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Heaven & Hell. Mk.2
OOC: Catallac? What's that? :0


"Rawr, you need something bigger than my arm up there." Mar smiled wide, his other claw caressing and rubbing around Kitt's butt "Maybe Katt can help you with that?" he grinned.


"Sure, let's get there as soon as possible!" Dorothy giggled, and exited the apartment with Shadow, "Hmm, the gym was... three blocks away from home, so it's around 7 blocks away from here." She said and looked up to Shadow, "It should take about ten minutes on foot." She then smiled.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: It's a pun, Cadillac is a fancy type of car.


"Yes, please," Kitt purred, letting go of Katt's tail.

Katt fell forward onto the table, panting heavily as she wrapped her tail close around herself, "You know, I hate, when you do that." she panted.

"Come on join in, this game is fun." Kitt purred, her pussy dripping slightly with her juices, her tail flicking around in pleasure.


"That sounds like a dare," Shadow grinned, grabbing Dot around the chest and legs and picking her up, "Up up and away!" He laughed as he kicked off the ground, the strong muscles in his legs propelling his body almost like a cheetah. After a quick dash he skidded to a halt infront of the gym, "And time!" he shouted, "Okay, what was my time? Bet it was better than 10 minutes." he grinned.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Yeah, c'mon Katt. Help Kitt feel better." Mar smiled, his arm coming out from Kitt's ass, then gave a spanking to the perfect heart-shaped plump butt to emphasize its size.

(Outside the Gym)

Dorothy's hair was completely ruffled again and her claws were practically sunk onto Shadow's shirt, "I uhm... want to get down..." she panted out.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Katt sat up, fussing with her fur a bit as she looked over Mar and Kitt, "Fine, but this time we do it my way." she grinned, "Always wondered how my sis tasted." she licked her lips.

"Huh? How I taste? What's that mean?" Kitt looked confused, "You mean my milk? It doesn't taste any diffrent than any other feline I would think."

"Ya know, she is kinda cute when she's stupid."


"What? Didn't like the ride?" Shadow laughed as he set her down on the sidewalk, keeping an arm around her waist to support her, "Sure beats the bus, or just walking doesn't it?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Lookie! Browsing through FA I found a character that's very alike to Katt.

Except I forgot if she's blonde or her hair is any other colour. Also, I think that girl has bigger boobs than Katt.


"Fine by me." Mar smiled, "But after that, you're gonna have to fill her up, too." He said as he slowly rubbed Kitt's immense butt-crack, the firm but huge buttcheeks jiggling at his touch, "Right, Kitt?" he looked up, grinning up at the younger tigress.


"I- I think I'm more of a stroll-taker myself..." Dorothy said, adjusting her glasses and straightening her hair a bit, fixing it into a ponytail which she let drap over her shoulder and next to the upper line of her bust. "But we got here very f-fast. So let's go in!" She giggled, still a bit shaky.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Katt: *Growling*

Wow, that would be what I expected Katt to look like. Good find. But yeah the chest is a bit big, *Box of anvils crush him*


"Um, okay," Kitt agreed, unsure exactly what they were talking about, but a bit excited too.

"Just relax, it'll be just like those games we played when we were younger." Katt purred, nuzzlng against Kitt's muzzle to calm her as she went down on her knees, her nose directly infront of Kitt's pussy, she moaned softly as she took a deep breath, "Mmm, you smell absolutely intoxicating." she giggled, flicking her tongue at Kitt's pussy.

"Haaaahh," Kitt fidgeted slightly, her body twitching from the shocks of pleasure, "K-katt, don't, do that." she whimpered slightly in pleasure.


"I thought it was kinda fun, but I guess to each their own. Next time we'll just walk." Shadow promised as he ducked through the doorframe, suddenly standing up and smacking the ceiling with his head, "Wow, they make these places small. Guess that's to make people look bigger, boost their egos a bit." he shrugged.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: And hey, it also seems like that girl lives Katt's dream. Ginormous boobs!


"I just have to question you girls' santicity while younger." Mar laughed a bit, "Well, Kitt. Guess your huge boobs and sexy ass aren't the only things that get attention!" he smiled.


"Are you alright?" Dorothy asked while entering, looking up at Shadow with concern, "You are around four or five feet taller than before, it's not to be surprised most places aren't comfortable now..." she mellowed a bit.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Katt: I'm happy just the way I am.

So what's with all these 'how to increase your bust size' magazines I found in your room?



"We just fooled around a bit, purrfectly common for sisters of our species," Katt purred, flicking her tongue over Kitt's clit, causing the younger feline to squeel in pleasure, "You can't resist me, you never could Kitten." she laughed a bit.


"It's cool, I got a pretty hard head." Shadow tapped his skull with his knuckles a bit to show his point, "Little bump here and there doesn't bother me. Guess I'm gonna have to get used to the extra few feet though, don't wanna break anything by accident. Oh well, back to business, so, cardio or a little strength training? Or we could go for a swim, assuming you don't mind the smell of wet dog."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Likewise you can't resist to that tug of tail." Mar chuckled, watching Katt's performance as he took a seat not too far from them.


"Hmm, we'll go for a swim when we're done with the first few rounds, okay?" Dorothy proposed, "I should get over the changing rooms..." she then said as her steps and delicate movements alerted a few of the attent males working out nearby. "Hmm... I've only been once in here... I can't remember where the changing room for girls were..." she murmured to herself, oblivious of the stares she was getting.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Let's just not talk about that," Katt huffed a bit, "Someone needs to learn not to let others know about my soft spots," she grinned, flicking at Kitt's clit with her tongue, causing her to twitch in pleasure and let out a soft mew, "You just gonna sit there and watch?" Katt grinned.


"Probably near the back, figure they'd want people changing away from the large windows in the front," Shadow chuckled a bit, "Always wondered why they put those there, gotta be embarrasing for the people working out."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad