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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
Sitting down besides Crimson for a moment, Lurea was curious as she looked over the map that Gabumon had unravelled, peering over it quietly. "If he does know everything, then maybe this'll be a good idea indeed."

"I wish it was that simple." Kotana paused, rubbing her arm nervously as she looked around for a moment, before then pausing. "I haven't been able to get back out yet. I've had to tangle myself into this mess to try and work out a way to get back."

"So you mean, we're trapped?" Kyosan paused.

"Literally for now." Kotana sighed. "I can't offer an easy alternative."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Heh, nobody knows everything, but at least we have a lead." Crimson smiled towards Gabumon and told him, "Thanks Gabu. You don't mind if we take this map, do you?"

With a shake of his head, he told them, "Go ahead, I don't have any use for it. My traveling days are done for a while after everything that has happened." The wolf then smiled towards them, asking them, "Well, since you're both here, is there anything else I can do for you, maybe get you both some lunch?"

Ada frowned a little and hugged Kyo's arm. "Don't worry, handsome. We'll figure it out." She then looked towards Kotana and asked her, "So what about you? Would you like to join us? With all the dangers we've already faced, we might have a better chance working together."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hmm, I wouldn't mind at all that idea. Then I guess after that we can find out where Ada and Kyosan have gone off to." Lurea smiled happily, wagging her tail as she looked onto Crimson, before then giggling. "Up to you, handsome foxie."

"Can't do that... sorry guys. I need to check out things for myself here- there's a lot going on underneath the radar then you think. Besides, I can offer you the information you guys need if I move on ahead." Kotana explained, rubbing her arm before looking towards the Digimon at the counter, before then back to them. "Anyway, I managed to collect stuff from our world and gather it here. Seems there's a lot more of our stuff here then I thought. Want to order something?"

"Hmm..." Kyosan paused, understanding Kotana's words before then looking back to the menu, and laughing. "Toasted ham sandwiches. You have to let me try those. Along with a pint of coke."

"Hmm, okay," Kotana noted it down quickly on a little notepad, before looking to Ada. "And what about you, Ada? Anything there that catches your eye?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Sure, sounds good to me," he grinned softly and nuzzled Lurea's cheek.

"Alright, I make you both something nice and hot." Gabumon smiled softly before he padded off to the nearby kitchen as the sounds of the oven heating up filled the room.

"An oven..." Crimson thought about that for a moment, noting it was an electric oven instead of the clay oven he has seen in Lurea's house.

"I'll take the same, I guess," she told her before frowning a bit at the mention of things going on that they were unaware of. Her ears then started to twitch a little as she heard a light rumbling. "Anyone else feel that?"

Crimson's ears twitched as well as the same rumbling started to creep up as he became alert. "Hey Gabu, does this town experience earthquakes?"

"Not that I'm aware of." The Gabumon started to feel the shaking as well, getting worried.

"C'mon Lu, I think there might be trouble outside." He stood up and handed the dragoness her battle helmet.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Gulping softly as she felt the quite blissful silence end quickly- Lurea grabbed her helmet and thanked Crimson, before slipping her head into it, grunting before quickly getting to her feet.

"I did." Kyosan grunted, his eyes sharpening as he quickly took post and stood up on the spot, looking towards outside the cafe for a moment before grunting. "I don't like the feel of this."

"If it is anything, think you might need a hand?" Kotana suggested, rubbing her arm gently before noticing Kyosan's head slightly shaking. "Alright. I'll wait here I guess."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Alright, let's go." Crimson quickly headed out of the house with Lurea before feeling the ground shaking more. "Geez, what is that?" His eyes then widened a bit as a small explosion rocked the earth from nearby.

Closer to the downtown district, the rumbling was even worse a few more explosions rocked the businesses. Ada quickly went outside with Kyo before pointing further down the street.

Sitting atop of a rather large tank shaped digimon was a red furred fox with a rather annoyed expression. "I smell you. You four are here. Come out and face me!" Zorromon used the Tankmon's cannon to strike another building, hoping he would draw the attention of his targets.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Damnit, it's him!" Kyosan growled, his sharp vision allowing him to pinpoint exactly where the fox was, growling before then looking towards Ada. "I need to grab the sword from the blacksmiths! We need a distraction!"

"Hmm, well, I do have a little something that could distract him for a moment..." Kotana murmured, before pulling out two metal canisters. "Flash grenades. If one doesn't work use the other. At least don't look at it after you'e thrown it, if you remember where it is, go now."

"I think... could it be "him"?" Lurea suggested, refering to the last time they were attacked in such a manner as she summoned her trident quickly- baring it in defense.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Thanks, we'll use them well." Ada took one of the grenades from Kotana before she rushed into action ahead of Kyo. We need to get him off of that cannon, then he'll be easy pickings. Slipping around towards the Tankmon's right side, she shouted, "Hey Zorro, bet you can't hit me!"

"I know that scent, different shape, same annoying feline." Zorromon groaned a little before he slightly tapped the head of the Tankmon. "Take care of the others if they arrive. I'm going to handle this one." Unsheathing his blade, he leaped out of the Tankmon to pursue the feline. Taking a swift swing towards her, he growled and told her, "You shouldn't have gotten in the way before. My boss has it in for you guys now."

Ada barely had time to defend with her katar before she hissed at the digital fox. "You and your boss are causing nothing but trouble. You attacked an innocent village and for what?"

Zorromon then kicked Ada in the gut, knocking her back a little. "I don't need to answer to you. I'm a mercenary, simple as that."

Crimson arrived on the scene with Lurea before his eyes widened a little, the Tankmon looking straight at them. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to try and compromise, would you?"

"Hyper Cannon!" A blast of fiery might was fired towards them, Crimson quickly bringing them to the ground to avoid being incinerated.

"Well, we have our answer. Let's get him, Lu." The fox then brought out his plasma pistol and started charging it as he arose.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Grunting as he saw Zorro dealing with Ada, before growling- making a speedy break for the blacksmiths. If at least he had the sword, he could do something. Reaching the blacksmith's quickly, he launched himself in and yelled. "Agumon! Is the sword ready?"

Lifting up her trident, Lurea roared as she suddenly became surrounded by a thin layer of ice, before pelting forward hardly. "Crystal Rocket!" She yelled, coliding head on with the Tankmon and smashing into it.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Agumon jumped out from the below his desk, taking cover after hearing the explosions. "Yeah, just a second." He quickly scrambled to the back before the Green Dragon was thrown towards Kyo, safely sheathed. "Here, go ahead. Be careful out there." The small orange dinosaur then took cover again after another shot was fired outside.

Ada quickly sprang back onto her feet, grunting a little from the light pain. "Just some money grubber, huh. I'll teach you a lesson about hurting innocent digimon." She then thrust her katar into the ground, channeling her dark energy through the earth as she cried, "Pandemonium!"

Zorromon grunted as pulses of dark energy and pieces of earth were thrown at him, knocking him into a nearby building. He spit out a clod of dirt before growling furiously, "We all do what we have to in order to survive." He then crossed his arms before shouting out, "Ruby Hurricane!" The fox then opened his beefy arms up, causing several fireballs to be fired at the Felidaemon.

Ada quickly jumped up, managing to get singed by only a few of the thrown flames as she brought her katar up for another attack. "There's something else. You could easily survive without have to do such horrible things."

Tankmon groaned from the impact as part of his head became frozen including his turret. "Hhrrr...sword fox said to take care of the others...Heavy Machine Gun!" His arms then raised and shot several large bullets at Lurea.

Crimson quickly tried to climb onto the Tankmon, trying to dodge his active arms. "Hang on, Lu! If I can get to the top, maybe I can shut him off!"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions