don't succeed at first, just keep trying. While they are unconscious, we have all the time in the world to think up another idea."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"I did not want to eat the blond one, I wished to turn her into one of my children." The Blossomon sighed and agreed with the swordsman. "Fine, experiment on her, but it is still a waste of a prime candidate."

He then set Lurea and Ada down on a pair of laboratory tables and strapped them down before he chuckled as the heads of his vines opened up, revealing some rather unsavory flowers. "I assume you want to watch then to make sure I don't eat my earned prey?" The plant chuckled before he forced a tentacle into each of the mouths of the Aquarivamon and Felidaemon before ebony seeds began to fill their bodies.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I'd much rather watch someone perform bowel surgery with their overbite then really watch you work." Steven disheartedly looked away for a moment, watching as the two little people returned and gave a slight nod, before rushing off again. "Hm, at least they'll keep an eye on our other two guests."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Blossomon grunted, uttering to himself, "Is what I do really that abominable?" The plant grins to itself and tells the swordsman, "Heh heh, you animals are all alike, so very peculiar." He then removed the tentacles from their mouths and declared to Steven, "It is done already...we'll see soon if there is any effect."

Ada's eyes suddenly shot open as she groaned and struggled against the bonds as her body started to change. Her body seemed to increase in size, curvature, and muscle while her hair, fangs, and claws became longer. Her green eyes then turned a red color while her skin turned from a pale white to a dark tan. She hissed in fury as she fought against the bonds, unable to swipe them with her claws. "Hhhrrrr....hhsssss!"

The plant grinned, telling Steven, "A success. I'm surprised, viruses are hard to bring into my fold of children. Hmmm, she is unruly though, I will need to train her." He then turned towards Lurea and smirked. "And how is this one doing?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
With her senses slowly coming back to her, Lurea groaned and slightly shifted - once feeling the restraints, stopped and paused. She felt peculiar, especially her mind which seemed to be splitting, but on the outside there seemed to be no change, as she grit her fangs together.

"Your entire tentacle thing makes it look like a really bad horror movie." Steven remarked again, finding his slight humour returning as he tapped his foot on the floor and then thinking to himself. "If I'm right, then the serum should be taking effect."


With his eyes slowly opening, Kyosan grunted. His arms were tied fiercely to the wall behind him, and he was stuck propped up onto it. He took a moment to focus his eyes - they were in a sort of containment field, with small little people with blue cloaks and shrouded faces rushing about and keeping an eye on them. They didn't seem to talk, and neither were they too focused on him. Taking a moment, he also noticed Crimson in a similar position, although still unconscious.

Breaking through his observation, his wristband cracked. "Kyosan, come in!"

The dragon smiled slightly. It was Kotana.

"Hearing you loud and clear, Kotana."

Kotana seemed to sigh over the small radio, before explaining. "You went completely off my radar and your vitals seemed to hit ping low. What happened?"

"We've been captured. Stuck in some sort of container, we were gassed. Though he did our job for us by bringing us into the Ethernet." Kyosan began to retell, before Kotana crackled.

"Wait, how long has it been since you were gassed?"

"I don't honestly know."

"Because if it was when your vitals dropped that was only in the area of half an hour to an hour." With her words, the container went silent for a moment. Kyosan paused. But how am I...
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Blossomon grunted before telling Steven, "And you look like someone out of a Japanese RPG...oh, forget it, I'm not in the mood for a name calling...we can do that later." He then brought a tentacle over to Ada's mouth and gassed her with sleeping pollen.

The feline hissed and showed some resilience, struggling with fresh energy against the bonds, causing them to stretch a little before the Ada finally succumbed to the pollen.

"Hehe, foolish girl, I am an Ultimate. A Champion doesn't stand a chance against me." The plant then looked towards Lurea, allowing her to stay awake to let him observe his work. "Hello dear. Tell me, who do you serve?"


Crimson's eyes suddenly shot opened as he cried out, "Oh god!" He panted softly before he looked towards Kyo and told him, "Damn...terrible dream. I dreamed that they gave Chevy Chase another show." He then looked around and sighed, "So Fluffy Hair and his side kick Flower Man got us, eh?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Serve?" Lurea paused, confused by the question though her mind continued to wrack at her, glaring at the plant before shaking her head away. "Definately not something like you."

"Well, at least she's able to tell the truth." Steven playfully remarked, before then walking over to a side for a moment to a mechanical console, pressing a few buttons before muttering something over the microphone attached to it. "So, the virus I take it already is your... spawn."


"Got us alright, but it's odd. You're awake too?" Kyosan asked Crimson, surprised by the sudden awake of his friend before then his wristband rattled again with the female technician's voice.

"Just stay put. I'm already on my way, just in case you need back-up." Kotana crackled, before the line went dead.

"Guess we're here for a while..." Kyosan muttered, before looking towards the little people. "They don't look like The Turned we saw before, any idea what they are?"


"Hm, I wonder if we actually can be back-up in time before they get up to something." Kotana remarked, carrying over her furry shoulder both a giant bazooka and a bag before looking back to her companion. After hearing his story and setting him on conditional bail, she turned around and asked. "Do you know a faster way up to the Ethernet, Zorro?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Enjoy your defiance while you can. The seeds will soon fully take root inside of you as they have in your friend's body." Blossomon then smirked towards Lurea and told her quietly, "Then, my child, you'll be mine."

He then turned towards Steven and told him, "The feline was completely irrational, she is not mine yet. The seeds need more time to develop. In any case, she got a heavy dose of my pollen this time, so she won't be waking up for some time."


"I'm guessing they're digimon that have sided with Steven...or perhaps they're lost programs that were unable to take on the form of a digital monster." Crimson closed his eyes and thought for a few moments, "All this chaos and corruption, the presence of just about everything from greenery to machines to magic...heh heh, I know I shouldn't be laughing, but maybe my machine really did work, maybe we really are in the internet."


Zorromon nodded as he set down a wrench as patched up looking Tankmon panted and looked back at him. The swordsman looked pleased with himself as he patted the machine creature's head. "There, and not a speck of rust." The fox then turned around and nodded towards Kotana, "Yeah. The Ethernet moves around all over the place, but I still have this." The fox showed her what seemed to be a PDA with a tracking device. He then groaned as he noticed the location was at the top of the central mountain. "Damn, not the easiest place to reach, but the underground tunnels can get us close to the top." He then leaped into the turret seat before telling her, "This thing should be go now and I stuck in a few extra seats. If you're ready, hop in."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions