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Blythe / Ada RPG
"Just one moment..." she answered before filling the cauldron with water which was aptly spawned by her staff. Setting the stick down the vixen started throwing some ingredients in before lighting the wood underneath with a minuscule fireball from her paw. "Alright, well my potion was working out fine up to this point, but once the broth heats up enough it is necessary to throw in one last ingredient." She stopped for a moment before turning the wolf, her eyes reflecting a bit of self-disappointment. "Unfortunately, Moon Lillis don't exist anymore so I've been trying to supplement the potion with similar ingredients, but failure has been the only result thus far. If you could do anything to help me with this I'd be grateful."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Blythe looked at her with great interest nodding to her problem "Moon Lillis..h-hold on.." the mage wolf dove into his inner vest searching around for something then switching to his right vest openning he gasped then pulled out a vial which contained none other than Moon Lillis. He took the vial and put it to Ada's nose for her to see with a smirk.
OOC: Crimson: Convenient much, Blythe? *lol*

Ada: *freezes Crimson in a solid block of ice* It was a kind gesture, wolf boy.


The vixen took a quick whiff of the rare flowers within, their unearthly scent luxurious. "How..." As much surprise as she had for this development, Ada could help but give a light chuckle. "Truly you are something else, Blythe. In any case though, I thank you. Now I can realize this potion." She happily grabbed the vial and dumped flowers in once the broth had heated throughly enough. The vixen stirred the red concoction, the liquid seeming to dissolve the snow white pedals. "It is complete...the Red Moon Potion...also referred to as the Feral Potion." Ada smirked towards the gray wolf before asking, "Since you helped me finish this little elixir, would you care to sample it with me?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Blythe: I DID say I'm an expert in alchemy *throws a Magma Potion at Crimson*


"..Feral makes you..." the gray wolf looked at Ada then smirked towards her imagining "I'll be...glad to sample it with you it may prove...interesting." he grabbed an empty vial, filled it with the red potion gulping it downed it.

After putting the vial down he starts to feel his body start to grow. Gradually the gray wolf's muscles grow his vest slowly becomes too tight ripping from his body, his hair starts to grow longer and more wild, his canines grow out from his maw, his head bumps the ceiling of Ada's house. Blythe looks down at Ada with his new buffed up feral form "..I think it works.."
OOC: Crimson: *busts out of the ice cube whilst one fire from the Magma Potion* Ahhh, it's hot, it's cold, it's hot... *runs off back to the Kurtz/Crimson RPG*

Ada: Alright, no more interruptions. *sets up a barrier*


A lusty growl left Ada's muzzle before the same sort of enhancements occurred from her drinking the potion. Her body and muscles grew larger along with her firm breasts and taut butt, fangs and claws also augmented along with a more feral look in her green eyes. Black hair as well as her crimson and cream fur grew longer and wilder, her body bursting free of her mage's robes. After a few more seconds the transformation was complete, Ada now fully over taken by the powers of the Feral Potion. Another lusty growl left her elongated muzzle before she said, "Not bad, wolf boy. So how do I look?" The potion had thrown out her sense of modesty as she showed off her voluptuous curves to the gray wolf, knowing all too well how she was teasing him.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
As his feral eyes watched Ada grow as the calmness in his eyes had left and a new lustful, arroused look. Growling back at the vixen showing great satisfaction with the new change within Ada along with a slight drool from his maw "You look...fabulous I wouldnt change a...thing." Murring lustfully as Blythe took his strong paws he grasped the vixen's new larger bust while licking his chops. Unnoticed by the gray wolf his wolf hood was poking out of his pouch which was also effected by the feral potion was now thicker than Ada's dining table legs.
"How sweet..." A mutual feeling was felt by the crimson vixen as she looked up and down his feral form, his expanded muscles and rugged looks appealing to the mage. She wrapped her arms around Blythe's neck, loving the feel of shaggy fur and muscle against her own. "Mmrrr...tell me, wolf would like to help me...test out these new bodies, hmmm? I can see part of you is already...enthusiastic..." Ada let out another lustful growl as she looked down to his erect member, her eyes cast in wonder of the thick phallus. Whilst she looked, she had not noticed that her scent had grown far stronger whilst her swollen pussy grew wetter, the fur about it becoming matted.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
His newer more keen wolf scent picked up her growing wetness in an instant which was pushing him over the edge with horniness the thick pink member pushed more out of its pouch erecting quickly. "Test...I'll be more than happy too...hrrrr." growling again he picked her up by her big ass turning to an open spot in Ada's house he laid her down with him ontop. Blythe wiggled into position with his huge thick wolf meat above her dampened entrance then slowly started to push his member down into her warm pussy parting her lips with his head and sinking his shaft into her muff.
A gasp left the vixen's muzzle before a blush arose under her fur, accompanied with a devilish grin as she was dominated by the rugged wolf. "Mrrrr...gawds you're big...aren't you, wolf boy..." She spread her legs and murred softly while he ravaged her juicy passage, her tail swishing along with his thrusts. Her paws gripped his firm behind for support and to try and pull him closer, her claws marveling once again at the feel of muscle and fur between them.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Feeling the claws on his firm backside urged more growling darkly he thrusts into Ada's love hole hardly, his balls already slapping the ass of the vixen with. "Grrrr damn you feel good...mmhhh" he commented before taking one of her breasts squeezing it firmly while the other he took into his maw sucking on nearly the entire boob.