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Magical Starsign.
Karomaru was surprised Mel appeared to be so fast, and when the blade came across his aura-surrounded neck, he stumbled backwards from the blow, "Woah. Good move..." he observed, falling to his knees for a moment before he slowly got up to his feet, bruising himself off before he rubbed his jaw a bit "Almost turned it 180!" he chuckled, then got into an offencive stance, "My turn!" he said, and with what he had just learned, Karomaru dashed towards Mel, Kelderiver slicing the air as their speed built, before he kicked the floor and turned in a curve around his opponent, before he lashed out in a vertical arc with the blade. "Hah!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"EEEEAHHHH!!" Kitt cried out in pleasure, her body spasming slightly as her cum sprayed out into Mar's mouth. Her tail whipping around slightly in her orgasm, smacking against Mar's cock a few times.


"No, this isn't some duel." Katt growled, "This is it, either you tell me where my sister is or I claw your fucking eyes out!" she roared, unable to hide the dark aura around herself, her fur actually turning darker from it.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
(re explain that Mar...)
Zane looked at her and laughed "Do you want your sister dead? Killing me won't save her, besides, I wasn't expecting Mar to take her back with him. Probably because for a child she is beautiful, I wouldn't mind if I was in Mar's place right now, making her my slave." Zane smirked and readied his sword, knowing she was about to go into another rage.
"That's about enough out of you." Vook huffed. "Kyrie Elyson!" She called out, a pink shield surrounding her, about a two foot radius around her body. "Now, you can come quietly, or you can be tortured until you talk. Which will you choose?"

The Familiar set Katt down on the floor, but was still holding onto Katt's arms. "Calm down now, Kattrine. Everything'll be fine, we just have to beat this son of a bitch..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: All he did was run up to Mel, and before striking he jumped to the side, then slashed at her back.

And Shadow, Mar's cock's not out lol. He removed anything but the pants!


"Mmrrr... bet you liked that." Said Mar as he drank all of the juice and licked her croth clean in a playful manner. "You're really tasty."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Can't smack it through the pants? What's he wearing Platemail undies lol.


"Just let me go!" Katt roared, her fur sticking up in small spikes, her claws and fangs elongating, her hair grew out longer, turning from a slight dull to pitch black, "You... bastard!" Katt roared, breaking away from Vook's familiar and running on all fours towards Zane.

OOC: The rage in Katt's heart has awakened her repressed powers. Darkness has consumed her and turned her into a weapon of destruction.

Symptoms may include: Increased aggression, strength, agility, deadlier claws and fangs, longer hair, a dark aura wrapping around her and staining her fur slightly. The level of darkness in her fur represents how much control the darkness has over her.


*Mar's room*

Kitt slumped against Mar, exhausted from her orgasm, her chest resting top of Mar's head as she panted heavily to catch her breath, her pussy still dripping with her juices.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi frowned at the two duelists.

'You guys tired out? Class is over after all, if you wanna quit, it's no biggie.' She said, yawning, scratching Koko's crimson head lazily.

all i ever wanted was the world.

OOC: No need for that, but he's got a pouch, not a sheath! Harder to stroke a cock that still hasn't come out, lol.


"Mmmrrr... soft..." Mar observed, nuzzling upwards to Kitt's chest, his snout digging into her cleavage as he began to hotly lick around the breasts as he held her by her waist now.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mel got slashed and fell to her knees again (not because of the slash that couldn't pierce..) and a beam shot up destroying the ceiling above her. Next, her eyes returned to normal, and the water on the blade stopped dripping. She jumped up and readied her blade. "Okay! Let's go!" she yelled it still a little confused about how she moved.

Zane looked at the fierce cat and his ears twitched up as he felt a strong dark aura, stronger than Katt's. "Hm? A beacon?" his eyes left his opponent in curiosity, then turned back to the foe speeding at him (this was in like half a second interval) "... I don't have time for a pussy such as yourself, duty calls." he teleported behind the wall and quickly ran to the source.
"WOAH!" Karomaru gasped, looking up at the hole in the ceiling, "That was kinda... extreme?" he said, "Uh, you sure you should be doing that to the school?" he asked, turning his attention back to Mel.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad