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Magical Starsign.
'Oh wow. This is all a bit much. Oh, hey! Katt, you and Vook both use light magic though, right? Isn't that super effective or something? Besides, i'm not worried. There are still more of us, right? Anyway, as for a plan of action, you want us to evacuate the students? Or just keep a close eye on 'em? I can't stand not knowing if we're gonna be attacked!' Ayumi babbled, running a hand through her hair.

The teacher sighed and sat down on Dot's bed.

'Well, i'll just follow instructions. I don't know a thing about the shadow element, or this book, but i''ll do my best! So count on me!' She said with a wink.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"But they wouldn't steal it if they couldn't break the seal!" Mel yelled, thinking they had somehow lost their minds. Fenrir looked at her and sighed. "Look, maybe they didn't know the seals were on there, or they underestimated it, either way this is not your concern, it is the teacher's. Let's just make our request and leave." he said, a bit annoyed.
The shadow fell to the ground, it was about to die. Raze enveloped it in a shadow aura and absorbed it. "... So pathetic." he walked through the corridors. He finally came to some doors, as he opened them he looked at his master. "I request access to the school, I have to finish what I began. While I realize it would not be strategic, this teacher is the only thing able to keep this school from destruction, please allow me to go." he said, bowing.
Dorothy had left herself even more perplexed after hearing Katt's story, it could not be possible something so dangerous would be kept in the school like that, but if the defencive spells were in action, it would at least buy them time. "Then, should we not prepare with the time we have to be able to extract the- huh?" she cocked her head sideways, blinking as she noticed Mel, "Who's that?" she said, clearly not having noticed her while they were having the earlier conversation.


"Yeah, well..." Karomaru started to think through it, "It'll be a breeze!" and stopped immediately. He prepared his arms for the incantation, "Here goes," his hands began to glow a vivid red, which turned into a bright orange, before he realized the incantation and the ground began to shake tremendously. "WAH! Hey! What's going on?!" he said, loosing his focus as the quake set him off.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"We don't need to take any serious action right now, Ayumi. Calm down." Vook shook her head. "Before we do anything, we have to plan what we're going to do." she added, crossing her arms in her lap. "Any ideas?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Mel sat down and decided to listen on, not really caring, more just curious. Her old boyfriend called her "Curious Kitten" for this very reason, she always stuck her nose in events that was not of her concern.
"The book's very existence was supposed to be a secret, it will take time before it's seals are broken." She looked over at Mel, "Who let her in here?" she growled a bit at some of the nurses in the area, "What has been said in this room doesn't leave it, is that clear!?" She roared, glaring at Mel, It would only be worse if the students knew about all of this..


"Whoa, nice trick," Shadow planted his blade into the ground, using it to keep himself steady as the ground shook.

"Wahhh!" Kitt shouted in surprise as she suddenly fell backwards onto her rump, Flare taking off as she fell and roosting in one of the trees, "Ow, that hurt." she pouted a bit.


"I AM BUSY!" A loud roar came from the dark room, "Do what you wish I don't care, just leave me to my work."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"If you speak of this book to ANYONE, You will be expelled immediately." Vook threatened, looking at Mel with a serious look. "And we've got our ways of knowing if you have. Understand?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"So this was another student..." Dorothy thought, standing up straight while carrying Tina, "If you excuse me..." she interrupted the other teachers, "I'm not feeling well, I will leave for my room, I'll meet up with you all later... okay?" she said, leaving through the infirmary's doors with a very gloomy expression on her face, probably because she felt she had failed in keeping the school from harm against such common burglars of opponents. She started pacing in the halls, trying to walk off her troubles, passing by the training arena.


"Woah, wait!" Karomaru gasped, "That wasn't me! That didn't happen while in class!" the boy said, noticing Reno, who was standing next to him, had started barking and growling loud. "What's wrong boy? Something off?" he asked.

Reno barked out above them, there was a small, blueish flash for a moment, before a humongous figure landed with mighty weight on the ground, making it shake tremendously again.

"Ah! What the?!"

"So, you're the one Master wants?" An herculean built, tall blue dragon with snow-white hair stood in front of Kitt, wearing what seemed to be an over-stretched, but adequately large, black school uniform. "I can't understand what's so special in you, but gotta admit he's got the taste." He crouched with a smirk, and even in that position, he was very well the height of Karomaru, who was on the ground, still paralyzed from the sudden appearance.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Katt watched Dorothy as she left, Poor girl, she's going to need to be more confident if this school is going to survive this. she thought, sighing a bit.

*Training arena*

"Wh-wh-what do you want," Kitt backed scooted across the ground as the large dragon burst from the ground, staring straight at her.

Flare squawked loudly, seeing her partner in danger she flew out of the tree, opening her beak as she let out a small jet of red hot flames onto Mar's back.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The dragon shot his arm forwards without taking his eyes off Kitt, his palm getting hit by the fire from the phoenix's attack, but since he controlled the same element it barely did as much as recoil a few sparks upon contact, he gripped cruelly by Flare's neck, catching her in the air with uncommon agility. "You are coming with me, my boss needs someone to help him with some stuff, y'know?" He gripped Flare's neck even harder, bringing her next to his face while giving out an arrogant smirk, "And lil' birdie here's coming too, I promise to be... gentle." He said, making sure he caused pain with his grip, but with no killing intentions.

"Hey, stop! You're hurting Kitt's familiar!" Karomaru stood up after realizing what had happened and who was in front of Kitt.

The large dragon turned his head to the side and looked towards the blonde human boy, "You're still alive? Puh. Miscalculated somewhere."

"Huh, what do you..." Crack. "Ah!" Karomaru looked to his side, there was a huge earthen fissure to his side and he was stepping on its edge, "Man this isn't fun! What are you, a senior? You shouldn't attempt against lives you know!"

"Senior...?" The creature said, standing up, towering over everybody and imposing his powerful frame, his school uniform's jacket was unbuttoned, he was wearing a plain white shirt under that. "Hahaha... I suppose I am your senior, yeah." He laughed, this creeped Karomaru even more out.

"Y-you... you were trying to kill us..." Karomaru gasped, realizing the large dragon's intentions, suddenly he went onto a frenzy out of his own fear, "AAAARGH!" he flew at the dragon, the creature he feared the most, but he had to do something about it! "LET HER GO!" he shouted as he charged.

The reptilian reached out with his free claw and gripped Karomaru's body by his waist, as if he was a mere doll "Feh. C'mon kid, don't waste your efforts, you lived, you should be glad about it. Now I'll be taking the girl and her featherbag, you should sit out like a good brat." He grinned cockily, gripping Karomaru by the waist cruely.

"GYAAAAAAH!!" The boy shouted in agony, feeling as if his mid-section was being rolled over by a series of trucks. "S-stop! STOP! AAHH!"

"D'aww, lost your spine already, Hero boy? I could try breaking it too, but..." He teased again "Don't worry, I feel like being a good samaritan today." The prodigious male looked over to Shaun, Slash and the barking Reno, "I'll send you over to your friends!" he said, and using Karomaru's body as a baseball, he hurled him at the others, crashing into them. With that, he smiled and walked over to Kitt, and reached out with his open claw, "We should be leaving, m'lady." He said, with a more, suave voice.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad