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Heaven & Hell. Mk.2
"Cutest giant ever." Mar grinned, claws gripping the covers of the bed as he oogled at Kitt's sexy body, "Well, go say hi to Kitt. And careful with bumping your forehead on the door's mark." He grinned, a hundred percent watchful on her movements.


"You keep your games in the bathroom?" Dorothy asked, coming out a moment later with a comb in claws as she walked over to Shadow, "Gee, you should sit down. You're kind of too tall for me to reach the higher parts!" she giggled.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh I'm fine, I've never hit my head on the door," Kitt laughed as she went to the door and opened it, "Bout time you woke up, you were asleep for awhile."

"Yeah I, uhh, what were you two doing in here?" Katt asked, looking past Kitt at Mar.

"Oh, just this fun game Mar taught me, you wanna try it?"


"Course not, just letting ya know incase you decide to explore the rest of my place. And I got a better idea," Shadow grinned, grabbing Dot by the waist and lifting her up against his chest, his muzzle at her stomache so she could reach his head, "That better sexy?" he grinned.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hey, Katt. Guess what, your sis' seems to have had a growth spurt!" Mar smirked naughtily, pointing with his head to Kitt's behind.


"Gee!" Dorothy giggled as she was lifted, feeling ticklish despite there being a towel to separate her belly from his muzzle, "Come here!" she said playfully, trying to comb his hair up with her claws in a soft way.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Katt squeezed past Kitt's frame blocking her, looking at her 'little' sister's behind, "Ah! K-Kitt, you must've at least doubled in size. What the heck is going on? This can't be natural."

"Huh? But I feel fine, guess I shouldn't have drinken so much milk when I was younger." Kitt laughed a bit.

"This, it isn't," Katt couldn't help but admire Kitt's perfect rear, the heart like shape, her tail wagging just above it, Stop it Katt, this is your sister. You lost yourself once, don't do it again. she thought to herself, turning around to Mar, "I suppose you don't have any idea what's causing this?" she asked, not expecting that Mar was connected at all.

"Oh relax," Kitt laughed, hugging her sister, accidentally burrying Katt's head between her massive mammaries (ooc: I like that term lol) making it look like Katt had her head squeezed between two basketballs, "I feel fine, better than fine actually."


"Hmm, sexy dragon belly," Shadow laughed, nuzzling at the towel, sneaking his cold nose past the towel and rubbing it against her bare scales.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hey, you had a growth spurt before, didn't you? You don't exactly look like a miniature figurine..." Mar grinned, pointing towards Katt's DDs. "Plus I never knew you had such a gigantically cute and adorable sister! But seriously speaking. You girls thirsty?" he licked his lips suggestively.


"Ooh! That's quite a wet nose!" Dorothy giggled, meeping first thanks to the cold warning. She then used the comb to fix Shadow's fur along his face and sides, trying to leave him as lean as her claws could possibly muster.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Yeah!" Kitt smiled, bouncing slightly, causing her breasts to swing up and down.

"Kitt relax, you're gonna bring down the whole house if you keep that up." Katt warned, noticing the slight shaking from the larger feline bouncing around, "So, what exactly did you have in mind? Cause I don't think there are any bars nearby." Katt informed.


"You like it? A cold nose is a sign of a healthy stud," Shadow laughed, lifting Dot up a bit till his nose was just above her crotch, pressing slightly against her pussy lips, "Mmm, your scent is just intoxicating." he growled in lust.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar grinned wider, "Glad you asked." He said, getting off the bed and reaching up to pull Kitt's shirt from the left side to uncover one of her gigantic boobs. "A feline dairy, of course." He smiled, clutching his claw around the huge nipple on Kitt's breast, pointing at Katt with it.


"Ah!" Dorothy moaned, whining a bit as she almost fell over, the comb actually shook and fell off her claws, "D-don't do that so suddenly, dummy! You made me throw the comb off!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Huh, hey, what're you doing?" Kitt asked, looking down at Mar's hand around her breast, letting out a soft purr.

"L-let go of my sister, what are you doing!?" Katt repeated the question a bit more crossly.


"Sorry sexy, I just can't help myself," Shadow laughed, dragging his tongue up her exposed pussy, "This scent is just irresistable, I can't fight it." he growled slightly.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar shrugged a bit "Hey, you asked, and here's all the drink you could possibly want." He told Katt, his blue eyes fixing on hers, "Wanna give it a try?" he then asked, turning Kitt's nipple almost painfully to anybody who would be normal size, yet for Kitt it would just be a lovable caress.


"A-ah! Come on...!" Dorothy whined again, letting out a gasp as she blushed, "Not on the sofa!" she said.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Ooohhh," Kitt let out a loud purring moan as Mar twisted her nipple, a powerful stream of milk firing from her nipple, hitting Katt's face.

"Ah, hey, watch where you point that thing." Katt said. A few drops of Kitt's milk landing on her tongue, she lapped them up, licking her lips from the taste, "Mmm, that, is kinda tasty." she purred a bit.


"Fine with me," Shadow chuckled slightly, pressing his cold wet nose against Dot's clit as he pushed his tongue further inside her, "I can live with just standing here."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad