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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"Well this is definitely... unnatural." Kotana commented, not wanting to give her thoughts out so hastily as she approached the pentagram cautiously, looking over it before then the digicode gently. "Do either of you know how to translate this?"

(The Invincible)

"Well, got to say you caught yourself a nice catch. She's generally cute all around and she seems infatuated with you, so I guess that's right up your alley." Kyosan chuckled himself, knowing too that he knew very little about Lurea, nor had the pleasure to even get to know her on basic terms, as he looked towards them both. "Guess we both found two lovely ladies perfect for us, huh?"

"And if we put it together, it should go alright!" Lurea began to beam once more, her usual energetic attitude getting the best of her as she put her best into cooking it properly, making sure to follow the instructions word by word.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Yeah! It says, "Murder Made Easy by..." " Demidevimon's mouth was suddenly shut by Zorromon's paw.

The fox then told her, "Trust me, you don't want to know the titles to these books. None of them seem to be a diary or anything that may help us, so let's keep looking around."

Demidevimon burst from of the paw and spat in disgust from the taste of fur in his mouth. "Hey, she asked a question, and I answered. I was trying to be helpful, you big jerk. Humph." The bat then fluttered around, seeing if there was anything helpful when he uttered, "Hey guys, check this out!"

On the far side of the room, there seemed to be a desk full of various items, perhaps taken from IceDevimon's victims. On the left side of the desk, a large book without a title rested along with a small device that appeared to be similar to what Kyo and Crimson had received near the start of their journey.

(The Invincible)

"Yup!" Crimson then thought about what Kyo meant by perfect, and uttered thoughtlessly, "Huh, I wonder if Lurea would like video games?" The fox then chuckled lightly and answered himself, "Aw, whatever. I just hope we get a chance to show them our world."

"Yeah, it will be easy like pie." Ada playfully stuck her tongue out a bit before she finished cooking the garlic rice and gave it a last stir. "Okay, the rice is ready. Is the curry about done?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Thank you nonetheless, Demi." Kotana explained, getting the general jist of the symbols and words as she slowly stared onto the gadget on the table, slowly reaching out and lifting it up before then pausing softly. "I've... seen this somewhere before." She murmured slightly to herself, though couldn't remember for the life of her where she had seen it before.

(The Invincible)

"We will, don't worry. And I bet she will, after all she seems very interested in trying out things, so even if she isn't, you could probably convince her." Kyosan stated, wagging his tail as he tried to think of what Ada would be interested in back in their world. "Wonder what this Ada would be into... anything like our Ada?"

"It's coming on just nice!" Lurea smiled, stirring the curry around a little more as she then looked over to the rice, seeing that it too was coming along nice before then giggling. "So, what do you think about Kyosan, is he good?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Zorromon nodded, uttering, "Yeah, I think I've seen that thing somewhere before too. It's definitely not some evil artifact. Maybe the others know what it is."

DemiDevimon then fluttered up a little while grabbing the book, opening it up. "Now what do we have here?"

The untitled book opened up to reveal diary entries, with Zorro quickly turning it to the front and read them aloud to the other two.


October 31, 200X

After gathering up enough data, I've finally been evolve to a new form. I wasn't really expecting such an icy form, but at least I'm not stuck in that shrimpy body anymore. Now that I have some thumbs, I figure it might not be a bad idea to keep a journal. Perhaps one day I'll be a big enough tyrant to turn it into a book for all my tiny subjects. King IceDevimon...hmmm, I'll have to work on the title a little.

November 5, 200X

Today is a very special day. I met with someone very special, a true inspiration for all demons. She blew me off as just a young Champion, but I won't give up so easily. I just need to find a way to impress her. I've only recently evolved though, how am I supposed to get beefier?

November 9, 200X

I think I'm getting closer. She told me that she had "a small task" for me, but I know she's trying to downplay the significance of it. I'm going to go down to some island called Commodore's Island and take over the place in her name. I have a lot of planning to do if I want this to be successful. I wouldn't want to end up like my brother. Black gears? What was he thinking? We aren't even machine digimon.

November 17, 200X

I've landed on the island. It was a pretty long journey from the castle and to make things worse, at the end of the path of the Ethernet, I saw some strange odd looking digimon that seemed to be under mind control with some black roses. Dammit, did someone steal my brother's plan for black gears or something? I'd better start my takeover from somewhere away from these guys. I'll deal with them after I gain some more power.

November 20, 200X

Things are really looking up now. I've found a part of the island that appears to be going into Winter now and is even snowy despite the tropical conditions on the rest of the island. I'm not sure the cause of this climate, but I'm thankful for it. It will make it easier to make the locals submit when I'm on my home turf. There appears to be some village of fox digimon nearby that's ripe for the picking.

November 30, 200X

Everything is going according to plan. I started off slow, just picking them off one at a time and freezing them in my cave. I devoured the weakest I captured, growing stronger with their data, but I left the stronger subjects as an offering to the Lady. Those dumb villagers though are starting to catch on to me though. I probably should go down and take care of the rest now that their numbers have been thinned.

December 7, 200X

Something odd happened today. Some of the Lady's minions managed to find my cave and asked for any digimon I captured. While I believe her concern is real, I'm annoyed that I had to hand anything over to these lowly Vilemon. How did they even find me? Perhaps I have a spy somewhere.

The good news is that they didn't get my little treasure. When I finished conquering the village, I found a locked box in the elder's house with this little machine inside. Apparently, if I find someone who I can bond with along with this "digivice", then I can evolve again. Perhaps when I return to the castle, I can bring this with me when I go to see the Lady. I just know if I can bond with her, I can become something truly magnificent. Bwahahahaha!


Demidevimon shook his head and uttered, "Who writes evil laughter into a dairy?"

Zorromon gritted his teeth, knowing that some of the villagers were already gone, but there was still hope. "That last entry of his was yesterday. I was too late for some of them, but maybe we can find this castle and save the others."

(The Invincible)

"Who knows. Our Ada is a kinky nymph sorceress who occasionally likes nerdy stuff. This Ada likes to drive heavy machines and fight directly. I think they're kind of different." Crimson chuckled a little before he asked Kyo, "Hmmm, so, any idea what our cuties might evolve into next?"

"And just about done." Ada set up four plates and put a healthy helping of garlic rice on each one. "Okay, we just have to top them all with the curry and we'll be ready to eat. This is gonna rock!" She grinned towards Lurea, hoping she was done with her part.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Let's hope we can, but I'm more concerned about this 'Lady'... she sounds even worse of a threat then IceDevimon himself, in other words." Kotana mumbled, finding herself cringing as the diary was read out before then nearing the strange device on the table and then grasping it in her hands. "Well, nonetheless, I'd like to take a look on this thing... maybe I can find what it means."

(The Invincible)

"Well, I don't know... it might be cat-related since first she was a tabby kind of cat, then a neko... but then again, she is linked to darkness, so it could be something... malicious or devilishly sexy." Kyosan suggested, imagining the idea of a succubus Ada as he chuckled darkly and then nodded his head. "I'm not sure, but I don't mind her in any form. What about Lurea, huh? She seems to change quite a bit with hers."

"Alright!" Lurea nodded, finishing up the curry on her side before then slowly beginning to bring the pot over to the plates, dishing up a healthy serving of curry ontop of the rice and grinned eagerly as it seemed to be finished. "I think... we did it!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Yeah, we'll talk about this with the others back on the ship." Zorromon took the diary in case they needed to reread anything before he gently grabbed Kotana's paw. "Think you can handle another teleportation, Blue?"

Demidevimon then fluttered up by Kotana and smiled eagerly, "Uh-hem, so I realized that this world might be a little dangerous for a newcomer. How about I stick around to help you out some more?"

Zorromon rolled his eyes and told her, "Careful, cutie. Devils aren't really to be trusted."

"Humph, you sound like those Vaccines, always assuming all of us Viruses are trouble." The little demon glared at Zorromon and asked him, "I helped you both, didn't I? Maybe I ain't perfect, but I'm sure you don't have a clean bill of health either."

The fox groaned, knowing that it was true, that he had caused trouble and pain for others because of his own goals. He pushed away the round digimon and told Kotana, "I'll let you decide, Blue. You have a good head on your shoulders, I'm sure you have a better idea of what to do with him than me."

(The Invincible)

"Yeah, true. She went from cute little digimon girl into an armored amazon. Not that I mind." Crimson chuckled a little before he added, "I wonder what her next form will be though. Maybe it will be a mermaid or something machine related?"

"Nice! That was fun, Lu. Things have been so crazy that we haven't really had time to do anything like that together in a while." Ada giggled lightly before she told her, "Anyways, let's show the boys the fruits of our labor, eh?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I can handle another. And, don't worry, we cam deal with this guy even if he does become trouble." Kotana confirmed, slotting the digivice against her belt as she then smirked and then took Zorro's paw with her pearly hand. "Let's keep a hold of him, should we?"

{The Invincible)

"It might be for all I know, but seeing ass how she's becoming more fierce with each form, she might turn more... amazoness perhaps." Kyosan suggested, shrugging his shoulders as he could soon smell the curry. "Hmm, I think they might be done."

"Sure, but you have to tell me about Kyosan later, you forgot to tell me!" Lurea giggled, nodding gently as she then prepared servings for them all, before then giving a small wag of her tail. "And yeah, we really have to recollect on what we've been up to."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Alrighty." Zorromon then gently gripped Kotana's hand, while his other paw tightly held DemiDevimon. "We'll be back in the ship in a second."

"Hey wait, I can fly! I don't wanna...!" DemiDevimon then gasped as all three of them suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke before reappearing on the Invincible's bridge.

(The Invincible, Bridge)

"Woah!" The little demon somehow came loose from Zorro's grasp and suddenly crashed against the wall. "I...I'm never doing that again...ugh..."

Zorromon and Kotana however appeared near the pilot's seat, with the fox looking a bit dizzy. "Ugh...sorry it was a bit shaky. I guess I know my limits now." He slowly regained his composure and looked at Kotana in concern. "You already, Blue?"

(The Invincible, Kitchen)

"More amazoness, eh?" Crimson started to wag his tail in excitement of the possibilities before he noticed the girls coming with their food. "Alright! Dinner time! Thanks, ladies!"

"Oh, sorry 'bout that. Don't worry, we'll catch up some more soon." Ada then grinned as she helped Lurea carry the food to the table and noticed Crimson's enthusiasm. "Hehe, you boys are really hungry I take it. Hope you like the chicken curry, guys."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Stuttering a bit and holding her head to keep herself steady, Kotana nodded lightly, looking towards both DemiDevimon and Zorromon for a moment before giving a smile, rubbing her arm gently. "I'm fine, don't worry." She confirmed, taking a look towards the gadget on her belt for a brief moment before then looking onto her two accomplices, and then murmuring. "So, should we go down there and meet them, or work out something up here?"

(Invincible Kitchen)

"Aww, thanks so much girls! It smells wonderful to eat already!" Kyosan chuckled happily, eager for the food once more and even more so Ada's cooking as he then slipped out a seat next to him for her, looking onto them both. "I bet it's wonderful tasting too!"

"Well, I hope you both like it, we tried our best!" Lurea giggled softly, nodding to Ada about their conversation as she began to set out the plates for her and Crimson, then slowly approached the chair beside him and sat down eagerly next to him.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"We should leave as soon as possible so we'd better go down there and talk to them." Zorromon then thought about something and told Kotana, "Hold on though..." He walked towards the Crew's Quarters and entered Room C to check in on his sister. The room was awful dark until Zorromon turned on the the fluorescent lights above, revealing Monica to be sitting up on her bed, a unsure expression in her eyes. "Sis? You're awake?!" He hugged the blond vixen tightly until he realized she wasn't responding. "Huh, sis? What's wrong?"

Monica remained silent until she uttered quietly, in a nervous tone, "W-Who are you all? What is all this?"

(The Kitchen)

"Thankies, Lurrie." He kissed the dragoness' cheek happily before he started digging in eagerly into the chicken curry and rice, enjoying the tasty and slightly spicy flavor in his mouth. "Yum!"

She sat down next to him and grinned, happy that the dragon was eager to eat her food. "Thanks, cutie. How about we start too then, hehe?" Ada then started to eat some of her own plate of curry and enjoyed the lively taste in her mouth.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions