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Magical Starsign.
"We, we're related..." Dorothy managed to say, unable to look at Katt's eyes though.

"You... you're on cahoots with him, aren't you?!" Karomaru growled, feeling equally angered as Katt.

"N-no!" Dorothy yelped, opening her eyes as she looked towards the younger student, feeling the outrage of the claim weaken her state of mind. She was unable to continue speaking for the moment thanks to that.

(Pitch Black Room)

"Good girl..." Mar smiled, walking behind Thorne as he leaned down on the sofa's armrest with his claws to support him as his muzzle hanged above Thorne's, his large serpentine tongue slipping out as he lapped hotly over her scaly cheeks, teasing her lips every so often, but never actually making contact with the lizardess' maw. "Enjoying the reward?" he said with a distinct taunting, his eyes lifting to look towards Kitt, "I can be she is."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Where is he!?" Katt roared again.

"Stop that!" Shadow sat up in his bed, "Can't you see how upset you're making her? If she had anything to do with the abduction you think she'd still be here?"

"He took my sister." she growled.

"That's no reason to take it out on the students and teachers."

Katt looked at if she were about to shout at the student but stopped herself, taking a deep breath, "You're right, Dorothy I apologize, it's just, she's my sister." she said trying to hide the tears in her eyes.

*Dark room*

"Mmmm yes I am, she's a natural at this." Thorne sighed in pleasure, "I really hope master let's us keep her now." she smiled.

Kitt whimpered softly, afraid to stop what she was told to do.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The dragoness remained still for a moment, hearing someone talk loudly, seemingly sticking up for her, and upon slightly opening one of her eyes, she found it to be one of her students. After the speech, and Katt's apology, she could only mutter: "Katt..." Dorothy's ears folded back, feeling compassion towards the tigress, Karomaru had remained silent after Shaun shouted, so there apparently was nothing else to do, but let Dorothy speak. "He... his name is Martin Phane" she softly said, still unable to lift her vision up.

Karomaru grunted silently, not wanting to acote since the tension was too big for him to stir up anymore.

Dorothy continued "...He used to be a student of this school, only until recently. He excels in Offencive Magic and Close-Quarter Combat, so I'm sure Ayumi and Katt will remember who he is after hearing this but... much as our size difference and gender separate us, we are twin brother and sister, that is our relationship." She finished, making Karomaru nearly bite into his fist as he held it to his mouth to prevent himself from emitting any sound.

(Pitch Black Room)

"Heh heh, I'm glad to hear, Thorn!" Mar gave the lizard girl a toothy grin, before he reached towards Kitt's chin and lifted her face up, "Sorry, but she doesn't have milk in these. If you want something to drink though, you can have as much as you like, if you help relieve me too." He smiled softly, pointing over to his huge erection that was strained into one of his pant legs already. "I'll take care of Thorn with my own hands while you do. I'd hate if any of you ladies weren't satisfied." He smirked again.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"That's him!" Vook exclaimed, standing up, suddenly. "Martin Alexander Phane. I taught him just last year, when he was still a student at this school." she rattled off, her eyes widening a bit. "But...why did he join...them? He seemed like a very nice young man...why would he go and do something like this, with his life?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"He was the one?" Katt asked, almost in disbelief, "I can't believe that, he was good but to be able to take down three students that easily." Katt's furr ruffled a bit at the thought, "Could that shadow magic really change someone that much?" She wondered, now even more worried about her sister.

*Dark Room*

"R-relieve you?" Kitt blinked confused.

"Oh isn't she just the cutest," Thorne laughed, "he wants you to suck his cock." she smiled.

"Wha-what!?" Kitt shouted in disbelief, "I, I don't," she stopped as Thorne's tail-blade pressed against her neck.

"You sure you wanna finish that sentence?" Thorne grinned.

"I, I, don't, know what to do." Kitt said, changing what she was about to say.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi's cigarette fell from her mouth when she heard the name from inside. She turned and walked into the infirmary, stepping on the smoking butt as she did.

'...Mar is the guy who took Kitt?' She asked, looking around.

'When i first saw you, Dot, i knew you had to be related to him. I mean, i remember him well, he was pretty damn outstanding at my classes. I'm not surprised he turned out so strong...' Ayumi said, her voice trailing off.

'So. How do we go after them?' She said, placing her hands on her hips, her voice suddenly determined.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"He was supposed to come back home for the summer holidays, like in his previous two years..." Dorothy softly explained, "But he never came back home, I got really worried, so I tried searching for him, but... My parents wouldn't allow it, my familiar wasn't developed and they were confident about the authorities being able to find him. So... I wanted to finish my studies fast and come here to search for clues..." she clutched Tina in her arms a bit stronger, as if she was her only consolation, "I was able to do it, but... I had no idea this was the case with Mar..." her voice trembled.

Karomaru found the atmosphere way too tense for his taste, "So?" he broke out the silence, "It's easy!" he sat up on the bed, looking towards everyone in the room, "We just follow them, beat them up, and we bring Kitt back!" he said confidently, although Dorothy didn't seem very confident after that.

"But... we don't know where they are. And even if we did... We don't know if their last two attacks were actually their true last ones. If us teachers leave the school, then who will protect it, and the students? If we go to the authorities, they will hold everyone in contempt regarding the forbidden magic..." The dragoness sighed in defeat, feeling all odds against them.

(Pitch Black Room)

"Don't worry, you two've done most of the work for it already..." Mar said, unbuckling his pants and letting them fall, a huge pole of dragon meat bouncing out of his crotch, falling just above Thorne's face and in front of Kitt's. "Lick it," he said with a grin, leaning forwards again to scoop Thorne up in his arms and let Kitt on the sofa on her own, "I'll take care of this scaly beauty," he said as he got rid of Thorne's undergarments, "But in return, I expect a good blow job from you." He smirked, his large dragon member twitching in excitement.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"There has to be some way to find where he went to, where he came from." Katt sighed.

Shadow's ears perked up a bit, Where he came from, he didn't teleport in here he dug through the ground! he smiled a bit, "So if we knew where they came from we could rescue Katt?"

"First of all 'we' aren't doing anything, you students aren't involved in this." Katt wanted to make that clear, "We're dealing with opponent's way beyond your capabilities. Understood?"

Shadow frowned a bit, "Yeah, understood." he said, Well, guess we'll just have to find him ourselves. Can't let the teachers have all the fun. he thought.

*Dark room*

"Careful stud, you know my back's sensitive." Thorne warned, talking about the numerous scars that criss-crossed along her back.

Kitt glanced around a bit, now that no one was holding her she wondered if she might be able to escape, "Please, l-let me go home." she whimpered.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
'Katt's right. If us teachers have a hard time fighting these guys, how long do you think you would last? Anyway, Mar appeared outside, right? Maybe we should go look at the spot? There could be some lingering magic, or maybe a clue...' Ayumi muttered.

She didn't want to admit to herself that rescuing Kitt wasn't the only reason she was eager to get going. She wasn't sure what would happen when she saw Mar again, but after his disappearance, she would just be happy to see his face. And his body. Although, she supposed, he was 'evil' now...

all i ever wanted was the world.

"Th-that's...!" Karomaru babbled as Katt gave her speech, but Shadow had interrupted him before he could even object and had said they'd comply. "This isn't fair! They won't be able to do a thing either! That... Dorothy girl said they're tied, they cannot leave the school defenseless..." he shut his eyes, letting it go for a change and falling back on his bed to rest his wounds, he wanted them to heal fast. "I'll go with them, whether they like it or not!" he thought.

"I suggest we go to the training arena, and first of all... seal it from public access." Dorothy said, a bit calmer now, "We don't know where they may come in from next, and if the students get curious or even worse, sensitive about that room's atmosphere, it could become very suspiscious!"

(Pitch Black Room)

"Sure we will," Mar said, smiling, "Master will come, eventually, you won't be stuck here for long." The dragon informed, then pushed his large erection forwards, the thick cock-head pushing onto Kitt's cheeks, smearing them with hot dragon pre. "Just give it a lick... don't you like the smell?" he teased, returning his attention to Thorne, softly complying and laying her back on his palms, careful not to use his claws, as he pushed his snout onto her chest, starting to lick and suck on the lizardess' breasts.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad