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Heaven & Hell. Mk.2
"Your sister's older than you and probably an adult. Knows how to take care of herself!" Mar grinned, "Now keep walking forwards and turn to the right. Quick, before I penetrate your ass right here and right now," he grinned playfully, still thumping Kitt's large ass.


"Saphira?" Dorothy repeated, frowning a little, "Don't you like Dorothy? Some people call me Dot. I think that one's cute," she said with a small smile, quietly munching on a piece of sushi.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"O-okay," Kitt shuddered a bit at the order, excitement and anticipation causing her fur to twitch as she followed his directions, turning right and into the room he had told her to, "So, now what?" she asked.


"Oh don't frown, though your cute even when your frowning," Katt smiled, "I was just teasing, Dot's a very cute name." she insisted, "I'll stick with Dot if that's what you want to be called, maybe cutie every now and then though." she teased.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"You wanted to return the favor of my touches, right?" Mar said, stopping at the door frame and leaning sensually on the hall while holding his massive cock in one arm, stroking it softly to tease Kitt, "What do you want to do with it?" he asked with a perverted smirk, narrowing his eyes sensually at Kitt.


"Gee, mom used to call me that," she said with a playful giggle, "But I don't think I was cute when I was little. I used to be on the chubby side..." she said, laughing a bit.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kitt purred as she turned around, her eyes seemed to have narrowed into thin slits as her feral side became more dominant, "What if I said, I wanted to hold it?" she purred, wrapping one of her small furred hands around his cock, pushing his hands out of the way, "And tease it?" she said, flicking one of her fingers at the head of his cock.


"I can't imagine you ever not being cute," Katt laughed a bit, "But if we're talking about how we looked, you should see some pics of me as a kitten, my fur was fluffed up everywhere, looked like a big white beachball." she laugehd even harder, spilling a bit of her tuna onto her chest, as she shook with laughter, "Oh darnit, annoying chopsticks." she said as she picked it up with her fingers, flicking it into the air and catching it skillfully in her mouth.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Huh?" Mar blinked, wagging his tail as he started to get excited at her tone, "Where'd that ohh... defiance come from?" he moaned, starting to smile wider as his cock throbbed, bathing her paw in his pre as he growled in pleasure.


"Well, it didn't help that I used to be in a sheltered village full of snow and never did much exercise, but I suppose not over-eating sweets and eating more veggies helped me up while I was growing up, gee!" Dorothy giggled, leaning backwards slightly while fluttering her arms backwards to deline her hourglass-like shape. "Hehe, you're so agile, Katt," she said with a small laugh after seeing Katt's trick, covering her maw in amusement as she did.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Don't know, maybe I'm more like my sister than I thought." Kitt purred, kneeling down she rubbed his cock against her breasts, moaning softly in pleasure.

OOC: Show of hands, who loves it when cats are in heat?



Katt grinned a bit, "All in the wrists, of course being feline helps." she giggled slightly. Looking down at the tray she noticed there was only one piece of sushi left, she smiled as she snapped it up with her chopsticks holding it infront of her, "You want the last piece?" she asked, purring softly as she held it out for Dot, "They say the last bite of a meal is always the best." she smiled, wanting to feed it to Dot herself.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Heh, glad to hear. Hhrrrr!" Mar murred as he felt Kitt rubbing his cock with her breasts, looking down at her excitedly, "See? Your breasts are so good!" he growled to her.


"Oh, I couldn't..." Dot said, blushing a little in embarrassment, even though she had hardly eaten, maybe she had taken forty pieces, forty-five tops, but the rest she had let Katt dig in, understanding her famishment in front of fish, "Plus you seem to like it a lot more!" she said, "Why don't you have it instead?" she proposed.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Prrrrr, and you feel so good against them," Kitt purred softly, grabbing her breasts with her hands as she squeezed them around Mar's cock, letting out a moan of pleasure as the scaled member rubbed against her sensitive milk jugs.


"Are you sure?" Katt smiled, waving the small bit of fish infront of Dot, "I don't mind giving it to you," she purred as she smiled over at her, her head resting in her free paw as she smiled with a seductive look, "Go on, take it. It's tasty." she purred.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Rawr," Mar softly growled back at Kitt, "Keeeeeep that up!" he growled more, moaning as his cock twitched around ever so slightly, his claw resting on Kitt's head as he urged her to continue.


"Uhm, well..." Dorothy softly spoke, still looking embarrassed, although now she was at least encouraged, she leaned forwards, her arms crossed on the table as her voluptuous chest rested over them and almost on the table while her tail cutely wagged behind her, her maw opening to welcome the sushi piece.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Mmmmrrrr," Kitt mewled softly as she licked at the head of Mar's cock each time it slid out from the top of her breasts, closing her lips around it and covering it with her tongue as she continued massaging it with her breasts.


Katt growled softly, holding the sushi to the side as she pounced forward, pressing her lips against Dot's suddenly. Taking advantage of her open mouth she wasted no time sticking her own tongue into Dot's mouth, exploring it and purring softly into the kiss.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad