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Masquerade & Kalyx's RPG
OOC: (sorry, for the delay...had some writer's block. :/ )


Pearched on the edge of his round, plush mattress, Kalyx stands up to address the class.

"Now, since we're all now half-naked..."

"Ahem! Half-naked? *giggles* Do you see any clothes on me?" Sapphye coyly inquires.

"I stand corrected. Miss Aureus "is" totally nude. Forgive me for overlooking that." He gives her a playful wink, in return.

"As I was saying...why is it so, that even though being the dominant, sentient, supposedly evolved and intelligence species that we all are, on this planet, we have such a difficult time dealing with something as nautral as nudity? Look at the feral, wild creatures on this world, or any other. They go on with their lives, living, survivng, carving out an existance for themselves, naked as the day they were born."

"And here we are, the intelligent creatures of this planet, creators of literature, music, art, all our modern technology and yet, we cannot deal with the most basic and natural of our physicalities."

"At this time, I'm not going to linger on the causes and perpetuators of this abnormal condition which pervades our brains, but, needless to say, the primary culprits are religion and government; church and state."

"Now, granted there are instances where clothing is needed and required for bodily protection; hazardous occupations, injury-prone sports, extremes of temperature, and so on. But otherwise, what's the point? I believe that if we were nude, all the time, there would be less anxiety and hang-ups between the sexes, our species and modern society, as a whole."

"Still, this is just my belief and I'm not here to change or alter your reasoning and thought processes. I'm here to offer another point of view, another angle, another perspective; keeping and open mind to new thoughts and ideas."

"So, as we strip off the last of our garments, maybe we can strip off some of the trepidation and preconceptions we have amongst and between the sexes and our species."

The tall, blue dragon then pulls down his jeans and underwear and casually kicks them off to one side; revealing his bare, seven foot tall, muscular and toned physique. "There now, that wasn't so difficult, now was it?" Kalyx sits back down, next to his renamon partner, at the edge of the bed.

Smiling cutely at Raze, Psyri pivots to face him; her shapely right leg now touching upon the floor. "You know, Raze...I rarely wore clothes back on my planet. So, I'm rather "at home" in the nude." Clutching the metallic, round clasp along the side of her leathery skirt, the dragoness quickly unfastens its catch a pulls it completely away; her shapely-smooth, burnt-orange, reptilian form now stark, in full view. "Oh my...I guess I forget to wear underwear, today."

Gazing and ogling over the dragoness' voluptuous, ample, ivory breasts;
Fiero held his response until the end of the lecture. "Yes, Violetta, y-you do look and feel great...quite awesome, in fact!" Breaking her grasp, the phoenix leans back upon their bed and zips off his skin-tight, lycra shorts. Returning to his upright position, he rubs over and fluffs out his lower torso's red and yellow plumage. "That's the problem with clothing on us avians, always mats down our feathers."

Running the palm of her right claw over his fluffy down, Fieri consoles, "Well, I think you're a rather handsome phoenix, Suzaku. And don't let anyone tell you, otherwise!" Standing up before him, the Digimon tugs gently at the edges of her shorts with both of her wings' claws. "Now, if you're not too busy, there, Love...maybe you can help me out of my this last piece of clothing." *winks*
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Raze chuckled. "You forgot to put on underwear?" he asked lightheartedly as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. "Hm, nothing to complain about there," he added before completely removing his pants and underwear, setting them to the side. He stretched his body out on the bed, his sheath and furry balls now in plain view for everyone to see. "Hey, I gotta say this isn't half bad."

A grin spread over Violetta's face. "Hee hee hee. It kind of makes me happy that I have scales instead, though your feathers quite beautiful." As she kept her eyes trained on Fiero's feathers, she slowly unbuttoned and unzipped her own jeans, slowly sliding them down her legs after standing up. "I never really understand why I wear these tight things." With a final yank, she managed to get her scaly feet out of the jeans. "There we go. Now it's time to get rid of these damned panties," she said as she slowly slid the violet panties down her well-sculpted legs until they were lying at her feet. She stepped out of them and sat down next to Fiero.

"Is this naked enough for everyone?" she asked aloud, gesturing to her completely nude body with her hands.

Suzaku avoided looking at the bodies of the others. "C-certainly, I can help you out of them," the phoenix said, blushing from Fieri's comment about being handsome. He took hold of edges of Fieri's shorts and with a little effort, pulled them down slowly until they were down by her feet. "There you are. I hope you'll excuse me while I...take off my pants," he said nervously, never thinking he would wind up saying something like that. He undid his belt and his pants came right off. "Pants are usually big on me because of my figure; I don't bother wearing underwear. My feathers do a good job of hiding...well, certain anatomical features," he explained and blushed some more, keeping his eyes trained on the floor.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

From their seated position, in the center of the classroom/bedroom, the two naked professors address the class.

"Excellent students! You've all achieved a state of total nudity." The nude, blue dragon applaudes the pupils in "golf clap" fashion, as he scans the room.

"Mmmmyesss! And what a fine group of students they are...indeed!" Sapphyre claps in agreement, as she runs her canine tongue slowly across her parted lips and teeth.

Taken aback by her comment, Kalyx quickly interjects, "Uh, what Professor Aureus is alluding to is the fact that you are all in such healthy and ideal physical condition. Toned, in shape; weight proportionate; you're fine examples of each of your respective species. In fact, this classroom provides a fine sampling of the three major anthro groups, that populate the world, today...furried, scaled and feathered. So, if you would, take a few minutes to observe the external anatomy of others in this room, Saph & I included; noting the differences and similarities between the sexes, the species and anthro forms."

The renamon conludes, in a somewhat suggestive tone, "And may, if so inclined, compare and comment on each others anatomy. Remembering, a kind and considerate word "may" go a long furthering one's interpersonal skills, that is."

Lowering their voices to a slight whisper, the professors argue in silence, face-to-face.

"A kind and considerate word? What the fuck is that, Saph?"

"Oh, Kalyx...get over yourself. This lecture of yours so cut and dry...and boring. It needs to liven up a bit, if you know what I mean." *wink* And without warning Sapphyre flits up her long, fluffy, white-tipped tail in between the reptile's knees, swishing it across his scaly sheath and pouch.

Lying back on her side, Psyri leans up on her raised elbow, "No, not half-bad. In fact, not bad, at all!" With tail wagging gently behind her, the dragoness parts her thighs slightly; offering the resting wolf an unhindered view of her reptilian crotch. "I have to admit, Raze...I've never been this close to another furry male, naked or not. And truth be told, I think you're rather hot...fuzzy package an all."

Leaning close to the boisterous dragoness, Fiero replies, "Uh...I think everyone knows you're naked, Violetta; present company included." Giving her curvaceous physique another quick "once-over", the phoenix continues in an overly dramatic tone. "And, being that I'm your partner in this "scientific endeavor", let me be the first to say that I find your anatomic features rather pleasing and appealing to my eye...and body."

"Well then, since we're both completely covered in feathers and down, there really isn't anything to be shy about, now is there?" Dipping her head down toward his, Fieri tries to catch his averted gaze. "You know, Suzaku, we're both phoenixes and we're a pretty rare breed, whether it be here, in the Real World...over in the Digital World, or anywhere else for that matter. Now, I don't know about you, but other than my brother, I've never seen or heard of any others of our species, my entire life! Be that as it may, I, myself, am sort of curious to find out how a Real World phoenix, like yourself, looks like, behave and interacts. And maybe, if you can give me a chance, you might find me somewhat interesting, as well."
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Raze chuckled. "Well, I thank you for the comment, for you're definitely not bad yourself," he replied with a sly grin. "I'm pretty much the same as you in the way that I really haven't interacted with too many of the dragon species." He moved his padded hand and placed it gently on one of Psyri's legs, moving it up and down. "Sorry. I just wanted to feel your scales. They must be really easy to clean, am I right?" They were really smooth to the touch; he imagined the dragoness in the shower, the steaming water running over those very scales.

"Oh really now?" Violetta questioned. "Pleasing to both eye AND body? What is that supposed to mean, phoenix man?" She plopped back down on the bed next to Fiero, glancing at his body, her eyes stopping on his crotch, covered in feathers. "So what's goin' on down there, anyway, hm?" she asked seductively. "I don't see anything down there, but I know there's something there."

The male phoenix kept his gaze away from Fieri for as long as possible, but figured it was futile. They were partners for now, after all. There wasn't any point in being so evasive. "W-well, don't credit my behavior too much; I think my family has had too much influence on me for far too long. I wish I could say that all real world phoenixes aren't this way, but the sad thing is that a majority of them are. It's always studying and manners; I can never escape. Of course, at least I have a family...I'm afraid I cannot even imagine only having a single sibling to call family...," his voice trailed off solemnly.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Twitching slightly, the reclining dragoness smiles as she answers the inquistive wolf. "Why, I suppose so, Raze; if you're comparing my scales to your fur, that is." Curious about his body, as well, Psyrixia reciprocates the gesture and combs a claw through his thick, black coat; up along his masculine thigh. "Mmmmyess...this feels nice, as well. I bet it must be comforting to have a warm coat, like yours, during the cool of the evening or during the long, cold winter."

"Oh, there's something, alright, I can guarantee you that!", the phoenix snaps smartly. "It's just that, like most avians, we have feathers that cover all over our entire bodies, including "down there"." Spreading open his legs, Fiero brushes up his tuft of downy public feathers and reveals his underlying, charcoal-gray skin. "See, I have a sheath and a pouch just as most male dragons do. Go ahead...", he offers tauntingly, "...touch it, if you like."

"Well, you know Suzaku, family is important and all...but you've got to live your life in manner which you want and pleases you." Placing a comforting wing around his shoulder, Fieri continues. "I know I'll never understand how and what it's like to be raised within a large family. That's something that I'll never, ever experience. Nevertheless, I would not change a minute of my life, no matter how terrifying or unfortunate, for the family that I have and cherish; my twin brother, Fiero. Now, I'm not going to lecture you on all what he's done for me, here and in the Digital World, but I will tell you this...he's always encouraged me to be me, not who I "should" be. And, if you feel that you're being treated unjustly and unfairly by your family, no matter how loving they seem, especially "after" you've already reached adulthood, then maybe it's time you moved on." The female phoenix clasps both his claws with hers and lightly kisses his cheek.
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Enjoying the dragoness's caress, he answered her question. "Why, of course it is. The cold doesn't bother me much at all, so when winter comes, I don't have to bundle up in clothes like some of the others do." His hand went all the way down to one of Psyri's feet. Grabbing it gently, he brought it closer to his face, as if analyzing it. Suddenly, he smiled mischievously and licked the bottom of the foot with his long, rough tongue, wondering if she was ticklish. Rave wasn't thanks to the pads, but it was time for experimentation, after all.

"Oooooh, there we go," Violetta said slowly. She had figured as much, but now, it was evident. She carefully placed a clawed hand on his pouch and rubbed it gently. "Mmm...I see. Just like a dragon's....very true. It's lucky that you have the feathers to cover it up though; that makes clothes even more pointless for ya."

"I suppose you are indeed correct," Suzaku admitted. "I refuse to throw away their teachings, but there is a time and a place for those teachings. Right now, I am just living and learning; I do not think they are required at the moment." He paused. "I can see why your brother loves you so much. You are very kind." A light blush appeared on his face as his eyes focused on the Fieri's.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

"Ah...Oh, Gawd Raze! That f-feels awesome!" Crashing back into the plush linens, the overwhelmed, naked dragoness writhes with delight; murring and cooing from the sensation. "How on Earth did you know that I have a foot-fetish, Hon...hmmmm...or did you?"

"For now, that's true, Violetta." Fiero's groin tenses slightly, swelling and warming, from her touch. "But if you keep that up, no amount of feathers are going to hide what's going to emerge and push forth from of my sheath."

"And so are you, Suzaku; kind...sensitive, though somewhat sad." Moving in slowly, Fieri kisses him lightly; slipping him a little tongue. "Maybe it's time you learn a little about love and companionship."

Watching the couples from their center stage bed, Kalyx and Sapphyre talk amongst themselves.

"Well, you wanted a more lively forum, Dear...and I think you're about to get that, and more." The dark dragon retorts smugly, stroking and scratching his partner's neck and shoulder.

"Did you have any doubt?" Sapphyre leans into Kalyx, tipping her neck and head; while her amorous paws slip over his scaly buns and tail. "I'm the expert, remember?"

"How can I forget? It's just that it's kind of difficult to 'casually' introduce a sexual therapist into a college course dealing with relationships...especially when she's my lover." *wink*
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
The wolf was a little taken aback by Psyri's reaction. He nervously laughed, but didn't let go of her foot. "I didn't have any idea," Rave explained. "I was just experimenting." He paused for a second and thought. "Not experimenting to see if you had a foot fetish! Just...seeing how sensitive your foot was to stimulus." He gave the dragoness's foot a slow, tantalizing lick. "Apparently, you like this very much. Too bad I didn't formulate a hypothesis beforehand," he laughed.

Violetta smiled mischievously, her sharp fangs showing. "And what, may I ask, is going to emerge, hm?" she asked innocently. She kept massaging the phoenix's pouch, her scaly palm sliding over it with gentle pressure. "I guess I'll just have to keep rubbing and see right?"

Suzaku didn't pull back from Fieri's kissed, though he didn't exactly reciprocate the action. He just let her do it, blushing all the while. "M-maybe it is." He thought about how kind Fieri was. It wasn't very kind of him to ignore her actions. Being with another phoenix...was turning out to be great, mainly because she didn't judge him as harshly as his family did. He placed a wing around her and pulled her close, and finally kissed her. He was planning on pushing his own tongue into her mouth, but thought for a moment and broke the kiss. "Wait, wait. I-is this really appropriate for a c-classroom?"
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

With her leathery wings spreading out beneath her supple body, the alien dragoness shudders with pleasure. "Ooooo, don't have to be so overly analytical Mr. Science. Just keep up with that tongue action of yours and maybe...just maybe your discovery some under-appreciated female anatomy you may find intriguing." Wavering her other knee playfully, Psyri lets it drop slowly to her side. This maneuever offers Raze a unobstructed view of her enticing, scaly slit.

"Oh, yeah...uh, mmmm. And you won't be waiting for longer, either." And as the slender, brightly plumed phoenix leans back upon his winged elbows, the first few inches of his curved, avain member pushes out from his tufted, yet open sheath. "See what you've done, Violetta!", he taunts comickly. "Heh...and there's no stopping it, now!"

"Oh, Suzaku...", the Fieri shakes her head in futility, then peers about the room. "Look around you, Love. Look at everyone else, at all the couples...even the profs! Do they seem to be hesitant or unsure of themselves?" Inching herself a bit closer to him, the phoenix embraces her male counterpart and reasons with him, once again. "This class 'may' just be on the verge of a total meltdown, but so what? Kalyx and Sapphyre may be unconventional and radical in their teaching methods, but I uphold their philosphy. Relationships, whether between and across species, should be a wonderous journey. Friendship, companionship, love, lust, sex...they all are steps along the way. And I don't think either of us should be afraid to explore any or all of you?"
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Rave paused in the middle of his licking to see what Psyri might be talking about. Sure enough, the dragoness's cunt was in perfect view. Gently, he put her foot down. "Hm, this is a class; I'm just taking the proper approach," he said with a wink. "I just don't want to seem like a pervert," he added with a slight laugh before his face grew hilariously serious. "I am assuming that the licking of your foot has...turned you on, so to say? Perhaps I should take my tongue action elsewhere?" The wolf gently took a hold of Psyri's leg and ran his tongue up her shin, over her knee, and all the way to her thigh. "Hm. It seems I've run out of leg." He looked up at the dragoness with a devious smile. "What should I do next, assistant?" One of his hands was fondling the dragoness's other thigh.

"Wow! Well, if it isn't going to stop, then I might as well keep rubbing, no? Let's see how big it will get," Violetta said nonchalantly as if classes like these happened everyday and this was just a casual conversation. Her scaly palm continued gently massaging Fiero's pouch. "I mean, I have never seen a bird's member before; I'd like to get a visual on size. So far, it looks very promising." She licked her lips cheerily and mischievously.

Suzaku did take a moment to look around. The class appeared to have degraded into some kind of sex party. Rave was licking Psyri in places he really shouldn't while Violetta was rubbing Fiero to get his cock to show. "I-I guess as long as everyone e-else is doing it," Suzaku said uneasily, reciprocating the embrace before planting a kiss on Fieri's beak. His taloned hands began exploring the female's body; it was new to him in this way, after all.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!
