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Magical Starsign.
"Shi," Shadow quickly pulled his sword out of the ground, throwing it to the side as Karomaru collided with him, directly where the blade's edge had been a second ago.

Slash quickly jumped over the flying body pile, "I believe the lady said no," he smiled as he charged at the dragon, "I'll warn you, I have sharp claws!" he shouted as his hands moved like a blur, scratching over the dragons back. He jumped back and looked at his hands, his once sharp claws filed down to harmless stubs, "I had sharp claws."

"AH FLARE!" Kitt cried out as she saw the large dragon grabbing her familiar, "No, leave them alone! I'll go, just don't hurt them."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The dragon's back only had scratches and tears in his uniform, his scales unaffected. He smiled at Kitt's response and picked her up by the waist, lifting her like cargo, yet trying to be gentle. "Don't worry, we'll treat you nicely." He said happily, satisfied the mission had been a success.

"S-Stop..." A faint voice alerted the beast's ears.

"Huh?" He looked down onto Shaun and Karomaru, seeing the bruised, blonde boy standing up, a bit wobbly, "Wow, cockroaches get tougher to step on nowadays." He chuckled, starting to pad over Karomaru with the intents of doing precisely what he talked about.

"L-let her go...!" The boy roared in anger, unable to control himself, nor his fear as he launched himself again at the dragon, punching his abdominal section at his best, even though it was exactly like punching a steel wall. "Y-you're hurting her familiar! You're hurting Kitt! Stop it!" he yelled, Reno summing up to the agression and jumping at the dragon's large feet, biting and crunching on it.

"Puh, this is turning out pretty melodramatic... OFF WITH YOU MUTT!" The dragon kicked, sending Reno onto a wall with such might he passed out instantly. He looked down at Karomaru, who had stopped his futile fist assault to look in astonishment how his partner had been trashed about. It looked as if Karomaru's will had been pumped further as only seconds later he had flown into another frenzy, hitting harder, his fists starting to bleed from hitting so hard with so little experience in fighting the rough build of a dragon. The dragon had been growing tired of it all "Say, haven't you ever,"

"What's going in here?!" interrupted the voice of a young female, the dragon immediately turning with a surprised gasp, the voice was recognisable. "You..." Dorothy walked in, holding Tina in her arms as always. The young dragon girl noticed Kitt's and Flare's state, as well as Shaun and Slash, who she could recognize perfectly, and the boy who had summoned a flashy fire familiar, "I repeat, what's going on in here?!" she shouted this time, angered at not getting a straight answer.

"Feh," Mar sighed in apparent disappointment, his eyes closing "So now you're here..." he smirked, before he started laughing audibly, Dorothy being shook ill from his imposing tone, "I never thought we'd see each other again in these circumstances, sister..." Dorothy's eyes opened in a wide gaze, "I have to say this issue has taken a turn... for the itneresting!" he chuckled again, and with Dot's temporal, emotional shock, the dragon did a few simple hand-seals, and a black shadow expanded on the floor, creating a rift big enough to let him pass. "I'll see you later, Hero boys! Or maybe not!" he laughed again, jumping on the black rift and escaping.

"NOOOO!!" Karomaru yelled, "I-I won't let you get away! COME BACK YOU COWARD!" The boy said, still in a berserk state as he started running towards the rift which started closing slowly.

"No!" Dorothy snapped out of her confusion at seeing this, she was too far away to do anything about it, "Stop it! Don't go! You don't know where that rift will carry you!!" she yelped helplessly. "Somebody help!"


Name: Martin Alexander Phane. (Mar)
Teacher/student: Ex-Student.
Race: Dragon.
Age: 18.
Sex: Male.
Orientation: Straight.
Affinity: Fire/Shadow.

Offencive - Seven Pains: Creates seven red runes that chase after the enemy, if they align correctly around the target, it is engulfed in a fiery blast of all-consuming fire.

Defencive - Magma Armor: Encases user in a clad armor of crystallized, brimming red armor. Raises physical defense considerably and dishes out recoil damage to physical hits received.

Weapon: Mastermune (Swallow/Oarblade)
Familiar: Shadow Dragon
Backround: Used to be an ace in Offencive and Weapon Combat, was nearly expelled in more than one occassion due to his agressivity in training and his lack of remorse. His other past is unknown.

Other info: Will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Loves to show off.


Name: Tyrant.
Species: Tyrant Dragon.
Description: Huge black dragon with red stripes and energy wings that can come in and out of its large, blade-like arms.
Affinity: Fire/Shadow.
Abilities: Manipulates any form of fire, amplifies strength and endurance, has some dark arts.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Yo studly! That link is broken. It just takes me back to the Photobucket main page. (Yes, I am logged in.)


"Well, with all that out of the way, shall we be going now?" Vook asked, standing up from her chair, and exiting the room, leaving the medical wing, only to be greeted by her familiar.

"Hey, Vook, there's something big is going on at the arena. Just thought I'd tell you."

"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier, then!?" She growled, taking off down the hallway towards the arena.

"Oh, I didn't want to disturb you and the other teachers." The ghostly creature answered.

"Who cares! Talk can come after emergencies!" Vook sighed, her hearing picking up Dorothy's screams, rushing down to the arena as fast as she could, only to see the blue dragoness crying for help inside the arena. "Dorothy! What's going on here? Are you alright?" she asked, seeing the beaten students and familiars around the arena.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Hold it," Shadow groaned in pain as he grabbed Karomaru, his ribs flaring in pain from the previous impact of the other student, "If you go through there your just gonna get yourself killed, that thing was right, we're nothing but cockroaches to him." As soon as the gateway had vanished Shadow released his grip, moving his hand to his ribs to try and ease them.

"What the hell was that all about? Did anyone else just see a giant lizard appear out of nowhere and kidnap that kitty?" Slash asked.

*Medical wing*

Katt was about to follow after vook but waved it off, Probably some student's goofing off, let the others handle it. she thought as she rubbed her head a bit as she headed towards her room. She pushed open the door, smiling a bit as Ryuu jumped into her arms, growling happily, "Hey boy, you miss me?" she smiled a bit as she fell down on her bed, happy for a moment of peace, "I got a feeling this is only going to get worse. I can feel it in my whiskers." she thought, unaware of how right she was.

*Dark dimension*

Kitt wrapped her tail tightly around herself, her ears pinned to her head as she saw the small window that showed the school slowly vanishing infront of her eyes, a feeling of terror washing over her.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Corridors Near the Training Area: Raze was walking through the halls of the school, having come here using an undetectable portal. "What should I do... I can feel a dark aura in this school, a strong one. Just... where is it from?" he pondered this aloud over and over, if someone came within hearing range he would instantly detect said person, stop talking, and scowl at the student with a terrible ferocity, scaring them off.
OOC: Fixed! Lol, I had put Dot's pic in the Description, wtf <_< Thanks!


"He..." Dorothy babbled as he saw Karomaru groan and finally collapse and pass out, since he had taken the biggest punishment from Mar, "Oh my god!" she gasped, interrupting her conversation with Vook as she ran to the injured boys, "We must take them to the infirmary immediately!" She said, and knowing she wasn't so strong she let Tina on the floor for a moment, before she quickly prepared two sick rollable sick tables made of ice. "The cold will help the blood from his wounds to stop hemorraging, and prevent infections, help me get them and their familiars on the tables so we take them there quick!" she exclaimed, lifting the unconscious Karomaru and softly placing him on one of the tables, running over to Shaun, helping him up by placing him over her shoulders for support. "Will you be okay walking, or do you need to be transported too?" she asked, her voice shaky, but her eyes full of determination.

(Pitch Black Room)

"Heh heh, we're here, cute damsel." Mar grinned, stepping out of the portal which closed upon coming out of it. "Hey Thorn." He greeted nonchalantly, throwing the Phoenix on a sofa as if it was junk, and used both of his huge arms to carry Kitt, "I got the girl."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I'll get them to the medical wing, Dot." Vook answered, grabbing the two icy tables and bringing them over to Dorothy, lifting up the injured Karomaru and putting him down on the first table. She then ran over to Reno, and gently scooped him up, placing him on the icy table next to Karomaru. "There...shall I take these two to the medical wing, now?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"I'll manage," Shadow waved off her concerns, "I've had worse, got three older brothers after all." he joked.

"What about my claws? It's gonna take weeks for them to grow back." Slash complained.

"If you're good enough to complain your fine," Shadow groaned.

*Dark room*

"You know the term, 'pick up a girl' is supposed to be a figure of speech." Thorne laughed.

Flare spread her wings open as she was released, flying at Mar and starting to peck and scratch at him while squawking furiously.

"Flare no, get away!" Kitt shouted.

"What a nuisance," Thorne's tail flashed forward, striking at Flare.

"NO!!" Kitt yelled as the bird erupted in flames, falling to the ground as a pile of ash. Kitt struggled against Mar's grip, "You, you killed her!"

"Oh relax," Thorne smiled, brushing away some of the ash and picking up a small red egg, "It was a pheonix remember? Alot easier to handle this way."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Yes! Please! Take them right away! I'll help Mr. Shaun and his familiar." She said to Vook, "Mr. Slash, I'm sorry I have to ask you, but you don't look badly hurt. My Tina can't walk on her own... Could you please carry her for me? I'll take your Master to the medical wing!" She said, helping Shadow walk after Vook.

(Pitch Black Room)

"You know," Mar said, gripping slightly hard enough to keep Kitt immobile, "It's just a pity he had to choose you, you're beautiful..." he said, sitting her up against one of his arms as his other claw went up and groped one of Kitt's large mounds, "And gifted!" he growled lustfully.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi gasped, seeing the injured students being moved towards the medical wing just as she was leaving it.

'What the hell?! Did they get carried away during training or something?! Wait, this isn't to do with what we just discussed, is it?' The teacher asked, holding the door open for Vook and the icy stretchers.

all i ever wanted was the world.
