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Magical Starsign.
"Heh, yeah. Now c'mon, let's get this testing done and over with!" Vook added, before heading into the large testing room, the large, ghostly angel following behind her. Wonder how much of a punch these kids can pack! she thought with a grin.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Well, if I mess up I just go home. I'm not too worried about it." Shadow said, yawning slightly from how early they had to wake up.

"How old are you? It probably was yesterday," Katt laughed as she rejoined in the center room with the female students, "Alright everyone, I'm sure you know what today is. So, who wants to be the first to summon? Come on don't be shy, if you fail you just get sent home followed by the laughter of those that passed, so no pressure." she chuckled. She pulled a small card out her pocket, "Okay, stand back everyone." she said as she set it on the ground creating a large circle with intricate designs in it, "Alright, when you're ready just step into the circle, if you're worthy your familiar will appear." she explained.

Well let's get this over with. Shadow thought as he stepped forward into the circle, for a second nothing happened, then a strong wind seemed to blow through the room, the circle below his feet glowing brightly as a small white cat with stripes appeared.

"Heya! Name's Slash." the cat smiled, "Pleased to meet me I'm sure."

"Hmm, interesting. Well, your element is wind it would seem. Congratulations." Katt smiled as Shadow walked off, followed by his new familiar, "Alright, who's next?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Serin stepped in the circle after Shadow left it, and for a few seconds, nothing seemed to be happening. Then a low tremble started, the same as when Serin burrows. A hole then appeared in the ground, with nothing there. Serin narrowed his eyes as he reach to the already repairing hole, and felt something coiling around his arm. After looking slosely, he saw a faint distortion where he felt whatever it was. The creature then made itself known, the color changing to look like a 2-foot long snake made out of rock. "I am Tsuchi, and your familiar."

Serin shrugged and stepped out of the circle.
[Image: FANTASY%20-%20IMAGE%20-%20Girl%20Warrior...ragoon.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Karomaru looked at Slash and Tsuchi, oggling at both of them, "Woah, they look cool!" he said to himself, impressed at the appearance of Familiars, although he already knew them thanks to his parents. He gulped, realizing there weren't many students left, "Guess it's time-"

"Amazing! Look at them springing up!" Dorothy said, marveled at the appearances as well, but in her case, she was detailfully examining each of them. "It appears both of those seem to reflect their owner's personalities, gee... it's so wonderful how Familiars teach us about others, right Ayumi?" she asked the other teacher, smiling broadly, one of her canine fangs sticking out cutely, before she noticed the last of the males had not moved an inch. "Huh?" she blinked, "That one's not advancing..." she worried, noticing Karomaru's legs were trembling.

"Maybe in... five minutes or so..." The blonde boy thought, smiling nervously.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Oh, i know, i just meant that Ayumi just saw him, 'cause he was just walking towards the main door. I'm no noob! ^^

Ayumi gave a small laugh, smiling at Dorothy.

'Enthusiastic, aren'tcha? It's not always the case though, often familiars contrast completely with the students, kinda balances them out, y'know? Actually, two in a row is almost impressive. I always feel bad for the kids who don't make it, but i always laugh the hardest too.' The teacher laughed as an example.

'Wind... Earth... Hope there are some fire kids. I like fighting with 'em in class! Come on, keep it moving, or Vook might eatcha!' She shouted at the students.

all i ever wanted was the world.

OOC: lol, sorry if I implied that, was just making sure there was no confusion.


After hearing what Ayumi had to say, and a bit more encouraged to help, Dorothy waved to Karomaru. "Come on! You're up next! Don't be afraid of not making it, just breathe deeply and step up!" she said sweetly.

"Why is that creepy dragon chick a teacher and has the voice of a little girl...?" Karomaru asked himself, "But nice she's being at least... M-maybe I should just give it a try..." he said, walking over to the circle.

"Wow! That worked, gee! He's coming!" Dorothy said to herself, rising a fist in victory with a small, eager grin.

Once Karomaru stepped into the circle as slowly as he could, he gasped for a moment, clenching his teeth and balling up his fists, shaking as he awaited... nothing, for a good while. "N-nothing happens..." the boy told himself, opening one of his closed eyes as he stared around the room, nervous. "I-is... am I done...?" he said, scanning for signs of any strange creature he had yet to set his eyes on in front of him or at his sides. Dorothy blinked, looking straight at Karomaru in wonder, frowning a bit as Karomaru could only swallow, as if someone had just given him a shot of syringe. He was prepared for the worst...

When suddenly from the ground a large pillar of flames shoot up and flashed the entire hall.

"Wow... that's some high-leveled energy." Dorothy observed. "Seems like he's Fire, gee... think we found you a match?" she nudged Ayumi with a giggle.

"Th-this is amazing!" Karomaru started smiling widely, admiring the tall pillar of fire which kept expanding, not burning anything, but surely causing a great impression of power. "Bet I'll get a huge Volcano Boar like pops! Or maybe a cool Lava Dragon like mom!" The boy cheered, giving out a loud, excited shout, "THIS IS SO," and suddenly the flames died out, from the enormous fire pillar came out a red and white two-tailed puppy.

"Arf!" it barked innocently, sitting in front of Karomaru while wagging its tails and hanging its tongue out happily.

"Small?!" The boy said, suddenly loosing balance and falling on his head anime-style.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hey don't judge something by it's size," Katt laughed, glancing down at Ryuu. "Alright, let's keep this train rolling."

A few more students came and went, the school seeing their first string of failures.

"Darn, we were still a bit shy of the record." Katt thought as a short mouse walked off in defeat, "Now, who," her eyes caught Kitt's, hiding a bit in the back of the crowd, "KITT! Get up here, I wanna meet your familiar." Katt smiled.

"Uhm okay," Kitt nodded, walking forward towards the circle. She stepped nervously into the center and... nothing, Oh no, please don't do this. she thought.

"Just give it a bit, it takea bit longer for some." Katt smiled, though was a bit nervous.

A few minutes passed, Kitt was coming close to the cut-off. If her familiar didn't appear soon it never would, "Katt, I don't think, I'm sorry," she said, bowing a bit before her sister. As she did the small mole she'd been caring for in her bag fell out of it, landing softly on the circle, "AH! I'm sor," Before she could finish the sentence the circle glowed to life, fire suddenly erupting around the mole, it dissipated as a large bird suddenly spread it's wings outward, looking up at Kitt.

Katt was a bit shocked, "Oh wow, in all the years of this school I don't think I've ever heard of a living creature becoming the familiar." she thought, "Well, congratulations Kitt. You passed, though just barely." she smiled, "And a pheonix, very impressive. Definately a fire attribute."

Kitt nodded a bit as the pheonix lifted into the air, it's wings moving beautifully through the air as it rested on her shoulder, "It's, nice to meet you." she smiled as she walked out of the circle.

Katt watched with a smiled before turning back to the group, "Okay let's see, we got wind, earth, and a couple of fires. So, who's up next?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
[Test Hall]

While seeing other students able to summon the familiar, Faiz had a confidence to able to summon the familiar. He didn't care which familiar he will get, as long as he able to stay here studying and revealing more of his abilities.

Without hesitation, the 2-tails wolf take a step into the magical circle and place his sword on the center of the circle. There's nothing happen for about a minute until the small lightning sparks appear on his paws, the place where he hold the sword, but still nothing happen.

After merely 10 minutes in silence, he assured that he failed to summon the familiar. He let out a deep soft sigh as walks out of the circle. 'I guess I'm not good enough to study here..." He thought to himself and leave the Test Hall before moving back to his room to pick up his belongings.
Find me at and
[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

Name: Fey Illya
Teacher/student: Student
Race: Feline
Age: 16
Sex: Female.
Orientation: Bisexual
Description: [Image: 1117910359_CMyDocumentsNeko3.jpg]
Affinity: Water (mainly ice)
Offensive: Passive- Slick Claws (Makes claws eternally wet, allowing for superior cutting)
Defensive: Black Ice Armor (Gives her an 8ft sword and heavy armor of unbreakable black ice, requires massive amounts of mana to maintain.)
Weapon: She has gloves with large claws on them, and a tail blade facing down.
Familiar: Neptune Tiger, A green amphibious tiger that can swim at an average of 30mph, it has six tentacles coming down the top half of his back. These tentacles can each control different water spells as if the tiger had seven minds.
Backround: No family, no memories. She found herself in some odd metal room, with lights all around. Later she had found out she was found in an escape capsule. (age 4)
Other info:
Likes: Playful, pranks, tricks, people who show her compassion.
Dislikes: "Meanies", teachers, authorities.
She is extremely fast, specializing in such. She has some weak magic, and her familiar is friendly ONLY to her, and because of her nature, he is extremely protective.

Familiar: Neptune Tiger
Name: Fenrir (Nickname: "Tiggy")
Species: Amphibious tiger, has six tentacles each controlling a different magic.
Description: It has a green fur coat with scale armor surrounding his torso. Six tentacles each around 10ft jet out from the upper part of his back, starting at the base of his neck and ending at the middle of his legs. One on each side tilted towards the top. He himself is around 23ft standing.
Affinity: Warer (Mainly water)
Abilities: Each tentacle has a different power,
Holy Water: Low to medium healing.
Water Flow: Keeps him alive outside of water for 24 hours max, he can also use this to expand water.
Fraust: He can freeze water to greatly it can be as strong as steel, or stop the blood flow in a human life.
Water of Clarity: Helps to see no matter how dark
Constriction: This tentacle can grow longer to reach or grow large to deliver a better punch. There are two of these, the front ones.

I hope this is okay...

Fey stood outside the large school and looked at it. She looked around and began to slowly make way for the entrance. "What am I supposed to even do, they didn't tell me...mreow..."
OOC: Uh lonely, if you failed the summoning you have to leave the school remember? Not sure if you've got an idea for something or if you're just already bored of the RPG so if you could just clarify for me, in PM if you'd prefer to keep a plan secret. Almost forgot, the 'secretary' is just going to be a temporary character that comes in whenever one is needed but not available. So don't get too attached to her/it.


The secretary that had been at the front desk the day before was walking through the grounds, making sure everything was in order for when the students arrived. She caught site of one student walking through the grounds, "Hey, you aren't supposed to be here." she shouted to her as she walked up, "The summoning is taking place inside of the main building, you're lucky you made it just in time." she smiled, "Do you want me to show you?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad