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Magical Starsign.
A small child (about 15, 5'4) with snow white hair and glowing red eyes exit/enter into the arena and look around, seeing the current class going on. As Veil sees Katt he grins and grasps his blade tighter. ("I need to pull this one off in a single swipe!") he thought to himself. He felt his hands were different, forgetting he had used a transformation orb, so he looked at his hands and gave a silent laugh after seeing his childhood form. Veil wielded a blade about 6 and a half feet, much bigger than he was by normal standards, and he wore a black coat with a white undershirt, all of this is covered by a shredded cloak with a down hood. He walks up to Katt and bows respectively, "Terribly sorry to interrupt your lesson Miss, but may I receive instruction?" as he bowed saying this his grin grew.


Mel smiled saying "Yup yup!" she ran off following the teachers instructions testing out many different weapons, whipping herself on accident, catching herself with the katana, nearly beheaded herself with the chain mace, cutting her own thumb with the bow, hitting herself in the stomach with the boomerang, and finally she became discouraged and instead looked through, merely touching the weapons and swinging once quickly. "I'll never find anything at this raaaaate!" whimpered, very annoyed with her lack of success. "You mustn't lose faith Mistress, you shall find a weapon of your assortment, chances are it will end up being your claws." Fenrir said, trying to reassure the poor girl.
The buccaneer jerked her head toward Leviathan and quickly yanked him out of the air, stuffing him down her shirt so his head stuck out of his cleavage and hugging herself tight. "Oh Jormy!" She sobbed dryly. The serpent grunted, his tongue flitting out of his maw uncomfortably as the two, large, soft mounds of flesh smooshed around him.

"Sorry- I've been on the bottle." She giggled, half slurring. "I be wanting a copy!"
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
'Well Karo- Aaah! What do you think you're doing?! For f- Karo, take this, you, come here!' Ayumi screeched, thrusting the sword into Karo's hands and striding over to Mel.

Ayumi grabbed the girl by the back of her shirt and held her up to her face.

'Are you on drugs? Or did you just eat two bags of pure sugar? Look, you gotta respect these weapons! If you freaking kill yourself, i'll get in trouble, you got it? Seriously, i'll throw you out of this class if you annoy me, why can't you just test them at a normal pace like everyone else?!' The teacher dropped Mel back onto her feet and sighed heavily.

'Okay, if everyone's found a weapon, apart from little-miss-wreck-everything here, we'll start some sparring. Karo, you and your 'talking' sword can start us off against Darien here.' Ayumi said, motioning for a tall, muscular boy with messy blonde hair to step forwards.

Darien held out his hand to Karo, smiling at him.

all i ever wanted was the world.

Karomaru sighed in disappointment, but grabbed the sword, and greeted his sparring partner, shaking his hand, "Nice to meet ya, uh, hope I can do this. I've never swung a weapon in my life..." he said, a bit relieved that Kerlderiver wasn't speaking anymore.

(Dorothy's Class)

The young dragoness smiled a bit, nodding, taking note of the ones who had asked for the book on Familiar Studies. "I'll make sure they are delivered tomorrow. I'm glad I got so many interested!" she giggled, and then continued: "Alright, now, I'd like to continue with Familiar Abilities." she said, "As you know, there are various elements composing our plane of existance. And our Familiars, when materializing, allienate with one of them, thus adapting some of their characteristics, such as natural resistances or weaknesses. My Tina, for example..."

Dorothy grabbed Tina into her arms and showed her to the class, The cute little sea serpent trying to hide from attention, "...She's of the Water Element. Due to that, she's naturally resistant to cold, and is able to make places such as lakes her own home. Conversely, elements such as electricity or environments of high temperature are not good for her. Now, since I presented mine, why doesn't anybody else show their Familiar to the class, and tell them your element? Maybe then you will be able to understand them more." She smiled.

(Secluded Room)

"Take your clothes off." Mar ordered, throwing off his jacket onto a chair, as he unbuttoned his white shirt, slowly revealing his buff physique.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Uh, and you are?" Katt asked, "I don't remember being told about any new students joining us today."

*Secluded room*

"W-why?" Kitt whimpered a bit, blushing slightly from Mar stripping, "Please, I don't, I don't wanna do what we did yesterday again."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Veil looked the teacher in the eye and said, "Odd, I was told to come to the arena to be taught." he thought to himself (silently) ("Time to finally see what I've taught her") "May we at least spar to see where I am at?" he added on forgetting his last statement.
Mel slammed against a wall after swinging a rather large hammer. "OW!" she squealed out in pain, her back extremely sore and she hit her head hard. Fenrir quickly went to her, then gave small first aid to her using his healing tentacle.
After a couple of students introduced their familiars and told the class about them, Leviathan squirmed out from the girl's cleavage and made a break for Tina, drifting gracefully toward the female sea-serpent. Mael jumped off her chair and made a dash for him. "Oh no you don't you sea dog!!" She huffed, catching and holding him in place by the tip of his tail. The serpentine familiar squirmed desperately, a mere foot away from Tina.

Mael turned around, only to find herself in front of the class. Embarassedly, she pushed Leviathan in front of her. "Uh- hi tharr! This be me familiar, Leviathan Jörmungandr! You can be callin' him Levi now! His element is water, he likes swimmin', an' seaweed, an' fish, an' water."
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Tina appeared to be thankful after Leviathan was tugged away from her, she was about to flail down the desk and away from Dorothy's arms. Paying no mind after hearing the introduction though, the dragoness teacher smiled and told Mael, "My, you're very enthusiastic. I see our Familiars share a commonality in their elements; you should take good care of Leviathan, he seems like he would be a good adept at magic, which means the same for you."

(Mar's Room)

"Tch." Mar dropped his shirt, smiling wryly as he approached the bed, "We won't be doing that. I'm pleased by what you did then. Thought I'd repay the favor. Now, get naked." He ordered a second time, putting emphasis on the command as he sat next to her expectantly, his imposing form shading her as he put a claw around her and rested it on the extensive matress of the bed's covers, just besides her hips.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"This class isn't about combat," Katt explained, "It's for learning how to use your element. If you want to spar you'll either need to be in combat training or wait till after classes and spar with a student. I'm afraid teachers are forbidden from sparring with students, with the exception of the combat instructor." she added.

*Secluded room*

Kitt couldn't help but shake a bit as she slowly began to remove her clothes, her eyes already brimming with tears, "Please, I don't want to be hurt." she pleaded.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Ah shucks ma'am," Mael rubbed the back of her head. "I never wus good at no magic. Perhaps now that I has me familiar." She grinned widely, before giving Leviathan a stern look. "Will neutering Levi affect our resonance?" She asked, putting an emphasis on the word 'neutering'.

Panicking, the familiar swam around her in circles so fast that he was a red and navy blur.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers