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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"Well, we'll have a play about with both our outfits then." Kyosan grinned, finding himself a little curious of what the neko had in mind for him to wear for a brief moment before then wagging his tail as he heard Crimson talked to them. "Well, I think we're just about done."

"Alright!" Lurea giggled cutely, taking the glasses and slowly heading over to the sink as she placed them ready to wash, before moving slowly back towards Crimson, wagging her tail eagerly. "Let's get going!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Great, let's go up." Crimson held Lurea's hand as he led her to the elevator.

Ada grabbed Kyo's arm in a protective manner and walked with him onto the elevator platform as well before they were sent up to the bridge.

(Crew's Quarters C)

"And que the end of the "Cutaway to Another Scene"...erm scene." DemiDevimon flew away from the camera and asked the two foxes. "So, how goes it?"

Monica panted a little, finding it stressful to take everything in at once. "It's all so fantastic that's it a little hard to believe. Still, you all seem to want to help me, so I suppose that's all I need to know for now." She gave Zorromon a little smile, still unsure if he was really her brother, but she could at least tell he was concerned.

"Don't worry, babe. Convenient Amnesia wears off in time. Just like the Mushrooms of Forgetfulness." DemiDevimon grinned happily while he landed softly on Kotana's shoulder.

Zorromon growled before warning the bat-like imp, "Don't test your luck, kid." The fox then looked back to his sister and told her, "It's okay, we'll take it all one step at a time, and we'll do our best to keep you safe." He then turned towards Kotana and asked her, "Say Blue, I know you're not a doctor, but you're the smartest one on this ship. Any ideas of how we might help Monnie get her memories back?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
As the elevator whirred up, Kyosan smiled as he looked towards Ada and studied her neko form for a brief moment before then wagging his tail eagerly. "So, tell me one last thing, do you know exactly what your next stage will be?"

"So Crimsy, one question." Lurea thought quickly for a moment before then smirking and rubbing his arm gently, curious as she then asked. "I never asked this, but how did you get here in the first place?" She asked gently.

(Crew's Quarters C)

"Well, if you believe the cartoons, usually amnesia can be cured with a heavy blow or hit to the head. But, the only way for amnesia usually to go, is through trauma, certain events, or... well, in the sense of data, for any left over corrupt data to be formatted. That's as much as I can say." Kotana paused, running through all she knew while looking onto Monica, nearing her before sitting beside her on the bed. "You truly have no recollection of anything? When you were a Baby Digimon, any specific events... not even special times with your brother?" She tried, hoping some result would occur.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Well, no digimon ever knows for sure what their next stage will be. There are certainly common trends, but sometimes we evolve into something completely unexpected." Ada thought a little harder about it before telling him, "Well, my next form is supposedly LadyDevimon, but it could be something different." The feline then giggled lightly and nudged him lightly, "Why so curious, huh?"

"Hmmm, oh, sorry Lu, I could have sworn I told ya in full. Anyways, I was working in my laboratory back on Earth which was supposed to create a two-way gate between here and the internet. Something happened though and we were given a one way trip here. Heh, maybe this is the internet though in some form." The fox chuckled a bit, thinking that might be the truth considering all of the strange things they've seen.

(Crew's Quarters C)

"......I do remember something." Monica quivered a little before telling them, "I remember a man with silver hair." The Renamon pulled the blanket up higher around her. "He did...terrible things to me." Her eyes began to water as she pleaded, "I really don't want to talk about it anymore."

Zorro nodded as he gritted his fangs, having an idea what she was talking about. "We'll keep you safe from him." He kissed her forehead softly and told her, "I'll stay by your side and protect you, I promise."

Demidevimon sidestepped a little closer to Kotana and asked her quietly, "Say, who's he talking about? His eyes seemed to light up when she mentioned the silver hair dude."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Hi! This used to include an old post, but due to ancient egypsun spoiler attacks, the old comment seems to be missing! Terribly sorry for any inconvenience!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Hehe, I won't be anything like that last devil we met." Ada smirked playfully and told him, "I'll be your sexy demoness." She then leaned closer to his ear whispered playfully, "" The feline then giggled, leaving it unclear if she was serious or not.

"Thanks, Lu." Crimson kissed her cheek softly, glad he had such a kind digimon by his side. As they made it back to the bridge, the fox noticed it was empty. "Hmmm, I thought I heard some noise up here." His ears then twitched as he pointed towards Crew's Quarters C. "Oh, I think they're in there. Our grumpy captain must be in there checking on his sis."

(Crew's Quarters C)

Monica shook her head cutely, not knowing of any power she had. "Sorry, but as far as I know, I don't."

Zorromon however seemed to have an answer as he explained to her, "Actually, you do, sis. You're one of the few digimon with the power to heal." He then looked over to Kotana and explained it to everyone. "As you guys probably know, most digimon have mostly attack moves with the occasional defense technique. Those with healing techniques are rare though, and are usually limited to those angel types. Monica is an odd exception to the usual Renamon. This power isn't like rebirth like what happened to Tankmon, this is live, damaged data being restored."

Demidevimon then chimed in with, "Oh, so Steven wanted her healing powers?" The mini-devil then shook his head, and thought, And here I thought he only wanted to bone this hottie.

"Beats me what he intended or why he even corrupted you, sis. ...Kotana, did that data say anything else? About why he wanted that power? Immortality, maybe?" Zorromon still seemed upset, seeing the frightful look in the blond vixen's eyes.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Rawr, I look forward to it." Kyosan grinned, her unclear explanation making him curious and eager as to her evolution, before then hearing Crimson's speech and then muttering. "Shall we enter then? They must have already talked about a lot before we got here."

"Well, we'll knock anyways. It'll be polite!" Lurea giggled, making her way from Crimson's side as she approached the door before giving it a faint knock, checking to see if anyone was in.

(Crew's Quarters C)

"Well..." Kotana started, before she sat down and thought quietly for a moment. She tried to recollect everything she knew for certain about the white-haired man before her voice lifted once more. "...You wouldn't obviously know this, but back where we came from, Steven was once immortal. We are not dealing with the same Steven, I am sure of that. He may not look it, but behind that human there is a boundless amount of knowledge. He knows people, can tell people, and usually, how things will end up." She then heard the faint knock on the door, slowly working her way over towards it while then looking back on them all. "I'm very sure that whatever he did, will link to the future and his ultimate goal."

Opening the door, the blue-haired mechanic smiled happily, looking onto them all with a sudden change of attitude. "Come in, we were just sorting out everything."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Oh, hey, you're awake!" Crimson smiled as he looked towards Monica and asked her, "So, you feeling okay?"

Monica was a bit taken back by the fox's enthusiasm before she nodded lightly, "Yeah, I think I'll be okay. Everything's just kind of hazy."

Ada was thankful that the darkness that had pervaded the Renamon's data seemed to have faded like hers and Lurea's after fighting her in such a feral state. "Can you stand?"

Monica groaned as she shifted her body before telling them, "I must have been asleep for a while. My body feels really stiff. I'm sure I'll be okay soon enough." She tried to stay optimistic, feeling optimistic after seeing all of the people apparently on her side.

"I can help ya to exercise, sis. We'll go at a pace you're comfortable with." Zorromon smiled towards the cute blond before looking towards the four that just entered. "I guess you guys want to know what happened." The swordsman handed over a worn diary to Kyo. "That ice devil wrote all that. It's possible that the survivors are still alive over there in the castle he mentions. I'm not sure how eager you guys are for going over there, but maybe there will be some clues about how you can get back home."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Taking the initiative, Kyosan immediately flipped open the diary once recieving it, thanking the fox briefly for his diligence before then flicking through every page by page. The maniac laughter written at the end brought a short smile to the dragon's maw, before he closed it. "Well, we have to look for the Mistress mentioned in this diary at the castle..." Kyosan paused, imagining a citadel or a castle to attack once more before then sighing. "Do you know where the castle might be, Zorro?"

"Hmm... I can't think of it off the top of my head." Lurea murmured to herself, having recalled hearing it once before before then looking towards Monica. "I'm sure you'll be fine soon, just go at a normal pace and everything should be alright!" She giggled optimistically.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Thanks!" Monica nodded and gave her a sunny smile.

"It mentioned it was in Mainframe, but there doesn't seem to be any other clues about it. If she's really so important, there must be someplace there that knows about the castle." Zorromon nodded towards Kyo, before asking them all, "Is everyone going to be ready for takeoff in a minute?"

Monica blinked in surprise, "Takeoff?"

"Yeah. Oh, I guess I didn't tell ya, we're in a flying ship, sis. Pretty crazy, eh?" The digital fox chuckled lightly.

"Oh my!" Monica then groaned as she tried to move out of bed to have a look out the window, her body telling feeling wobbly after being purified.

"Whoa, easy, girl. You still need to recover a little. Don't worry, you'll be up and at em' in no time." Crimson chuckled lightly before telling Zorro, "Anyways, yeah, I'm ready to go. Besides, there must be some clues on how to get home in Mainframe. The ethernet was bringing in data for stuff from our world onto the island so there must be something in Mainframe."

"Plus we gotta stuff that mistress from sending more goons down to our home." Ada nodded, feeling ready to go as well.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions