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Magical Starsign.
"Huh? What?!" Karomaru startled, although he tried keeping it down. He looked over to peek inside the room, seeing Katt apparently talking to Vook, "Rrrright... Look, I know dragons are scary and all, but I took a class with her, she's kinda... okay." The boy shrugged, "More importantly, you done with classes, right? Let's go meet up with the others!" he urged silently, making sure only Shaun and him would listen.

(Mar's Room)

"Good." The dragon smiled, pressing his buff chest over her large one as he suddenly kissed the cat girl deeply, holding her down as his tongue immediately intruded into her maw, starting to hotly make out with her.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi was wandering through the halls when she came apon the two boys huddled outside a door.

'EXCUSE ME?!' She shrieked, making sure she was right behind them before she yelled.

'Ahahaha! What're you do doing hanging out outside Katt's classroom? Aren't you finished for today Karo? Were you sent out Shadow? Anyway, outta my way.' The teacher said, heading through the door to see Katt and Vook.

'Hey! Are you two ready? Uhm, is something wrong?' Ayumi asked, looking at both of the teachers in turn.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"MEEP!" Karomaru startled yet again, jumping up slightly, which let Ayumi pass by, "That was... creepy." He admited, and nudged Shaun, "H-Hey dude, let's move out." He suggested.

(Teacher's Lounge)

"I wonder if something's keeping them..." Dorothy thought for a while, sitting in front of the meeting table, drinking a cup of tea as she pondered, Tina apparently had started playing with another sheet of paper and a crayon.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Shadow, Zane's talking to Thorne... did she leave the "Dark Area" or something?
OOC: Sorry Magi, didn't see your post. Did you add that part or am I going senile?


"Weird, teacher. And no I wasn't talking about the dragon, the tiger, I swear she ugh, I dunno," he looked back in the room, "Forget about it, come on let's go. We don't wanna be the last to arrive. I just need to head to my room to grab my weapon, not to mention Slash. He's been locked in the room all day, probably going crazy."

"No, it's, nothing," Katt said, giving a glance to Vook, "Duty calls I suppose, let's go." she forced a smile as she stood up.

*Mar's room*

Kitt was slightly surprised by the sudden intrusion, but after a few seconds began to purr softly, returning the kiss as she pressed her hands against Mar's chiseled chest.

*Dark room*

"Tell him yourself, I'm not stepping between him and a girl." Thorne huffed, waving off Zane, "So you have fun playing with your old student again? Don't see why you don't just kill her, unless you can't." she grinned a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Whatever you say, Katt." Vook shrugged, and walked towards the exit, remembering she had to meet with the other teachers in the lounge.

"I didn't like that, Vook. I'm keeping an eye on Kattrine." Vook's familiar telepathically communicated to Vook.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"You taking him to that hole?" Karomaru raised an eyebrow, then shrugged, "Well, I'm leaving Reno because he looked pretty weak, and I wouln't want him to get hurt, doubt a hole where a giant dragon crawled out of is a good place for a two-tailed puppy." He sighed, slightly disappointed, then nodded to Shaun, "Go pick 'im up, I'll go ahead to the meeting place!" the boy said, and with a wave, left running in a haste.

(Field outside the School)

Karomaru waited in the designated place, and from a distance noticed Mael, who he recognized easily due to her clothing, "Oi!" he waved to greet.

(Mar's Room)

Mar kept the lip lock for around ten minutes, wrestling with Kitt's tongue dominantly and passionately, his claws going around her back and started stroking it in swift, soft massages, delivering pressure to her special points to soothe her further.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh me GOD Levi!" Mael groaned loudly in boredom, laying sprawled on the field. "Where are those lads? I be getting extremely bored!" She whined, rolling around on the grass and flowers. The serpent merely glided around in figure-eights over her.

She then heard Karomaru's voice, and sat up abruptly, waving back. "Oy, Kar-uh-maru!" She greeted him back.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Shadow arrived shortly later, Slash resting on his shoulder and his sword slung over his shoulder, "Heya, glad to see I didn't miss the party." he smiled with a small wave.

*Teachers Lounge*

"Heya Dot, you got here early." Katt smiled as she walked into the lounge, taking a seat across from the dragon, "So, how'd your day go?" she asked.

*Mar's room*

Kitt grew more passionate with her kiss, the rubbing on her back making her purr slightly from pleasure.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi followed the other teachers to the lounge, sensing a strange atmosphere from them both.

'Dottie! Oh how i missed your sweet, sweet face.' Ayumi said loudly, stroking the dragoness's hair absent-mindedly.

'Anyway, are we all ready? We're gonna get your sister back, Katt, or die trying!'

all i ever wanted was the world.
