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DrakeZero/DMX RP (Dead Space)
"Good thinking!" Drake shouted as he stomped onto a man's skull and arms. The sound of crushing bone filling the room with blood being spilled onto his RIG armor. He went to crush another man's skull when he suddenly heard the familiar sound of cracking and a soft squishing sound. He turned to the back of the morgue and saw the infector grab onto another corpse. The change fully complete as the new slasher got off it's table and charged towards Michael. "Not this time." He took aim and as he was going to take the shot the bat creature latched onto Drake's helmet. He yelled as the headless creature gripped tightly around his neck and pushed a probe to his visor. "Aggghhhh Michael!" he yelled as he struggled to get the infector off him.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael had finished five corpses on his side, only a couple left in an opposite corner. He heard Drake shout and immediately turned around, seeing a slasher charge at him, "Crap!" he stomped the floor to keep his ground, waiting for an opportunity as the slasher suddenly pounced him, "NOW!" he swung his arm, hitting the slasher on its side with his dull weapon, the impact sending the monster to the side as it caught it off guard. Michael was about to shoot, but then remembered that these monsters were created from corpses; their limbs! He rushed to the grounded slasher before stomping its bladed arms off, turning to Drake with a smile, "It works on them too...! What the?!" he gasped.

The infector apparently had ran out of useable corpses in its side, and that meant it needed to attack to survive. Michael rushed to Drake's side but he didn't have the guts to shoot him, "Damn! Stop squirming!" he said, his aim off, and he didn't want to run the risk of decapitating his friend. He instead holstered his gun and grunted as he latched his gloved hands around the bat-like monster by its wings, pulling away until it finally slid off Drake, "Rrrrrgh! Fuck you!" he shouted to the infector as it shifted its attention to Michael now. Michael watched that probsobic trying to stab him on the neck, but he kept somehow dodging it, finally letting go of a wing to grab the probsobic by the shaft, "Fuck, fuck! GRRR!" he growled loudly, suddenly pushing the bat away with all his strength while keeping hold of the elongated bone-like tail.

The bat cried out as a serious ripping apart sound cracked. In his left hand he held the inanimate inefctor by its wings, panting as his other hand held the torn probsobic which slid off and fell to the floor, the bat soon following. Michael finally fell to his knees and continued panting, "D-damn... Fuck, fuck, fuck! What the hell are these things?!" he groaned, being able to recognized part of the infector as human, but it was so aberrant, so distorted.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake panted as he started to regain his breath and sanity for that matter. What else could these things make? Headless four legged beasts? He placed a hand on Michael's shoulder. "I don't know bud. My best guess those are the things spreading this infection." he pulled him up.

"I think were done here. Let's keep going further. The longer we wait the less chance will find your brother alive or one of them." He took a step forward then stopped. "Oh, and uh thanks for the save back there." he spoke before opening the door with his cutter drawn as they walked out of the morgue.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yeah uhm... we're even I guess," Michael shrugged a bit, wiping the blood off his cutter before he followed Drake outside the morgue and to what seemed to be an illuminated corridor. The place was littered with more blood and body parts, some dismembered corpses as well. There was a bloody message on a wall, it read: "CUT OFF THEIR LIMBS" It caused Michael to chuckle a bit, "I'm glad we aren't the only ones that figured that one out."

Michael hunched over some of the bodies, making sure the legs and arms were amputed by using his portable laser mining pick. He then examined them, finding various belongings and amongst a few of them some plasma energy, as well as a couple medpacks, "Hey, I found something," he told Drake, showing him the plasma energy, "If you have empty plasma energy clips for our cutters, we can transfer the plasma energy from older clips into ours" he explained, demonstrating by latching one of the plasma energy cartidges he found on the empty clip he had unloaded during the confrontation in the morgue. He seemed to quickly work, but Drake would be able to see him exchanging some cables in-between the two clips, and soon the Plasma Cutter plasma energy clip filled and glowed brightly again, "We shouldn't have compatibility issues if we do this often," he nodded, throwing the empty cartidge away and put his refilled clip back into his hip gear.

Michael then threw a medpack to Drake, "I can administer them to us faster than we can do it individually if I use the RIG's advanced link features for first aid, but you should keep your own supply too in case we get separated," he smiled, putting away the other small medpack into his hip gear as well.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake was quiet as he took the medigel packs from Michael and simple nodded as he too started resupply his ammo. He looked at the two men near the blood ridden sign and froze. He knew these guys too. Felix and Ron both security guards that never gave Drake a bad time. The other day he had seen them near the lunch area talking about their long hours.

Felix has a wife and two kids back on earth, and Ron....he was going to be married in only a few months. How would there family take this news?

He reached to their necks and pulled from under their uniforms their key tags. If he made it out alive he would make sure there families knew they died while warning others.

He placed the tags in his RIG pouch as Michael finished what he said. "Sure, let's just keep moving."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Let's see... we aren't signal blocked right now, so let me download a map of this place," Michael held his left hand upside down, his palm projecting a small holo-console which he used to type in a few commands to uplink their RIGs and manage downloading a map of this area of the colony, even though Michael had been trying to download a map of the whole place.

He grunted, "Damn, something's interfering with the RIG network, Drake. It's isolated to a few areas of the facilities, but I managed to download the area map of this section. If we want more maps we'll have to go to those places first and re-establish the network there," he explained, then closed the command application and projected a map of the facility they had entered.

To his dismay, R&D was nowhere to be seen, they seemed to have come into somewhere else. Michael turned to Drake, "This isn't the right place. We're in the medical wing..." he finally said, "Shoulda guessed with where we landed first. We might have gotten lucky though, we can get out of here and look for R&D if we re-establish the network from here; and we might find medical supplies on the way!"


Current Objetive Inactive.

New Objetive: Explore Medical Wing.

New Sub-Objetive: Re-establish Research & Development facility intranetwork.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake studied the map, the layout must have changed since he last saw it if R&D wasn't around here. "Chances are if this infection started in the labs and R&D your brother might be hiding someone nearby."

A shimmer of echos reverberated down the hall causing Drake to go tense. "Dam beasts are playing with our minds." he turned to Michael. "Alright where should we go first?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"We won't survive if we only keep medigel for minor wounds, who knows what we'll find on the way," Michael said, "If we get to the main ward we might be able to get our hands on large kits, and if I connect those to my first aid unit we'll be able to maintain ourselves patched," he added, then sighed, "But if we don't hurry and get out of this place that has so many corpses, then we'll be easy prey for them..." he considered.

The two choices were non-comparable. Basically, it was either go look for medicine to carry with them to enhance their survival odds and fight more things, diminishing the odds at the same time, or looking for an exit while fighting to a minimum. They had to make a choice, "You're the leader," he then said.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake sighed, "In the pan or in the fire. I love picking our doom." he remarked sarcastically. "I think we need to move on. The longer we take to get going, the less likely will find your brother or any survivors. Besides as long as we stick together and watch one another backs we won't need extra med-gel....I hope."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael nodded, "Let's go then. There's a shortcut to the exit when we come out. We gotta go right until a fork and then take the left. That way will get us to the med ward's reception," he explained.


Explore Medical Wing [Objetive Complete].

New Objetive: Find Research & Development Facility.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad