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Magical Starsign.
"Brains and beauty," Thorne growled seductively, brushing her tail under Mar's chin, "And don't forget it." she smiled, drawing a rune into the wall with her claw, the wall sliding apart and revealing another gateway, "Let's go greet our new guests. Hopefully they sent some good ones." she grinned, stepping through the gateway, repearing near the down stairs of the first floor, "Hmm, no here yet? Wow they're slow. Those kids made it here alot faster.

*A few corridors away*

Katt suddenly stopped, her ears pressing back against her head, "There's someone ahead, I can sense them, two of them, powerful ones too." she growled slightly, flexing her hands and causing her fingers to crack, "And they're close."


"Well that solves the water problem. Guess that's a load off our mind, still wonder why someone would leave a note for water up here though?" Shadow paused for a second, "Think maybe it's some kind of code? Like he didn't want someone else to find the message and figure out what it was? To get water you'd have to leave here I'd assume, maybe he's saying there's a way out around here." he thought aloud, glancing around slightly.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
A little girl, around the student's age, appears before them. However, she is very different, she has heavy armor and a shining core in the middle, shining enough to lighten the room a bit. She looked at them with her full red eyes, as if rubies, and her mouth is covered by a metal mouth guard. Four wires dissapear into her hair and several more seem to be coursing under the armor. "Hello, how are you students?" she spoke with a muffle due to the mouthpiece.
Ayumi smiled, picking up the pace.

'In that case, let's get a move on! You'd better keep up Katt, or i won't leave any for you!'

all i ever wanted was the world.

"Awesome, Mael!" Karomaru cheered after her realization, and returned to a serious posture upon listening to Shaun's reasoning, "Hmm... Wait. This place has those Shadow things, right?" he looked towards his companions, "You don't suppose he means... like... a Fire Shadow?" he said, "After all, we're under the school... I think. That means only people that have knowledge of magic would be able to get here." He suggested, and then saw the light and heard the muffled voice, "Huh...?" he turned around, noticing the armored girl, "What...?" he blinked in surprise, and hearing Reno growl, he looked down, the little fox cub starting to bark at the new-comer. Karomaru frowned his eyes and slowly looked up to the red-eyed girl, "Who are you?" he asked.


Mar followed Thorne intently, partially tempted, but completely focused on their job. He put his claws inside his pockets and soundly stepped onto the rocky ground on purpose as he walked, following the magical presence nearby.


Dorothy giggled a bit "Gee, of course I have! But we can't get both our wardrobes in only one room! Maybe we could try with my collection first and another time we could go for yours?" she suggested with a cute smile.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hee, sounds like a plan to me, Dot." Vook smiled and nodded. "Shall we head over to your room, then?" she asked, her wings flapping a little bit behind her as she headed toward the door.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"And what are you doing here?" Shadow added as he placed a hand on his sword. Slash caught the vibes and crouched slightly, ready to lunge at the first sign of trouble.


"Well, they'll never find us now will they?" Thorne laughed slightly.

Katt's ears pricked up suddenly, "They're here!" she roared, running forward and past Ayumi as she heard footsteps, darting around the corning right infront of Katt and Mar.

"You!" she roared as she spotted the dragon, knowing from the description that he was the one that had grabbed Kitt, "You're the one who took my sister."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Warm welcome." Mar said, stopping as his towering form remained still in front of her, "'sup, teach." He smugly smirked.


"Sure!" Dorothy grinned a bit, softly and quietly telling Tina, "Gee, see? We already have a friend!" she smiled, getting a rather sly sigh of boredom from the little sea serpent. "Let's go!" she said to Vook, and came out after her, leading her to her room.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi rounded the corner close behind Katt, spotting Thorne and Mar.

'So it really is you! You haven't changed much...' The teacher said, casting her eyes over Mar's muscle-bound form.

'I wish i could say i didn't want it to come to this, but i do love a good brawl!' She said, spinning her scythe in her hands and pointing it at the two.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"So, what kinds of clothes do you have with you?" Vook asked as she entered Dot's room, having to duck her head a bit underneath the doorway as she walked in, taking a glance around the room.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Heeeey, if it isn't my favorite teacher." Mar grinned, tauntingly leaning forwards a bit with his claws still in his pockets as he bared his pointy fangs with a sexy grin, "How're the matches, Ms. Ayumi?" he asked.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad