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Magical Starsign.

Karomaru had slipped as quickly as possible, yet there had not been many people around, so it was relatively safe for them at the moment. "Okay, here we are..." he said, looking over the immense cratered hole from where Mar had come, "Damn, this hole's huge." He observed, walking by the edge as he leaned to look down, it seemed like endless darkness spread further below. "Can't see much... So I can't tell if it's really deep or not..."

(Teacher's Lounge)

"Rune Golems? You mean the artificial magic guardians?" The dragoness said, about to suggest something, before she heard the door open and somebody new come in, "Oh?" her ears flattened against her head as she tilted her head, not being able to tell who the stranger was.

(Mar's Room)

"Relax." Mar ordered in a stern, commandative tone as he kissed Kitt yet again, this time immediately starting to make out with her, his tongue intruding and wrestling in her mouth.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Vook tensed up instantly from the door opening, still nervous from what had happened a little while ago, almost leaping up from the chair, her claw pointed at the newcomer. "Don't move a muscle." she spoke, not knowing whether the newcomer was on their side or not. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
'Those would be useful, but up against- Whoa! Don't just come barging in here, Mystery Man!' Ayumi exclaimed, startled by the new arrival.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"First off my name is Saric," said the stranger pulling down his hood "secondly I am here to offer my aid. You seem to be dealing with shadow mages correct? I can aid you in that regard considering I am one as well."

Name: Saric
Student/Teacher: Teacher ((with the threat of shadow mages increasing it might be a good idea to have a teacher who knows alot about that kind of magic. Sort of like a defense against the dark arts teacher. He does not have to be one right from the start but gets the position out of necessity or something like that.))
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight
Description: Tall and thin is the best way to describe him. About 6'6" and only 160 lbs. a little underweight for someone of his size. He is a mostly black anthro dragon. His eyes are a deep red and match the color of several horizontal stripes across his back. A small area leading from his chest to his groin is pure white. Has a 6' long tail and wing with a wingspan as long has he is tall. Generally dressed in dark colored clothing and robes
Affinity: Shadow
Phase- Temporarily shifts the use outside of normal space. While in this state the user is completely invulnerable. No spell or physical strike can harm them. However the user is unable to attack with anything they posses while the spell is operating. Also while they are still somewhat solid, enough that that can be seen and not instantly fall through the floor, they can only move at a brisk walk and cannot breathe as air molecules pass right through them.

Absorb/Redirect- A two stage spell. First any energy based ability is absorbed by the user of this spell. Next that energy can be released back at the attacker mixed with the users own energy. However absorbing too much energy can be detrimental. After a certain point in energy levels the users cells begin to rupture due to excess energy. If not released it could kill them.


Dark Lance- A raw beam of concentrated dark energy. It increases in power depending on the amount of darkness in an area. For instance in a very bright room it would only have enough power to equal a somewhat high strength punch. In a very dark room it would be able to pierce even thick battle armor.

Black Hole- Dangerous does not begin to describe this spell. It literally creates a small black hole. Without intense concentration the user would be sucked up along with everything else. With a clear mind and little distraction this can be a truly devastating attack. Should only ever be used as a last resort.

Weapon: [Image: P5070440.jpg]
Familiar: Hibi
Background: Saric is a self proclaimed master of what he calls "True Shadow." It is actually an alternate form of Shadow magic primarily focusing on defense rather than offense. This does not mean that it has no offensive spells, in fact its offense can be devastating it just requires intense concentration and focus. "True Shadow" has one main difference from the more widely practiced version of shadow magic. It is powered by control and focus rather than raw and uncontrolled emotion, because of this it is actually much safer for the user but it is a path that only a rare few shadow user actually travel due to the difficulty in using it.

It took many years for Saric to achieve the power he has and it came at no small price. He must maintain control over his emotional state at all times or risk corrupting his magic like so many other shadow mages have done. Because of this control he sometimes comes across as emotionless but this is not true. Wishes to some day to teach this way of magic to others in order to prevent more of the evil shadow users.
Likes/Dislikes: Absolutely despises shadow mages who use anger and rage to power their spells. He believes it is a corrupt version of shadow magic and one of the few things that could cause him to lose his focus. Actually likes to be around people who can be more out and out with their emotions, as he put it he experiences emotions by proxy through them.

Name: Hibi
Species: Mythic Cobra
Description: In its normal state it looks like a fairly normal, if rather large, King Cobra. It has dark coloration and its hood actually has strange symbols on it that cause discomfort should anyone look directly at them.

In its released state it looks about the same, except much much bigger. It also gains a set of large feathery wings which seems to be constantly molting but never runs out of feathers.
Affinity: Shadow
Abilities: High resistance to damage. Also if it bites someone in its normal state and Saric is still in direct contact with it than Hibi can drain the physical energy of the bite victim and give it to Saric which can heal him if he has any injuries.

In release form Hibi can take alot of damage and keep going. Also gains a potent venom that can eat through flesh and stone alike. Hibi also gains the Dark Lance spell.
OOC: Welcome aboard!! I love the hell out of your face.


"Oy, Kuh-row. Yer fire affinity ain't ye? Can't ye be lightin' it up a bit with some fireballs or somethin'?" Mael asked him. "It be ruddy dark down thar. I don't likes not being able ta see."
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
"Yeah, uh... small detail... I didn't take Offencive Class..." Karomaru laughed silently, albeit embarrassed, as he scratched behind his head, "This could be tough..." he started deliberating, before a familiar bark alerted him.

"Arf!" Reno barked from the entrance to the arena, running over to Karomaru, before he stopped in front of his feet and sat down, his master greeting him with a pet.

"Hey boy. Good timing!" Karomaru grinned, "I was hoping not having to bring you, I wouldn't like anything bad to happen since you're a baby." He said a bit concerned, "But hey, you made some flashy light show when you appeared first!" he said, Reno's tongue stopping to flail as he tilted his head in confusion, "Can you do it again at this hole?" he asked, lifting Reno up as he held the puppy in front of the large gap.

"Grrr..." Reno growled at the hole, as if perceiving something.

"What, you find something? Hey, maybe you could tell us how deep this thing is!" Karomaru grinned, starting to approach the large crater's edge, before the place rattled in a similar fashion as the day before. "Woah! The heck?!" Karomaru grunted, hearing Reno bark even louder.

All of a sudden a large, black, gooey hand shoot out of the hole, grabbing at the edge where Karomaru was about to step on. Karomaru quickly reacted and crawled away as the hand nearly smashed him, keeping Reno next to his chest.

"What's this thing?!" The boy shouted, before the large hand shot out and swiped at the group and their familiars, trapping them in the gooey mass before they were taken in where it had come from.

(Teacher's Lounge)

"You are... a Shadow mage?" Dorothy gasped and stood up, Tina appeared not to be aware, and she continued scribbling papers with crayons, applying detail to her childish drawings. "How do you know of our problem?" she asked, frowning with distrust.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I am indeed a shadow mage," said Saric "as for how I know of your problem it is quite simple. First off I could detect the energy left over from the shadow mages that were here before me. Secondly even if you have students with shadow affinity they would not be powerful enough to generate the amount of magical energy left behind. Lastly while I determined that combat had occurred due to the magic signatures left I still do not know exactly what occurred or why it happened at all."
"Ah shi-" Shadow started as the blob grabbed him and dragged him and Slash into the hole.

*Dark Dimension*

"Ugh, what the hell was that thing?" Shadow groaned as he stood up, looking around himself. "What the, where are we?" he asked, the walls around them looking more like the inside of a building, dark walls with strange designs running over them, appearing to have been drawn in blood.

*Teacher's Lounge*

Katt growled slightly, her fur sticking up, "We don't need help from any shadow user," she glared at him, "Your kind can't be trusted, you're probably working with those other shadow mages."

*Mar's room*

Kitt tensed slightly as the door slammed, her ears flat against her head as Mar kissed her. Though her eyes stayed focused on the door.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Raze entered his room and soon loud noises could be heard from the room, much of it sounded mechanical. And due to Raze's and Mar's rooms being so close together, Mar and Kitt could easily hear the noises as it echoed through the halls.
OOC: LOL! Shadow, you stole my idea. Though Tartarus still sounds like toothpaste.


"Arrrgh..." Karomaru growled, slowly standing up, Reno sitting besides him, "Where are we...?" he said, and gasped, "Mael!" he yelped, franctically looking around in front of him, "Shaun, did you see her?!" he asked, starting to get worried.

(Mar's Room)

Mar broke the kiss, growling starting to reverberate from his throat as he stared daggers at Kitt, apparently bothered by her lack of attention.

(Teacher's Lounge)

"Katt..." Dorothy looked over the feline, getting a bit worried about the mysterious person as well, before she directed her attention to Ayumi, "Ayumi, what do you think?" she asked, concerned with a closed paw just above her voluptous chest.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad