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Magical Starsign.
"Yeah, I mean, c'mon, sure. We directly contradicted a teacher's orders, we sneaked past their force field that was meant to keep students out, we got ourselves kidnapped into that Nether place, and we almost got killed by a bunch of monsters and had to be rescued by our teachers. But we got Kitt back in end!" Karomaru concluded, sliding an arm on the air, "They should relax, y'know?" he groaned, but then widened his eyes and stuttered after realizing Shadow was right, "Holy crap, she IS here! Hmm..." he thought, but then sighed in defeat, "Darn, she's with a friend. Hey Shadow, can you distract the other girl?" he turned to the wolf.

"Oh, you'll find it boring," Yachiru unenthusiastically said, "I live in a large city, in a huge house full of people who do everything my parents and I tell them to do. They do everything, from waking me up to teaching to preparing food and reminding me about my sleeping habits," she sighed, suddenly slumping her arms on the rim of the table and rested her chin on top of them while still looking at Kitt and swishing her tail lazily from side to side, "I don't really get to go out a lot, the only tree at home is several feet high and my parents wouldn't allow my servants to let me climb," she huffed.

(Training Arena F)

Reno groaned in dissatisfaction, seeing he wouldn't be able to make Slash understand unless he showed what he meant. He looked around as the arrows continued bouncing against the air pocket, but even then it was too weak to withstand the array of powerful water bolts. Reno looked at the water as it splashed around and then got a quick situational idea: He barked and a small fireball shot upwards, gaining altitude slowly but it would eventually fall down. He quickly turned to Slash and nudged him with his snout, barking again but this time not breathing a fireball out, "Arf!"


"I wouldn't like it any other way," Mar impertinently said, starting to undress, taking his jacket and shirt off to first reveal his massive bulk and sinewy muscles across his arms, waiting for a reaction while taking the shirt part off slowly before moving on.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"That doesn't sound boring at all, it must be fun living with so many people." Kitt smiled, her tail wagging around a bit.

"Wow when you put it that way how could they be angry." Shadow shook his head as he chuckled. He glanced over towards the table, eyeing the girl Kitt was sitting with, "Guess I could try." he grinned. He walked over towards the table and sat down next to Kitt's friend, "Heya, nice to see you up and about." he smiled.

*Arena F*

"Don't you know how to talk?" Slash groaned, looking up at the fireball, "Hey, I got an idea." He smiled, whipping a hand up towards the fireball. The flame scattered and grew, soon forming into a wall, "Hehe, nothing gets a fire roaring like a nice gust of wind."


"Seen it all before heman," Thorne smilled, "Come on, you know I've never been one for foreplay." she purred, beckoning with one of her claws.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Yachiru was about to continue but she realized they had company. Sitting up straight, her left arm was left on the table while her right hand rested on her lap, the salamander glanced at the newcomers, moving slightly to the left to allow the wolf some space on the sitting table, raising an eyebrow at him, "And you are?"

Karomaru hadn't really paid attention to Yachiru and instead took the chance to have a seat next to Kitt in the table, "Hey, Kitt! Looking good. How's Flare?" he asked, having trouble to maintain his eyes fixed on the tigress's face with two big reasons below her chin for him to have.

(Training Arena F)

Slash's movement wasn't what Reno had expected at all, but the wall was being more effective than the simple air pocket to protect them, Reno happily barked at his friend, his tongue sticking out in a sort of cartoonish way as he floated.

Tina saw all her minor water bolts turning into steam after they came in contact with the familiars' fire wall. She began pondered, "I can't believe it. They were able to combine powers so fast!" In her previous observations, there wasn't a viable way to get partners to work together so fast and effectively, the partners needed to take their time to build trust and more importantly to devise a coordination beforehand to be able to counter effect an enemy's assault. A comical vein formed behind her head, her angelical voice now full of spite, "Don't get too cocky! Now you'll," she began, raising her right arm as the serpent pulled back, she was in a javelin-throwing position, and from the looks of it she was about to discharge a massive attack but all of a sudden she popped and a white smoke surrounded her.

Only a couple seconds later the smoke cloud was nearly extinguished and the smaller, mute and less promiscuous version of Tina began falling, but was caught by a nearly invisible hand made of water that was levitating her. The water serpent was drawn to Dorothy's side.

The dragon girl with glasses stood there and smiled to Tina, allowing the hand to drop her in her arms where she was hugged again. Tina let herself be craddled by Dorothy but let out some sort of cute whimper as if she was being apprehensive, "That was enough, Tina. You did a great job," Dorothy smiled again, looking over to the other two familiars, "Well, you may get out. Your lesson is over, gee!" she giggled.


Mar smiled and faked coughing "Horny demon" he then got rid of his pants and now, completely nude and having coaxed his more than impressive genitalia out got on top of the raptor girl, "You won't miss these, will you?" he said while breathing hot air over her face in a sensual gest, his claws brushing against the fabric of her clothes.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Shadow, not to brag but we're the ones who rescued your friend." he smiled, "So what're you guy's chatting about? Anything interesting?"

"Thanks," Kitt smiled, "She's doing fine," she looked up towards where Flare was perched, picking at a small plate of food, "How're you two? Hope the teachers weren't too made with you." her ears drooped slightly.

*Arena F*

"Finally," Slash smiled, jumping off Reno's back and onto the edge of the pool, "Well gotta admit aside from the water that wasn't too bad." he shook, knocking off any stray bits of wettness from hsi fur.


"Why? Are you thinking of getting a reduction?" Thorne teased, knocking at Mar's snout with her own as she growled in lust.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Yachiru blinked in surprise, "You... You were the ones the teachers got problems with?" she delicately put a paw in front of her open mouth as her jaw dropped with intrigue. All of a sudden, her attention was all on Shadow, "Where did you go exactly? Is there some secret passage in the training arena? We, I couldn't see the inside but it didn't look like it was spacious enough for exploration, so I assume that place must've been connected to someplace else in this school or out of it. What was it like? And what were you thinking when you went into an unknown area without any experience? Oh, my name's Yachiru Himiko! Nice to meet you, Shadow!" she began asking, quite fast too, disregarding the fact that the wolf might not have been able to keep up with her.

"Naw! We showed them who's boss!" Karomaru bluffed, giving himself a pat on the chest, "Haha, nothing like warm-up exercise, we were so dynamic, and cool! Heh, haha!" he laughed, although his closed eyes were twitching, hiding the frustration of the earlier intensive combat session with Ms. Katt.

(Training Arena F)

Reno whined as he sank when Slash jumped on him having swallowed some water, making him cough when he floated up again. Slightly frustrated, the pup swam over to the ridge but then was helped by Dorothy to rise up with another invisible water hand to later be deposited next to Slash. Reno's tongue came out and her barked happily, seeming pleased at the attention, then he started to shake around violently to get the wetness of his fur, splashing Slash next to him with more humidity by accident.

"You two did great, I'm proud of you," Dorothy said with a smile as she crouched and looked at then, "Tina's also impressed, and I'm sure your Masters will be, as well!" she cheerfully said, "We'll repeat another session after lunch, okay?" she then said with a cute smirk.

Reno's tongue withdrew into his muzzle, and suddenly his enthusiasm died as his ears drooped. No words needed to be said.


"I'd never forgive myself if I did, and I've a feeling you wouldn't, either," The huge dragon grinned, working to remove Thorne's clothes off her rough, scaly body before he started grinding his hips along hers to help himself harden quicker, "Mrrr," he murred, "Are you seriously jealous of a sexy kitten freshman?" he narrowed his eyes at her, appealing to her womanly side's feelings.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Heya, just posting my profile.

Name: Hyouzen Masuda
Teacher/student: Student
Race: Water Dragon
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Orientation: Bi
Description: A red haired dragon with deep blue eyes. Standing at 9’8” tall, he's a tall water dragon with a burly, muscular form. Aquamarine scales cover most of his body while ivory white scales cover his chest and muzzle. He also has finned ears and arms along with a finned tail. He usually wears a large black t-shirt, dark blue jacket, and blue jeans which struggle to contain his muscular body.
Affinity: Water

Defensive: Blinding Blizzard: A small, fierce snowstorm is created near Hyouzen, disorienting his enemies with snow and fog.

Offensive: Cold Snap: A pillar of ice shoots up from the ground before bursting before the target.

Offensive 2: Tidal Wave: An arc of razor sharp water energy shoots out of Hyo’s sword when it’s swung.

Weapon: Enki (Claymore)
Familiar: Daedalius
Background: He’s your stereotypical musclehead and so he thinks with his fists first, is kind of rude, and doesn’t really have a sense of danger. While he does have a lot of physical power, his magical abilities are somewhat lacking.

Name: Arc
Species: Ice Golem
Description: A small, but sturdy creature seemingly made of ice. Beady yellow eyes glow through a small crack in his icy exoskeleton.
Affinity: Ice
Abilities: It can freeze opponents with ice vision, surround his body with ice armor, and make himself larger by absorbing nearby ice or water in the area.


"Damn, these teachers are so uptight." The sound of a door slamming filled the hallway as a towering dragon man left his tutoring session in defensive magic, groaning over his failure to charm the teacher.

Arc didn't seem all that interested in his master's plight as he watched a nearby fountain spout water, marveling at the sight like a small child. "Pretty....needs more color though."

"Hey, get back over here! We have places to be, squirt." Hyouzen folded his arms and waited for the small ice man to return before he started walking towards the cafeteria, eager for some lunch after everything. "Need a damn burger."

Arc entered alongside his master, hoping to sneak away a scrap before he noticed a group of students near the sushi bar including Kitt. The ice golem seemed to do something akin to blushing as the ice around his cheeks melted ever so slighty. Noticing that his master was far too busy stacking up a huge plate of food, the ice golem started to sneak over closer to the group of students, eager to get a better look at the feline.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Shadow Lobo, but just Shadow's fine," Shadow smiled as he took her hand, "Kinda didn't understand it much but apparently was some kinda portal or something, went in and got moved somewhere else. Probably to deal with anyone that decided to follow. When Karo said he was going in after Kitt how could I refuse some fun and exercise?" He shrugged.

"Still don't do anything like that again, I don't like the thought of anyone getting hurt because of me." She smiled slightly from Karo's reassurance.


"My sentiments exactly," Slash groaned, "No more water right?" he asked with a hopeful smile.


"Can't help it if I am, not used to having to compete for your attention," Thorne growled playfully, her tail pulling at her clothes to help remove them faster, pulling the leather armor off her top, freeing her large red breasts, "Then again why should I be jealous of some amateurish little girl?" she winked.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Wow..." Yachiru gasped, enthralled by the story telling, "You must've been really brave to do all that with zero experience," she added, "Do you think they'll come again...? I mean... the bad guys..." she then said with a small whisper, her eyes slowly turning to an ice-creature just behind Kitt, letting go of Shadow's hand as she turned around to make sure it wasn't just her eyes playing tricks on her.

Karomaru dismissed Kitt's worries with a small, but proud hand wave "Hah, even if they appeared right here, I'd just take care of them single-handedly on my own," he said, his arms folding together as he noded to himself, imagining Kitt jumping to his arms which made it hard for him to keep a serious expression and even began blushing slightly.

Yachiru suddenly stood up with both paws on the table, startled by the small ice-man under Kitt, "Monster!" she screamed.

Karomaru nearly fell off his chair, letting out a loud gasp as he jumped under the table. "D-Damn! Where did they come from?!"

(Training Arena F)

"Gee, that depends on who your next teacher will be," Dorothy giggled a bit, "Well, would you like me to take you to your Masters, or do you know the way to them?" she asked the two little ones.


Mar growled softly, "I like that attitude" he said as his arms wrapped her from behind, making her sit up on his lap as he pulled her up to push her chest against his face, "And I also fucking love your big tits," he murred, engulfing one of the mounds in his maw to start sucking at it hard.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Beats me, but hey the teachers are prepared this time, I hope." Shadow shrugged a bit, "If they do anything I'm sure it'll be fine, we'll see it coming a mile away."

Kitt hissed loudly from surprise, jumping away from the table. Flare's head snapping up as she flew down next to her mistress, squawking loudly, "Wh-what's going on?" she asked, confused by the sudden scream.


"Think we can find them, can't be too difficult. We are their familiars afterall." Slash yawned a bit, "Then I vote we just hide out till this whole 'train them to death' thing blows over."


Thorne growled softly in pleasure, loving the feeling of her entire breast being suckled on, "Fucking love them, or love fucking them?" she asked with a growling chuckle.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Noticing that he had been spotted, Arc quickly hid behind a pillar in the school cafeteria. The ice golem had failed to notice that ice had begun to melt from his outer shell from his nervousness, leaving a trail of water to his position.

Meanwhile, Hyouzen was about done chowing down his third burger when he heard the commotion from nearby and jumped out of his chair. "Heh, sounds like some action." The tall water dragon moved over to the group and asked Yachiru, "Where's the monster? I'll squash it for ya."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions