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Masquerade & Kalyx's RPG
The male phoenix directs the dragoness to the nearest bed; just past the right side of the stairwell. "Come on, Viloetta. Let's go ahead and sit down, for now. We can, at least, listen to what the Professor has to say. I don't believe he's here to exploit anyone, he doesn't seem like that kind of guy."

"Well, Violetta...there' s not going to be any pornography here, in the sense that there's not going to be any cameras, microphones or video equipment recording anything. But as for sexual activity, that's another story."

The tall, blue dragon gets up from his bed and begins pacing around it, addressing the students. "You see, general, I know that being young, it may be difficult for some of you to meet and interact with potential sexual partners, whether it be because you're nervous, reluctant, scared, inexperienced or just plain unsure of yourself. This is perfectly normal and there's nothing to be ashamed of. Though, wouldn't it be helpful, and even beneficial, if some of these hang-ups could be avoided, or at least lessened? With this class, its lectures and the physical, hands-on type, lab work, this is what I hope to accomplish."

Jumping up onto the bed, at the opposite end of the room, Psyri turns over and lies on her stomach, resting upon her elbows. "If I can read in between the lines to what the Prof is saying, Raze...I think we're going to get to know each other in a much more intimate way." She tugs at the wolf's shirt, giving him a leering grin."

Leading Suzaku over to bed, at the left, Fieri coaxes him up on the mattress; running her clawed wing down along his back. "Come on, Su...lighten up a bit. (Fieri & Fiero's nicknames are 'Ri *& 'Ro, respectively) From what Kalyx is saying, I think we're going to have some fun discovering certain 'things' about each other." *giggles* "So, don't be so down and out, OK?"
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Raze hopped on the bed next to Psyri and lies down just like she was, paying detailed attention to Kalyx's explanation. He put his muzzle right next to her ear and whispered, "I think you're right, Psyri. I'm picking up a very intimate vibe coming from our professor. I believe we're in for a great time."

Violetta sat down next to Fiero without any hesitation, but her head tilted cutely in curiosity to Kalyx's explanation. "Well, that sounds like a really pleasing goal. It also sounds like it's gonna help us get along a little better with life. I'm glad they decided to add this class to the curriculum," she spoke with a mischievous look on her face and rubbing her two claws together.

Suzaku glanced away from Violetta as she started looking like some evil sex dungeon master. He shivered, but smiled at all of Fieri's kindness. He gently placed a wing around her, pulling her slightly closer. "I appreciate you being nice to me," he said softly. "I'm not down in out, okay? I just like to think about things too much and I sometimes get caught up in them. Forgive me if I've seemed standoffish."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Leaning her head to his chest, Fieri embraces the phoenix with her clawed wings, letting them slide down his back. "You're not stand-offish, Suzaku, not at all. I think you're just fine." She gives him a peck on the cheek, then blushes. "In're more than fine."

Observing his six students, Professor Kyrian notices that all are getting along rather well. In fact better than he'd expected. He begins to pace around his bed, deciding with himself, on what method tutorial he should employ next.

Well, I've got them paired up, together, at least for now. It seems that everything's going and running pretty smooth; just normal discussions and dialogue. *sighs* Well...let's see how everything goes, after this upcoming lecture of mine...ah well. Deep breath, Kalyx, deep breath.

"OK, class for the next bit of tutorial, we're going talk about anatomy. As most of you know, anatomy deals with the structures and physical appearance of the body. Wheteher it be bones, muscles, organs, skin, blood, fur, feathers, scales and so on. Also, superficially, it may seems that the wide variety of intelligent, anthro species, which inhabit this planet, are vastly different from each other in form, function, behavior, intelligence, biology, chemistry, etcetera, etcetera. This, however, is not the case. The biggest difference 'between' any species, or 'within' any species is between the sexes; male and female."

"Now, I'm not going to try and explain why, this society of ours, has such a hang up on nudity. I really don't know why? As intelligent and sentient beings, we just can't handle the visual physicalities and differences of the two sexes: male and female. Also, why is it so that we always seem to associate nudity with sex. I mean, if everyone was naked all the time, as nature had intended, I wonder...would society's perception and preoccupation with sex change?"

Psyrixia scoots over against her partner, whispering to his ear, "Funny Kalyx should mention that, Raze. Back on my homeworld, we hardly ever wore clothing or any sort; only when it was really, really cold outside."

"You know, Violetta...he's right." Fiero reaches out and grasps one of the dragoness' claws. "Most of the Digimon, in my world, wear no clothes, either; except for maybe a few of the humanoid types. Is seems odd to me why this Real World is so bothered by and obsessed with nudity."

Pausing briefly, the Prof takes a drink of water from a clear, plastic bottle, and walks around to the back side of the stairwell. "Nevertheless, what I propose next is this...that each of you remove all artcles of clothing and put them aside. This way, each one of you can observe and check out the differences and similarities we all have; between genders and species, alike. you won't think of me as just a teacher who's "all talk", I'm going to participate along with you and strip down, as well. Though, before I do, there's somone that I'd like you to meet." The dragon cups his claw and calls down along the stairwell. "Hey, Saph...come on up, now!"

Walking up from below, a sleek, furry form steps up onto the second floor. Grabbing the wooden railing with its paws, it slowly moves into the open, so all can see. A Renamon. A deep-blue colored, female Renamon; medium height, sleek and shapely, wearing nothing but a pair of golden gauntlet, with yin-yang symbols on each. With graceful yet deliberate movements, she around and forward, into full view of the class.

"Students, this is my dear friend and colleague, Sapphyre." From behind, Kalyx lies a claw upon her right shoulder, and gives her a reassuring glint. "She has kindly volunteered to be my partner ans assist me in this little project of mine."

"That's right.", replies Sapphyre, almost half-giggling in her response. Peering over to professor, she shifts her weight to the opposite foot; swaying out her left hip and tail against Kalyx' leg. "In college, we had were in the same classrooms for many of our courses. We bagan go friends, and subsequently, we always teamed up as lab and study partners, as often as we could."
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Well, I'm glad I didn't make a bad first impression," Suzaku replied. He blushed as well when Fieri pecked him on the cheek. Although he admitted in his mind that he was having quite a bit of fun, he still kept in his mind that this was a class, so he listened attentively to Kalyx's speech.

Raze listened to Psyri's remark as he paid attention to the lecture. "Clothes are such a big deal here," he muttered lazily. "I guess the people of this world just can't lighten up." In the back of his mind, he was picturing Psyri back on her home world on a hot day.

Violetta nodded her head in agreement with Fiero. "Yeah, when I was younger and living on my own, I didn't wear any clothes. But as I grew up and started receiving aid from my 'family', I started wearing them. So, I couldn't care less about clothes."

Of course, as Kalyx neared the end of his speech, Violetta was shocked at their first assignment. She watched open-mouthed as his partner strode into the room. She regained composure quickly, however, and smirked at her own lab partner. She an enticing claw gently on Fiero's cheek and moved it softly down his neck. "It seems that this was the right class to take, am I right?"

Raze had to hold back his excitement. Is this guy serious?! he thought. He's gonna have us get naked? Isn't that against the law or something? He glanced over at Psyri. "Well, I guess my daydream is gonna come true now," he uttered as he scratched his head nervously.

Suzaku was awestruck. "You want us to remove our clothing? I must apologize if I sound skeptical, but I wanted to make sure that I heard you right."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Grasping the Renamon's paw, Kalyx leads Sapphyre over to his circular bed at the center of the room. As they sit down together, on the edge of the mattress, he addresses the young phoenix' question.

"Yes, Suzaku...that's what I'm asking; in the interest of building new and lasting relationships. Nudity, to me, seems to a big hang-up, with many people and cultures and I'm just trying to demostrate that it's really not a big deal. If you have any difficulty with my request, you can always opt out of this course, without any prejudice or argument from me. I'm not forcing you...or any you to do anything you don't want."

Leaning herself against her classmate, Fieri gazes over to Suzaku and grasps arm. "Come on, Hon...don't be like that. I think this'll be fun. I think you look awesome enough, whether with or without clothes. And besides, if you start feeling shy or can always just look at me."

"Me neither.", Fiero reciprocated, scooting closer and running the back of his claw along her the dragoness' shapely, scaled arm. "But let's not take this any further, quite yet. Heh...we don't want to get ahead of our the Prof, now do we?"

"That makes two of us, Raze.", the dragoness coyly winks, setting her right claw flatly against his muscular, wolfen chest. "To be truthful...I've been dying to get a peek at you ever since you walked into this house."
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Suzaku gave everything deep thought. It seemed as if Fieri didn't want him to go. "Well, I guess I am fine with it. I will go along." Deep in his mind, he still felt resistance, but this wasn't a big deal and it was his assignment, so he had to carry it out.

"Don't worry about me getting too far ahead," Violetta replied. "You'll just have to get used to me being a little hands-on. It's just the way I learn." She smiled at him and stood up. "Shall we get this started or what?"

"Well, that makes me feel a whole lot better about wanting to see you without clothes," he admitted without hesitation. "And I must say that I agree with Violetta. I think we should get this started." He took off his shirt and a rush in and tossed it behind him on the bed.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

With the renamon at his side, Kalyx grasps the bottom his dark-colored T-shirt and pulls it up and over his head, exposing his broad, grey scaled chest and stomach. "Now, it's absolutely normal for one to blush, shiver or to even become aroused while undressing and/or watching others undress. These are basic physiologic responses primarily caused by shyness, embarassment, increased heart rates and sexual urges."

Unfastening her gauntlets, Sapphyre pulls each from her furry arms and sets them aside; along with the Professor's crumpled shirt. Scooting closer to him along the bed, she wraps both arms about his body and runs her paws all over his bare, toned torso. "Now girls, you'll notice, if your partner allows, that males have a muscular and taut physique, no matter what the species. This primary due to hormones and natural occuring steroids in their body. Of course...", she gives him a quick kiss on the neck and winks towards the class. "...regular physical activity and weight training doesn't hurt, either."

"Here Suzaku, let me help you with your clothes, if you don't mind, that is." Clutching for his shirt, she brushes her chest playfully against his side, then peers into his eyes. "As you can plainly see...and feel, I don't normally wear any top. It kinda makes it hard to fly, if I did have one on."

"By all means, Violetta, I'm more than ready!" From his seated position, Fiero raises out his clawed-wings, as he looks down to his chest, "As you can plainly see, I'm already topless. No shirt on me!" Letting his wings drop down the phoenix leans forward, moving even closer towards the dragoness, "Guess that means I'll be helping you take off yours...right?"

"Mmmmm...nice Raze, very nice." Pysri reaches out her slender claws, and rubs and caresses the wolf's furry shoulders and chest. "Boy, you do have a fine body, Raze, but there's no need for us to hurry. We've got plenty of time, here." Touching her right claw to her chest, she continues on. "Now, just squeeze these catches together on this clasp and my top will come right off. Think you can do that for me?"
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Raze nodded and slowly took hold of the clasps, squeezing them together. "Like this you mean?" he asked and added a little more pressure. Sure enough, her top did come right off. It was a little surprising, his head jerking back in response. "That sure is an interesting garment that you have there," he commented and smiled. His eyes were closed as he smiled, a nervous laugh escaping his muzzle.

Violetta looked the male phoenix up and down. "Hmmm, I suppose you are already topless. fun for me." She paused and looked at her own shirt. "This thing is pretty tight; I could always use an extra set of hands in helping me to get out of it," she directed towards Fiero with a smile.

Until she had mentioned it, Suzaku didn't actually realize that Fieri was topless; it just hadn't crossed his mind. And now he was supposed to take his shirt off and she wanted to help. When she looked right into his eyes, he gulped. What was he so nervous about? The room was practically already filled with topless classmates. If you can't beat them, join them. "O-okay, Fieri. It would be nice of you to assist me with removing my shirt," he managed, his voice shaky.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Setting the garment aside, the phoenix responded to the wolf's question; her firm, tan-colored, breasts now completely in view. "It's an outfit, this top and skirt. I got it, awhile back, when I still lived back on my homeworld."

Being the empath she was, Psyrixia quickly picked up on Raze's nervousness and apprehension. Leaning forward slightly, she sets a claw upon the back of his paw, and continues. "I know you may feel uneasy about this nudity thing, but, really...there's no reason to be. And you don't have to close your eyes, either...especially in front of me."

"Well, for that, I think I may be of some help." And with that, Fiero manuevers himself behind the dragoness, grabbing the lower edges of her soft, clingy top. As he lifts slowly, the phoenix gazes upon her fine, dark purple scales. "OK, just tell me when...when you want me to stop."

Facing Suzku, as she was, Fieri grabs the bottom of his black shirt and begins to lift it off. "Hey, no worries, Suzaku. I'll be gentle...I won't pull off any feathers." *wink* "Though, I am really interested to see what a Real World phoenix looks like, up close and personal."

Whispering amongst themselves, Kalyx and Sapphyre observe, from their circular bed, as the students get topless.

"Well, they're doing it, Darling. They're stripping just for you."

"No, not just for me, Saph, but for us all...for the benefit of the class. I designed this course to be informative, open and revealing."

"Revealing." *giggles* "No kidding."

"No, to reveal insecurities, prejudices and know what I meant." Kalyx pulls her close to his side.

"And...if this all degrades and mutates into one, big, uncontrollable orgy?"

Holding his chin, the Professor grins broadly and tips his head to the renamon. "Then, so be it."

(speaking aloud to the class)
"OK, everyone, let's finish with removing our tops...which, I see most of you already have done. Though, before removing anything else, however, Sapphyre and I would like a few words; a small lecture, if you will."
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Raze opened his eyes suddenly and gazed into Psyrixia's eyes before trailing down to her bare breasts. He couldn't help but notice how nice they were, but he didn't stare for long. If she didn't mind if he looked, then that would be just great. "Well, it seems I have some self-control," he said after tearing his eyes away from the dragoness's breasts. "Anyway, I think I feel a bit better. I mean, everyone's topless now, so it doesn't matter." He laughed again before turning his attention to the teacher who seemed to have something to say.

Closing her eyes, Violetta let the male phoenix keep pulling up on her top while she managed to free her arms from the straps. "I think I can handle it from here," she said with a smile and pulled the whole thing off, exposing her rather large breasts, mostly creamy white with the fringes composed of the same violet scales that covered the rest of her body. Her torso was also creamy white, and finely toned. "Aaaahhh, it feels good to have that thing off," she said as she tossed the top on the bed and put an arm around Fiero, one of her breasts pressing against his side. "Doesn't that feel better, Fiero?" she asked playfully, though she wasn't really expecting an answer seeing as how Kalyx had something to say.

Suzaku let Fieri pull his shirt all the way off. Once free of his shirt, he brushed his chest off habitually, looking at the soft white down that covered it. His head turned to Fieri. "Well, there isn't much to see," he admitted solemnly. "I really don't find my body aesthetically pleasing."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!
