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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
Kyosan, sighing happily as they began their journey- nudged Crimson in the arm lightly before then laughing. "You didn't expect your machine to do this now, did you?" He joked playfully.

Lurea, who was clinging to Crimson's shoulder comfortably, took a moment of her own to glance to Ada, before then giggling. "Did... Uhh, Kyo there, get the same thing as Crimson?" She enquired lightly.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ada thought for a moment, not sure what Lurea was talking about until she remembered last night. "Oh right, those digivice things. Yup, Kyo got one too. Who knows if they actually work though?" She giggled softly before returned to relaxing on Kyo's shoulder.

Crimson answered the hypothetical question by telling them, "Well, I didn't have much time to check mine before going to sleep, but it does seem to be capable of containing something along with its basic functions. What is it? Only time can tell us for the moment." He laughed a bit before they reached the top of a tall hill, a bit befuddled by the sight ahead. "Gabumon...what's up with all these factories being on an island?"

The grassy hills a few yards ahead started to become obscured by what appeared to be a large factory complex. Gabumon laughed off Crimson's confusion before tell the group, "Most of the other islanders call this place the Workbench. Beats me who built it, but I do know that not many digimon use this place anymore though. If we pass through though, Akiko is just around the corner."

As they approached closer to the rusty industrial park, Ada's ears started to twitch. "Something's not quite right, I hear something grinding."

"Probably just someone running a machine. There are a few blacksmiths that still use one of the factories." Gabumon led them past the abandoned security gate, easily able to duck under the striped bar.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"No, she's right. I don't feel at ease either..." Kyosan paused, slowly following the Gabumon by sneaking his way after him, making through quietly before then dusting off his shoulder. "...How long have the 'blacksmiths' been in here, or is it their home?"

"They've been here as long as I remember too. Though I never really went as far as this..." Lurea gulped nervously as she clung closer to Crimson's neck.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Well since Akiko is so close to this place, the blacksmiths journey back and forth to sell their wares. Mostly it's just working metal into building materials, but they'll occasionally do other things." Gabumon started to notice the grinding sound as well, finding it a bit odd. "Well, lets just not get to close the factories and we'll be fine."

Crimson hugged Lurea softly with his tail to help keep her calm. "Hey guys, I think I hear something else besides the's coming closer." He pulled his ray gun out.

As they reached the wide open center of the industrial park, several small cog shaped digimon started to hover out from the various alleyways. All of them had a rather indifferent look on their faces. One of the Hagurumon approached them and in a somewhat dated electronic voice, told them, "G-Greetings! *click* Welcome to The Workbench, land of The Machine! *whirr* P-P-Please proceed to Sector 5 for conversion."

Gabumon was in shock as he mumbled softly, "It wasn't like this before." In a more confident voice, he cried out, "Who are you all?!"

"We are *click* h-happy *whirr* servants of The Machine! Second request, please proceed to Sector 5 for conversion." The Hagurumon started to subtlety move closer, tightening the circle around them.

Ada then jumped down and stared them down defiantly. "And what if we refuse this "conversion"?"

The Hagurumon searched its memory banks for a moment before the black cog creature told her, "Those who refuse the w-will of The Machine will be forcibly converted. A-All non-viable data will be *whirr* d-derezzed. Final request, proceed to Sector 5!"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Quietly and hanging his head low, Kyosan spoke quietly. "Just comply with them for now. Even if they try to force us, I think we'll be able to blast holes through them." Making tracks, he began to look around for where Sector 5 could possibly be.

Lurea shrugged her shoulders while resting on Crimson's back still. "And some people wonder why I never come here."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"I don't know why you want to delay the inevitable. You know there's gonna be an all out brawl if we try to leave, why not get it over with?" Crimson shook his head and sighed before he started heading with the others towards a small complex marked with a large red five.

"I hope you guys know what you're doing." Gabumon was understandably worried, though he understood that Kyo didn't want to alert the whole Workbench about their presence.

"Humph, we can take these chumps right now, but I'll go along with your plan, handsome." Ada groaned as they all walked towards Sector 5.

The rusty spanning doors were opened by two of the Hagurumon before the cog creatures led them further in. Ada's ears folded as the grinding sound became louder while the whirring of machines filled the background. Far to the left, a conveyor belt could be seen before a flash of light appeared near a small passage leading further down the belt. A few seconds later, an Agumon comprised completely of metal and wires was ushered off the belt by the cog creatures.

Gabumon gasped before he pushed aside the Hagurumon and grasped the metal lizard's shoulders, " friend, what have they done to you?" His eyes started to become watery, able to recognize his friend from his green eyes and the small patches of orange scales left among the otherwise metallic body.

The cybernetic Agumon pushed Gabumon away before telling him in an indifferent tone. "Hands off, organic. My eyes have been opened. The Machine is master." Grabbing Gabumon by the scruff of his neck, he started pulling the wolf rookie towards the conveyor belt. "Be converted and have your eyes opened."

Crimson then shot the arms of the metallic Agumon with his ray gun, effectively jamming the lizard's arm joints while freeing the Gabumon. "Get ready everyone, I don't think they're going to be happy."

"Cog Crusher!" cried the Hagurumon before they started to hurl several large, black cogs towards the heroes.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"What the hell?!" Kyosan yelled, ducking down to the ground as some of the cogs almost crashed into him- his claws resting hardly against the floor before then looking to Ada. "Is this the same thing as the Rose, or are they just completely insane?"

"Crimson!" Lurea yelped in panic, rushing to his side before ramming him to a side away from the cogs- shivering softly next to him. "Any smart ideas in your head?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson thought for a quick second before telling them, "They're machines. I doubt this is the same as those black roses. Lurea, quick, use your water attacks. They should mess up the electronics inside of them." Crimson then fired another charged blast, causing one of the cog creatures to short out.

"I'm going to go with insane. Remember, when he had the black rose, he couldn't talk." Ada then made a wide scratch, ripping apart two of the cog creatures.

"Listen to me!" cried Gabumon before he was punched firmly across the face by his former friend.

"Those who disobey shall be punished. Pepper Blast!" The cyborg Agumon then vomited a large fireball towards the stunned wolf.

Gabumon barely had time to react as he cried out, "Blue Blaster!" Gabumon's attack managed to cancel out the attack in time, though he still remained a bit shaky. He looked around and noticed that for every Hakurumon they defeated, another two were taking it's place. "It's getting dangerous, we can't fight them all!"

Crimson looked around and noticed they were coming in from the entrance. "Well, we can't go back...we have to move on and try to find their off switch. Whoever The Machine is, he might have a control panel somewhere for these things." He then noticed a set of large metal doors in the back. "I've got to charge up again, one of you guys needs to clear us a path."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Kyosan nodded softly to Ada, as he gulped and prepared his fire once again- before being paused by Lurea. With a confident nod, Lurea headed out- conjuring a sphere of water in her small claw. This time, the orb seemed to grow much larger then before as she then launched it in a volley towards the centre of the cog creatures. "Aqua Sphere!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Kyosan's and Lurea's attacks helped to make a hole in the circle of Hakurumon surrounding them as they knocked away their cog shaped bodies against the factory walls.

"Now, let's go!" Crimson shot another one of the crazed machines in the face before he threw open the double doors, leading to a dimly lit hallway. "Come on everybody!"

"Come on guys, this is getting a little too hectic." Ada grunted as she was struck in the back by a Cog Crusher before the throw cog disappeared. "Ow..."

"I've got you." Gabumon carried the feline in his arms before telling Kyo and Lurea, "Let us go. In the least, it will be easier to fight them, if they are confined." He then ran towards the open doors with Ada.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions