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Magical Starsign.
Kitt followed behind the other students going to non-magical combat, I really hope she's not as serious as she seems. I've never even been in a fight before I don't know how to fight. She thought.

*Main Hall*

"Alright, magical combat, you're with me." Katt said, waving to get her students attention before heading to her teaching area.

*Magical Combat area*

The magical combat area was a large open field far from the school and buildings, incase there were some accidents, "Alright, the first thing you need to learn before you can use your magic, is how to harness it." She held up two fingers of her hands, "For some this can be easier than others, just feel your element, focus on it," the tips of her fingers started to shine with a small ball of light forming on them, "AND RELEASE IT!" She shouted, flicking her wrist, as she did a beam of light shot out of it, cracking like a whip infront of it before vanishing, "So, who wants to try it first?" she asked.

*Room 100*

Shadow entered the room with the other students.

Slash walking along next to him, "So what do we learn in here? How to better fight together, new battle techniques? Something like that?" he asked, glancing around the room, his ear's perked up.

"Slash just be quiet and the teach'll tell you." she groaned.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The cat yipped loudly as Katt did that and then Rellia looks like she's about to burst with excitement. "That... was... sooooo... AWESOME!!"
OOC: Ouch, oops, now I gotta hold back my tongue haha.

And I feel like Karomaru's now kinda forgotten... AWL? ;-;


(Room 100)

"Hee... okay... where do we begin..." Dorothy thought to herself, entering the room. A suggestion alerted her ears, which twitched slightly as she mellowed a bit. "Oh my, that's quite an enthusiastic one!" she apparently praised Slash, simulating a smile as she walked around her desk and sat on it with a small hop, her skirt very slightly waving for the audience of students, her claws on her sides on the table. "But there is none of that, for the first part of the semester, little kitty." Dorothy said, giggling.

Tina was sitting besides her, now unable to fake being asleep because Dorothy was not holding her anymore. Her tail dragged behind her on the table as she looked around at all the different familiars with unconceably curiosity.

"In fact," she continued, "We are going to study, to philosophe about our very own familiars, how they appeared," she made a small hand motion, simulating the appearance of something in the air, "How their powers aligned with us," her paw opened, palm facing up, and a small torrent of water shot up about a feet in height, suddenly creating a beautiful fountain-like pillar on her claw, before she eliminated it from sight before it caught the attention of many. "But our most focused topic, which I always feel like the most interesting about familiars... Is our undeniable bond with them," her vision dropped to Tina, who returned the look with an innocent blink of eyes, "How sometimes our personalities can merge, while in other cases they may contrast with each other..." she said, almost leaving no imagination to her passion for the subject. "This is, Familiar Studies." She concluded, returning her gaze to the class with her sweet smile.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Only one, huh...oh well. More learning for him! The dragoness smiled. "Alright, and what is your name, young man?" she asked, motioning for him to follow as she headed down one of the other hallways. "In my class, you'll be learning how to defend yourself from offensive magic."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Name's... uhm... Karomaru, miss... View..." The boy said, mispelling her name since he had not heard Katt correctly before. "Uhm... are you uh, sure he'll be able to defend against anything? I mean... just look at him." He picked Reno from the floor, who kept breathing fast, tongue coming in and out fast, and showed him to Vook.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Heh, physical appearance means nothing, Karomaru." The dragoness giggled and shook her head. "And the name is Mrs. Kyrian." she added as she stepped into room 309, the room being like a normal classroom, only a lot larger, having the desks arranged in seven rows of ten. "Have a seat anywhere you like."

"She's right. Just look at me, I'm transparent, and I can still manage to defend myself." Vook's familiar added, floating alongside her as they walked down the hall and into the room.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Great way to make a fool of yourself, Karomaru..." He thought, drowning a mellow as he sat down in one of the classroom's desks. Reno was so far behaving well, a bit shy, but obedient, sitting down next to his master. "Gah- am I the only one in this class?!" he recriminated.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The silver dragoness reached under her desk, and took out a large textbook, weighing at least 10 pounds (4.55kg), and setting it down on Karo's desk. "Here's your spellbook, Karomaru. Don't mess it up or lose it, because if you do, you'll have to pay for another." She warned, before walking back to her desk. "I know, it sounds silly, but it's school policy."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
(OOC: Uhm, you know in our classes, there are other NPC students, right? 'Cause, we can't just have classes with one or two pupils in a whole school, can we?)

Ayumi led her class into a large, spacious room. It looked like a cross between a sports hall and an armoury, as most of the walls were covered with weapons, as were the many wooden stands. The centre of the room was cleared of any furnishings, ample space for fighting.

'Welcome, welcome! Okay, before we start, if any of you are physically unfit, you're gonna have a problem with this class. If that's the case, i've got an awesome training program, which you'll follow. Actually, everyone follows it, so my classes are more than just learning, they're also a workout!'

Ayumi strode over to a large table, on which many different types of weapons were laying.

'Okay, everybody pick one and try it out. Just give it a wave! When you pick the right one, you'll know. For example, first time i picked up this scythe, it heated up, made me feel all warm, and sparks of fire ran across the blade. Your weapon will correspond with your element, letting you know when you've found your match!' The teacher explained, spinning her scythe in her hands and creating a wheel of fire.

all i ever wanted was the world.

OOC: I'm just following the theacher :P


Karomaru's eyes reduced to tiny specks of black as he looked at the huge spellbook, Reno stood up, his paws on Karomaru's lap as he tried to reach the book to see it. "Oi..." he said, trying to settle Reno down. "Don't get so cheery, we're in class..." he whispered to his familiar, pushing him down so he would sit again and then he opened the large book, inspecting it only to sweatdrop as he found complex magic text in it, and he was not familiarized with it. "Uh... what... do I do...?" he asked, a bit nervous, his vision not lifting from the book.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad