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Masquerade & Kalyx's RPG
Hey guys & gals, the RPG is strictly for Masquerade and Kalyx posts, so you know the drill. NO POSTING!! (But you can read along, if you wish. :P )

Name: Kalyx (kay-lix)
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Age: 24
Orientation: Bi (leaning towards straight)
Description: 7' 2", 250 lbs., midnight blue/black iridescent scales, lighter gray chest & underbelly scales; winged; muscular, athletic body; shoulder-length, black hair; orange-yellow, reptilian eyes; two bone-colored, curved, pointed horns; deep-purple, semi-rigid, triangular-shaped plates running down along spine to tail; a soft, leathery, flat, diamond-shaped fin at end of tail; long, forked tongue; sheathed member, 10" x 2", when fully erect.
Clothing: Usually wears jeans and T-shirts.
Bio: Very open-minded and easy going, very tolerant, but can and will get authoritative, if need be; rather strong and athletic, like to workout, run, spar; he just received his teaching certificate upon graduation, knowledgable in biology, anatomy, physiology, genetics, reproduction & sex and psychology.

Name: Psyrixia (pronounced: [sear-icks-e-a], or Psyri; [sear-e], for short)
Gender: Female
Species: Alien dragon
Age: 19
Orientation: Bi
Description: 6' 1". 160 lbs., deep, burnt-orange scales, with light tan scales on chest, belly and underbelly areas; black, speckled areas along color transition, very fine scales, soft, supple (like leather); no spikes, horns or frills; long fine black hair; bright yellow-green reptilian eyes; B+ sized bust; black talons on claws and feet; slender, yet athletic physique; extremely agile & limber.
Clothing: Usually wears black vest-like top, with golden clasp at center; black skirt (with V-cuts up the sides); brightly colored panties.
Bio: Originally from another galaxy, she has adjusted quite well to life on Earth; quite friendly and touchy-feely, but can lash out when threatened; expert in martial arts and hand-to-hand combat.

Name: Fiero (male) & Fieri (female); {twins}
Species: Phoenix; Digimon (originally from the Digital World)
Ages: 20
Orientation: Bi
Description: (Fiero); 6' even, 180 lbs., (Fieri); 5' 9", 145 lbs. Slender, yet muscular physiques; bright red & yellow feathers atop a reptilian-like body; body covered with down-like feathers; broader, thicker flight feathers on wings and tail; peacock-like crest feathers on head; bright yellow-orange reptilian eyes within black sclera; claws on upper part of wings (used like hands)
Clothing: Both usually wear black, clingy, thigh-length shorts
Others measurement: [Fieri] B+ sized bust, (her breasts are normally hidden by her downy, chest tuft feathers) [Fiero] sheathed member, 8-1/2" x 1-3/4", when fully erect.
Bio: Originally orphaned in th Digital World, the twin phoenixes grew up mostly on their own, under rather harsh and violent conditions; now totally adjusted to Earth-life they are very close and attached to each another; wary of others, at first, each is empathic and will warm up quickly if they sense loving auras and/or emotions.

Situated within the small town of Eros, the local university lies at the edge of a sprawling meadow and forest. Set apart from the rest of the campus, an older, former frat house serves as a homeroom and lab for a special biology class. Intra & InterSpecies Compatibility is a pilot program and class that Kalyx, (Professor Kyrian), has developed to provide and encourage a more personal and hands-on approach, to an otherwise boring and tedious subject.

As the first day of class begins, the newly appointed professor is busy preparing and readying himself for his initial batch of students. Looking more like a home then a classroom. Kalyx re-arranges the furniture (comfortable chairs and loveseats) amongst the comfortable, yet functional surroundings.

When finished, the dark-blue dragon sits rather casually upon a tan-colored, plush, high-back sofa; waiting for his students to arrive.
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Yay!! I'm gonna enjoy this ^^

Name: Rave
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
Age: 20
Orientation: Bi
Description: 6' 8" 220 lbs. His body is covered in black fur that's always messy. He has even blacker hair that flows down to the middle of his back. His eyes are crimson red and his fangs really sharp. He has two ears that stand up straight and are slightly longer than a normal wolf's ears. He's fairly muscular from working out, but he doesn't want to be too heavily built. His long black tail goes down to the middle of his knees and is very versitile. 9 3/4" x 2" when erect.
Clothing: He typically wears dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt with a strange and intricate design on it. He also wears a black cap when he has a really bad hair day.
Bio: Extremely fun-loving and enjoys making friends with people. He hates disputes and conflict and is all about everyone having a good time. Very carefree but not to the extent of laziness. He always strives to get his work done.

Name: Violetta
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Age: 19
Orientation: Bi
Description: 6' 4" 170 lbs. She has dark violet scales with a few black spots here and there on her back with a creamy white underbelly. Her claws on both her feet and hands almost look like crystals, giving them a dazzling appeal. She has two black horns coming out of her head, pushing past her long light purple hair. Her eyes are a light shade of red. Her tail is twice as long as Rave's and three times as versitile. ^^ Her tongue is fairly long and isn't forked, but meets at a tip. C sized bust.
Clothing: She wears tight-fitting black jeans and a just as tight-fitting plain white shirt with spaghetti straps. On really sunny days, she likes to wear her black sunglasses.
Bio: She practically raised herself, has no manners, and doesn't understand the concept of authority. Although she tends to be a bit "uncivil" she is still a really kind person and loves to hang out with friends.

Name: Suzaku
Gender: Male
Species: Phoenix
Age: 20
Orientation: Straight, bi-curious
Description: 7' even 165 lbs. He is very tall and slim. He moves as if he weighs nothing. His body is covered in red, sparkling feathers with soft white down on his chest and stomach. His legs have quite a bit of muscle with sharp talons at the bottom. His arms are slightly thicker and has talons at the ends of them, as well, but they're not as sharp. His beak is light orange and short and his eyes are caramel in color. His tail feathers are unique in the way that they are long, like ribbons, and are colored differently--blue, white, red, and tan. He has shorter tail feathers, but they're all red. 8 1/2" x 1 3/4" when erect.
Clothing: He wears baggy, biege cargo pants which are held up by a black, leather belt. He wears a black t-shirt with a design on the back that resembles a white wing. When it's cold, he wears his tan overcoat that goes down to his ankles.
Bio: He grew up in a very strict and traditional family. He upholds any rules given to him and tries to enforce them on others. He is very smart and sometimes arrogant because of it for he feels that his intelligence surpasses many other people's intelligence. Deep down, all he really wants is to let loose and have some fun for once in his life, but he's afraid of being irresponsible and losing respect from his family and other adults.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

It is now, 10:50 am, Monday morning, the first day of a new semester. The newly appointed teacher awaits within his classroom/residence anxiously looking forward to his first day of class. Professor Kyrian, who is now upstairs, tidying up a few of the second floor rooms, has left a handwritten message taped to the outer, front, screen door.

Welcome, Students!

Yes, this is the classroom for Intra & Interspecies Compatabilty. Come inside and make yourself at home. I will be down prompty at 11:00 am.

Looking forward to meeting you all!

Striding along the sprawling sidewalk, Psyrixia, the dragoness, is the first to arrive. She checks the house's address with her class schedule; a puzzled look washes over across her face.

You've got to be kidding? A here? It doesn't even look like the other school buildings, more like an old rental house or frat house... *she suddenly spies the faded and weathered wooden greek letters* ...which is it. *sighing* Well, with the economy being what it is...maybe the college is just trying to save a few bucks.

She enters the rustic home, taking a seat in the living room; on a worn, brown, short-back armchair.

Flying in low, from the West; Fieri & Fiero, a pair of phoenix twins, circle around and land together, on the front lawn. Walking up to the porch, they both read the message and smile.

"Well, this ought to be interesting 'Ri. A nice change of pace from our other boring and dull classes."

"Uh-huh. And did you happen to see the large, wooden, Greek fraternity letters, up on the front of the house?"

Taking a step back, Fiero looks up and scans the structure's wooden facade. "Sigma, chi. And look...someone scratched in a small episilon in between the two big letters."

Fieri titters, "The house of sex, eh?"

"Heh, I bet the prof didn't even see that, up there. *giggles* He'd probably freak-out if he saw that there anyways."

"Hehe, we'll see...we'll see. Let's just go and get inside, Bro. It's almost five to eleven, anyways."

Entering in and stepping up from the foyer, Fiero and Fieri notice and smile at the seated dragoness. They step right and sit together, across from her, on a maroon-colored, high-back loveseat.
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Rave yawned as he strolled up to the walkway to his new class. "What kind of class is "Intra and Interspecies Compatibility" anyways?" he asked himself as the building came into view. He walked up onto the porch and read the letter. He shrugged his shoulders and walked inside. He noticed the dragoness and two phoenixes sitting in the room. "This can't be everybody, right?" he asked deciding to take a seat in another comfortable armchair next to the dragoness.

Suzaku ran as fast as he could down the walkway, his schedule flapping in the wind. "God, I can't be late on my first d-," he said as he was tackled to the ground by somebody.

"Hey there," the person said, who happened to be a purple dragoness. "Oooh, you're going to that class, too. It's sure to be interesting."

Suzaku blushed as the dragoness's breasts were squeezed against his chest. "Would you please get off of me. I do not wish to be late for class."

"If you're worried about being late, I'll give you a ride." She picked up Suzaku easily and put him on her back. "The name is Violetta by the way, just so you know who to thank later for the ride." She giggled and sped towards the building. When they got there, they read the note and headed inside.

"You can put me down now," Suzaku said as he clambered off of Violetta's back and looked around the classroom. 'What the hell kind of a classroom is this?' he thought. He looked at his watch. It was 10:59am.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

As the rustic, wooden cuckoo clock on the wall cuckoos eleven o'clock; Professor Kyrian emerges. Stepping down from the carpeted staircase, which connects the two floors, Kalyx enters from near the foyer; stepping up and into the living room.

"Hello, everyone." The tall, casually dressed dragon greets politely; taking a seat behind his worn and rather unornate wooden desk, at the back of the room. "Don't be alarmed, but this is the class and classroom for Biology 123...Intra & Interspecies Compatability."

(whispering amongst themselves)

"That's the teacher, 'Ro? He just looks like an older student...but rather cute, I should say."

Turning to his sister, "Eh, Ri...he's OK...for a guy, that is. Though, he could be dressed a little more professional; you know, like a prof. supposed to be."

The orange dragoness leans in towards the twins; lowering her head. "He's just dressing casual, that's all. I don't think that really matters when it comes how knowlegeable he is...or how he teaches."
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Rave scratched his head questioningly. "It's not that I don't believe you, but you only look a couple of years older than the rest of us. You're really our teacher?"

Violetta didn't have any complaints. She grabbed Suzaku by the talon and led him to another loveseat where they both sat down. "Well, I don't care how old he is," Violetta said, licking her lips. 'All I know is that I want a piece of him,' she thought.

Suzaku didn't put up any resistance against Violetta--he knew that she was way stronger than he was. He merely sat down and got comfortable. "Teacher or not, I must comment on how comfortable this room feels. It feels that I really haven't come to school, but stayed at home instead and I decided to hang out with friends." He looked around the small class, taking notice of everyone, especially the two phoenixes. He had never seen many of his own kind except his family.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

"We'll, that's what I tried to achieve when selecting this house as my classroom, of sorts.", the dragon replies aloud to the phoenix' statement, making himself heard, to all.

"I'm Professor Kyrian, though Kalyx, my first name, is what I'd rather be called. And yes, though I may look young, I have recently graduated from this college and have received my teaching degree. And...if it's not too much to ask, I'd like for each of you to state your first name, aloud to the class. That way, we'll all know what to call each other."

"I'm Pysrixia...", the dragoness warmly announces. I really like your home...uh classroom, Kalyx. It's nothing like I've even seen at this college, before."

"Hello all... I'm Fiero and this is my sister, Fieri." They both bow slightly from their seated position.

"And yes, we're twins...", Fieri looks up and smiles, "...if any of you just happen to be wondering."
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Raze nodded in understanding. "I'm Raze. It's nice to meet everyone and I look forward to having lots of fun in this class. Well, at least I hope this class will be fun....."

"I'm Violetta, the wild dragoness," Violetta introduced her self and smiled at Kalyx mischievously. "You'll have to forgive me if I come on a little strong, hehe, but that's just the way I am."

Suzaku stood up from his seat and bowed gracefully. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Professor. I, am Suzaku. I plan on learning as much as I can in this class and you will only come to expect the best out of me, which is all that I give." He bowed again and sat back down.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

"Well, I'm glad to meet each and every one of you. And...from the looks of my attendance sheet...", looking down, the dark-blue dragon runs his finger down across a green, spiral bound folder, "it's looks everyone is present and accounted for."

"Six of us? That's all?", the male phoenix interjects, "Kinda small for a college class, isn't it...Professor Kalyx?"

"Just Kalyx, Fiero...if you don't mind. And yes, six is small, but not unheard of for a college course. Beside, this classroom "slash" house of mine, couldn't stand to hold many more students, comfortably...unless I knocked down a wall, or something."

"Yeah...", Fieri giggles, "and besides, with only six...I mean seven, here; it makes it easier to remember everyone's name."

"Also, it makes it rather cozy in here, as well...especially in a small house, like this." Psyrixia adds, as she eyes over Kalyx, then Violetta.
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Raze laughed. "Yeah, I never really said complained about it being a small class. As a matter of fact, I think I prefer it that way. Maybe we can all work together on our classwork."

Suzaku joined in as well. "Yes, that would be an optimal idea. However, I hope you are planning to go over the curriculum with us before we learn anything new, correct? I mean, we still don't know what exactly this class is all about."

Violetta sighed and gazed dreamily at Kalyx. "If you need help knocking down a wall, I'm the one for you," she said and winked at him. "Maybe we can knock it down together...hehehe."

Raze looked at her with an eyebrow raised questioningly. 'That is one strange dragoness,' he thought.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!
