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Magical Starsign.
"I'll tell her you said 'Hi' then." Raze said grinning as his wings envelope him. Afterwards a black light shone forth from every crevice of the wings and a large beam shot upwards, black shining feathers falling to the ground slowly.
Mel skipped happily through the halls, her ears perked up completely for the first time in awhile and students eying her oddly, wondering why she's so happy. Soon she came to the weapons class she was late for and opened the door quickly, yelling out, "Hi everybody!" Fenrir shrank back embarrassed at his mistress' behavior towards the class.
"What? Hey, what about Flare?" Kitt asked as she was carried away.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of your bird." Thorne grinned, "You should be worried about what Mar's gonna do to you." she laughed a bit as she went the other way, still holding the small pheonix.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Time stopped for a near instant as Zane appeared in front of the school, it began again with him there, any students around had seen nothing however some had noticed the difference. "So... here it is... New exchange student Veil Orion reporting...hahahahahaha!" he said in his usual cocky tone, sure of his victory this time.
"Arr..." Mael mumbled as she scratched her chin, fighting to think of anything else her serpentine familiar could do. "They be affecting our magical affinity or something? Maybe boost our magical capabilities? Yarr- do they be allowing us ta resonate with magical weapons? ...The third function be that... they make us look good?" She guessed.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
"You got some of them right, gee!" Dorothy giggled, covering her maw as she heard the last proposal, which had sounded funny. "The first function of the Spiritual Chain is to unlock the magical potential of a Master. Without a Familiar, your magic would be little next to inexistant. The second function is to, as I've mentioned before, maintain the Familiar's materialization in our plane of existance. Finally, it allows Familiars to share their magic energy with us, in other words, they are able to restore our magical endurance by using theirs." Dorothy explained, and made a motion with a hand while smiling, "You all better write this down, it's a pretty important detail!"

(Mar's Room)

"Geez, and I thought Thorne usually was on a bad mood." The large dragon complained, softly letting Kitt on the ground as he sighed. He flexed a bit and then looked down "Go to the bed." He told her.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The sea-tigress scribbled it down as fast as she could on her paw with a quill she had produced from a leather satchel belted to her leg. "Familiars are... essential!!" She gasped. Now she knew why her sister was so much more powerful than her! Her sister had a familiar in the form of a spiky clam attached to her forearm like a barnacle. She was suddenly very excited to learn magic.

Levi coiled around her arm and stayed there, docile.

"So you're saying my Leviathan here is like a living power cell for when I be losing my energy?" Mael asked, now very interested in her teacher. She propped her elbows up on her desk and rested her chin on her palms.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
"That's correct," Dorothy ascertained, "Additionally, if one's Familiar is not in optimal condition or a good shape, the magic power may wither from the Master. This also applies, but is not limited to, a bad synchronization between Master and Familiar. Learning about your Familiar is as effective as learning your own Magic Spells." She suddenly smiled and showed them a large book she had brought with her, "Mr. George Mitchell explains in his bibliography: "Neglecting your familiar is like neglecting your magic prowess." And this is the reason why." She concluded, "And by the way, our Theory is based on the book itself, so if any of you are interested in it, I can order some copies, gee!" she giggled.

OOC: Gonna wait for Mian to post now, or else the classes will become really un-synched.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi watched Karomaru's strange reaction to the sword, and then Mel's arrival.

'What the hell?! Karo, why did you touch that? And who the hell are you? Why can't i have a quiet class and catch up on my sleep?!' The teacher shrieked.

Ayumi sighed, walking over to Karo and picking up the transformed sword.

'It's strange... I almost thought that something like this would happen. I got this sword from a traveller years ago, i have no idea where it's from, but it was broken when he gave it to me. The wierd thing was, i couldn't fix it. No matter what i tried, i couldn't make it whole again, and lemme tell you, i'm a damn good blacksmith. Enchanted flames and master hammers, nothing worked. Still, it can't talk, let's not be ridiculous Karo.' The teacher said, handing it back to her student.

She then turned to Mel, hands on her hips.

'Yeah, hi, are you meant to be here? If so, don't interrupt my class like that! I have a headache, you know?! Ugh. Go grab a weapon or something.' She muttered.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"Uh, I got curious about it, but... it talked! I swear! I mean... I know it doesn't have a mouth or anything, but I heard it! And it felt weird-" The boy trailed off, looking at Kelderiver, in Ayumi's hands, "C'mon! Say something again." He said, as if truly expecting the sword to talk, "That thing about thy and a heart!" he tried, but the sword apparently didn't do much but rest in its incredible splendor in Ayumi's hands. Some students were already laughing and cracking jokes about talking bows and axes.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"On the bed?" Kitt repeated, covering herself slightly, "What, what are you going to do?" she whimpered a bit.


"Alright, so you've got the basic idea down. You need to work more on your focus." Katt instructed Shadow, "It can often be difficult to work with the elements that don't have a solid form, you need to imagine the wind taking shape into an attack."

"Uhh, okay," Shadow stood for a second, "What?"

"Hmm, AH! Here," Katt unleashed the whip of light from her hand, striking at a nearby tree and breaking off a small stick. She handed it to Shadow, "Imagine this as a weapon, focus on it, try to focus the wind around it. Like a blade."

Shadow tried again, this time focusing on the stick, the same smokey air wrapping around the stick, peeling away the bark slightly, "H-hey, heh, I think I got it."

"Good, but it's still not perfect." Katt said, picking another stick and striking it against the other, knocking it out of Shadow's hand, "You need to focus it more, into an actual blade. Otherwise it's no better than the weapon it's surrounding."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad