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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"Potential... as in become violent, monotone and emotionless?" Kyosan muttered quietly, although loud enough to hear as he prepared himself once again- baring his claws while standing firm. "I think you might have it the wrong way around."

"Things like you... are what ruin everything for everything else!" Lurea confidently boasted out, though meeped and jumped down from Crimson's shoulder to his side, preparing herself.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"You refuse?" The Andromon almost seemed to grin before he told them, "Free will...that will be the first flaw I fix when I'm done with you all." He then surprisingly swung his gauntlet swiftly while shouting, "Lightning Blade!"

The crescent moon shaped blast of electricity shot across the room, striking Kyo in the chest.

Ada then cried out, "Kyo!" She then glared and hissed at The Machine, telling him, "You're going to get it now!" She lunged towards him, fangs and claws bared before she was knocked away by a swing of his fist. "Useless."

"Damn. C'mon Lurea, I'll distract him with my laser and you get him with some water. Aim for those cuts in his armor." Crimson then fired the Pretendo Zapper at the hulking android, doing minimal damage to the digizoidium armor.

"Yes...if you used about ten more of those, you might be able to make a dent." The Machine then struck Crimson in the chest with his palm.

"Urgh...that's not healthy..." uttered Crimson after crashing into the computers behind them.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Kyyaaaaa!" Kyosan roared, the lightning catching him off-guard as he propelled back, skidding across the floor before landing into some of the desks, coughing sharply from the sudden crash before stumbling to his feet once again. "Okay... I need to be a-a bit more careful..."

"C-Crim!" Lurea exclaimed, biting her lower lip as she growled and quickly conjured up spheres of water from her claws, before firing several towards the Andromon. "Take this, Aqua Sphere!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The Machine groaned slightly as the water connected with the live wiring before regained his senses. "Ah. So you're actually serious now." The cybernetic humanoid then held position before several holes opened up near his chest. "Gatling Attack!"

Several small missiles then fired out of the robotic digimon, aimed for all five heroes.

Gabumon stepped forward and inhaled deeply before shouting out, "Blue Blaster!" The icy breath managed to knock away some of the missiles, but not all.

"Watch it, Lu!" cried Crimson as he jumped in front of the missiles aimed for Lurea, groaning as his back received a fair sized wound. "D-Damn..."

Ada quickly ran to Kyo and deflected the missile aimed for him with the demonic ring on her tail. "Are you okay, Kyo?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Coughing sharply and inhaling deeply, Kyosan grunted as he tried to walk forward- his body feeling tattered and bruised as he tried to summon his flames to his claws. Taking a few gruntled steps forward, before gasping and collapsing heavily to the floor- biting his lower lip. My body... the cuts still haven't regenerated enough... d-damnit! He cursed to himself, clutching his chest.

"C-Crim!" Lurea exclaimed, rushing towards the fox as she looked up onto him, holding onto him. "W-Why did you... are you okay?" She murmured softly, staring on him worriedly while trying to duck for cover with him.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"So easily broken. Do you see now just how flawed you are?" Andromon then laughed a bit before telling them, "You are on the way to destruction."

Crimson groaned a bit on the ground, bleeding a little, " say!!"

"You have no chance to survive. Make your time. Ha ha ha ha..." A few sparks erupted from Andromon's chest before he regained his senses. "I'll give you all one more chance. It would be a shame to have to delete you all." Andromon then closed the missile launchers in his body and folded his arms, waiting for a surrender.

Crimson then looked towards Lurea and smiled lightly despite the pain, "Had to protect you, cutie. Don't worry about me...go for the exit."

Ada then stood beside Kyo, gritting her teeth with anger. "That monster..." After looking at his wound, she looked into his eyes and told him, "Hang back here, Kyo. Focus on healing that wound...I'll handle this guy."

As the tension continued to build, a pair of lights began to grow in the room from Crimson and Kyo's belts. The digivices starts to spark with strange energy. Gabumon marveled at the growing brilliance as he asked them, "What's that?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"H-huh?" Kyosan grunted, lifting himself up lightly to notice the light coming from the digivice, still trying to focus even with the pain around his body. "The digivice~"

"I... I won't go for the exit!" Lurea objected, pushing Crimson to a side quickly as her body began to glow from the strange energy coming from the digivice- clenching herself together. "I want- to protect you this time!"

In a matter of seconds, the dragoness' body enveloped into a bright light- her once small, frail figure suddenly expanding twice in height, and growing slimmer, as what seemed to be metal attached to her body. With a yell, the light dissipated, leaving behind a much taller Lurea- with golden armor across her body and gauntlets forming over both her arms- metal pads attached to her feet as she prepared herself. "Hmph!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Don't worry about that or anything else. Kyo, take care of your wound, I know what I need to do." Ada allowed herself to be enveloped by the light coming from Kyo's digivice. She gasped from the sudden sensation flowing through her body, as if every bit of data within was being charged with new life. As if she were guided by instinct, she cried out, "Gatomon digivolve to..." At that moment, her body started to grow out into a more humanoid form, the light revealing her body to be that of a neko, half human and half feline. The light began to die down as her long back hair and ears were revealed to the world. Thrusting her new katar blades in the air in triumph, she finished and uttered, "Felidaemon!"

Crimson meanwhile looked up and marveled at Lurea, surprised by her changes. The sight of her standing tall and dressed in armor left the fox in a bit of awe. "Lurea, you look heroic." He saw the resolve in her eyes, confirming what she had said, that she wanted to protect him. He nodded and told her, "Go ahead then Lu, show him who the real flawed one is around here.

Andromon hissed a bit from all of the light in the room before he regained his sight. Noticing Lurea and Ada's new appearances, the cyborg assessed the situation. "Improbable, but it matters two have less flaws, but you are still inferior." He then swung his gauntlets through the air, while crying, "Lightning Blade!" Twin blades of electricity shot through the air, ready to rip through the group.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"A-Ada?" Kurtz grunted, looking up to the newly formed Neko as he tried his best to get to his feet, managing to summon the fires to his claws again- before surrounding himself in a fire shield- protecting himself weakly with small flames. He was surprised just how she had formed into a more similar figure, but that only made his respect for her grow even more as he chuckled. "Go get him, y-you... can do it."

Lurea, huffing quietly as she noticed the double blades, quickly stepped back before roaring loudly. "Crystal Rocket!" In seconds, her entire figure was encased in ice, the crystalized armor glistening brightly before she rocketed forward- zipping straight past one of the blades of electricity before slamming straight into the Andromon fists first.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Andromon was a bit taken back from sudden surge of power thrown at him. He managed to push Lurea off, but not before the damage was done with his gauntlets both cracked and partially frozen. His chest then sparked once more from within the older battle wounds. The android then opened up his missile ports before telling the dragoness, "You're strong, but not strong enough to withstand this. Gatling Attack!" Several missiles then fired out towards the marine warrior.

"Yeah, for sure. I'll be done in a minute, Kyo." Ada then ran on all fours quickly past Lurea, telling her friend, "Let me give ya a hand." She then leaped over the missiles, causing them to change direction and follow her. The Felidaemon then smirked with her fangs before crying out, "Phase Shift!" By temporarily shifting her dimensional phase, the missiles flew threw where she was at and struck Andromon. The neko digimon then returned to Lurea's side and grinned. "Heh, I think this chump is just about done, wouldn't you say?"

The Machine then emerged from the smoke from the explosion, his armor now in rather bad condition. However, he continued to move towards them while telling them, "For years I served you it's the time of the machines...I won't be beaten by such illogical creatures." He stretched his arms out before causing the computers around the room to shake. Suddenly, several large wires shot out and tried to restrain and electrify both Ada and Lurea. "You're in my world now and you shall become a part of it."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions