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Magical Starsign.
"She went back in. Leave her alone. At the rate you deal with other girls, you'll end up killing the poor girl." Mar looked back at Thorne with a rather content grin, "Now let's go, if my feeling's right, they should be nearby the third set of stairs by now." He nodded Thorne off, urging her outside.


"I'll go..." Karomaru walked downstairs carefully, followed by a wary Reno who couldn't stop sniffing at each step to make sure it was safe to go on. "Gah, hope I don't trip and fall over..." he complained to himself, before he set foot on plain ground. "C'mon guys," he quietly said, trying not to lure any unwanted guardians their way, "It's safe. For now."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi couldn't help grin.

'I don't know what's going on here, Katt, but i trust you, so i won't ask anymore. Those kids, however, we can do something about. Who's going? Of course, i'll be in the party, Katt, Dot? Let's get our students back!' The teacher cried, raising her fists.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"Well just make sure to tell her the story of cat's and curiousity." Thorne laughed slightly as she headed outside, stretching out slightly, "Mmm, gonna be nice to get a nice workout, haven't had much fun lately."


Shadow followed the others down, taking care on the shallow steps, "You hear anything Slash?"

Slash closed his eyes, his ears twitching slightly, "Nope, but then again I don't think shadow's make noises."


"Of course I'm going," Katt stated, "I'm not passing up an oppurtunity to rescue Kitt, if she's down there I'll find her."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Saric slowly got to his feet still slightly disoriented from the absorbtion. "Wait," he said some urgency in his voice "I will go with you. Katt, you must remain here. I saw it, all of it. Allowing you go face off against those shadowmancers would be far too risky."
"Does it be me? Or does it be getting colder the lower get?" Mael asked, hugging her shoulders as Leviathan hovered a little ways above them to light their way. It was better that way, she didn't want to step on anything repulsive. "Why don't we sing a song, eh?" She suggested.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
"What!?" Katt roared, actually releasing a small amount of her dark energy, "There is no way I'm passing this oppurtunity up, if there's a chance of saving my sister I'll take it no matter what the personal risk is."


"Let's not," Shadow said, shaking his head a bit.

"Let's sing the doom song, I think that's fitting." Slash smiled.

"That's it, you just lost your speaking rights."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
'We can't make Katt stay here. She's even more powerful than i am, so to be honest, i'm glad she's so set on coming. Plus, she's right, we can finally rescue Kitt. Saric, Dot? What are you two gonna do?' Ayumi asked, glad that they were going to be taking some action.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"You don't understand," said Saric "the threat is not to Katt herself, but to everyone around her. I know you have lost control before, you were lucky that time. The next time you lose control you could destroy everything around you. Your friends, the students, and even your sister would not be safe. That man, he knows how to set you off, how to make you lose control. If we meet him down there there is no guarantee that you won't lose yourself once again. You know I am right Katt, you cannot go."
"I am going," Katt said, "And that is final, I've controlled myself all these years, I'm not going to lose it." she insisted, "I'm going either way, so I might as well go with you all."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"What about yesternight?" Mar casually said as he walked past Thorne across the humid dungeon, his tail sneaking behind her and smacking her ass, "I've a feeling your pretty claws were busy the rest of the evening." He smiled, reaching towards what seemed to be a dead end, but had a few runes carved onto the wall. "Speaking of busy claws..." He then grinned, "Mind doing the honours?"


Karomaru felt heavy strings on the back of his head after hearing Mael's suggestion, waving his hand carelessly, "'sokay, maybe when we come out." He said, staying alert for anything, before he heard Reno bark.

"Arf!" The baby canine said, before he set off running off into the darkness.

"Oi! Reno!" The young boy called out, setting off to chase after his familiar, "C'mon boy, you can't do that!" he said, actually losing track of the twin-tailed fox very fast due to the dim light that covered the place. "Damn." Karomaru cursed low, "Where'd he..." he took a few more steps, before he stepped on something that made him trip over, "Wahh!" he groaned as he rolled over and hit a wall, "Argh! My back...!" he cursed, hearing Reno bark again and then feeling a slimy tongue running over his face, "Ugh, Reno, what the- Reno?" he blinked, seeing Reno happily sitting in front of him, his tails thumping against a large adorned wooden box. "Huh? What's this?" he said, examining what seemed to be a chest. "This is some sort of dead-end, what's this thing doing here?" he asked himself.


"I... I don't know what we should do... But if you two are so adamant in going, then I believe I've no other choice but to inform Vook and devote myself to helping her protect the school from possible outside attacks..." Dorothy explained, before she stood firmly, "Our main problem at this point is, what will we do if you're not here by tomorrow morning?" she said, obviously hinting the air of suspicion the school would pend onto if two of the four main teachers suddenly went missing.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad