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Magical Starsign.
"Yes, another attack..." Vook sighed, shaking her head as she pushed the table into the medical hall. "Injured Student!" she called out, bringing the table into one of the rooms, a couple nurses following after her, stopping once they reached the room, carefully placing Karomaru and his Familiar onto the larger hospital bed.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Right away!" Slash smiled, suddenly forgetting about his claws as he ran to the small dragon, "Alright, you promise not to throw me into a wall and I promise not to cop a feel, too often." he grinned a bit.


"Really, it's not that big a deal, I can walk on my own you two should be focusing on that cat they took." Shadow growled as his ribs flared with each steb, though it didn't feel like they were broken, just bruised or at the worst cracked.

*Dark Room*

"EEK!" Kitt started a bit as she slashed at Mar's hand, whimpering in pain as one of her claws snapped on his hard scales.

"Ooh feisty one." Thorne laughed, "Wouldn't get too attached, who knows what the master has in store for her. Although maybe you'll get lucky and he'll just try to corrupt her." she shrugged, "Either way it's bound to be entertaining."

"Wh-what are you talking about? What's going on? I wanna go back." Kitt cried.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Raze began hearing talk of an injured mage and smirked, beginning to laugh. "Thorne... what did you do... hahaha" he looked back and decided to watch form afar of the current situation, disappearing into the shadows.
"Nnh-" Tina whined like a little puppy, but didn't do anything, at least she understood her situation. She blushed and looked down, her arms stretching out as if she was asking to be lifted.

(Medical Wing)

Karomaru and Reno barely twitched in their knocked out state.


"I-I'm sorry..." Dorothy said, "I didn't mean to obstruct you or," she suddenly stopped, his sentence sounded too off for her, " "That cat they took."?" She quoted, stopping mid-way their walk, just outside the medical wing, "What do you mean?! Who did they take?!" she asked, suddenly agitated.

(Pitch Black Room)

"You're so cute when you get angry" Mar said with a grin, tickling Kitt's chin with his index softly. "I'm truly sorry, but my Master is not interested in letting you go for some period of time, something to do with that beak face and its abilities. Fear not, though, me and Thorn here will keep you good company, I promise I'll pay extra attention to you since you're so pretty." The dragon winked, a naturally sensual smirk drawing itself on his face.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Guess that's a yes," Slash smiled, kneeling down infront of Tina, lifting her onto his back piggy-back style, "Hold on tight, I only have two speeds, stop and light." he warned, suddenly breaking into a run, blazing through the hallways. He dug his claws into the ground as he spotted Dot and Shadow in the hallway, "Whoa, thought you two were going to the medical wing, or are you out on a date?" he asked smirking.

"Not now Slash," Shadow groaned, "Yeah, didn't catch her name, think Karo knew her though, a tiger if that helps. Not sure how many of them are at the school."

*Dark Room*

Kitt attempted to twist her head away, "My, my sister isn't going to just sit around and ignore this, she'll come here!" she threatened.

"Ooh scary, one of those school's scary teachers. Please, they couldn't stop us from taking the cabal, and they couldn't stop us from taking you. I don't think we need to be worried." Thorne smiled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"A tiger..." Dorothy tried to reminisce, the end of it was to accertain it could not have been one of her recent students, and she felt sure of it, after all, Shaun would have been able to identify the kidnapped student with more clarity. "I take it your friend was the one to see her then, I'll question him when he gets better. For now you should go in and receive treatment..." she trailed off, edging Shaun carefully towards the Medical Wing's door. "You were very brave by standing up to that being," she smiled a bit, blushing slightly as she patted the wolf on his back, "Now go and let them heal you." She then turned around and crouched to pet Slash on the head, "And thank you too for helping my Tina, make sure to look after your Master as well." She smiled again, taking Tina in her arms, which made the little serpent sigh in relief, and then Dorothy gave a slight peck of appreciation to Slash's cheek, before she stood up. "Now get going, you must get examinated just in case too."

(Pitch Black Room)

"Oh, look now. You're a teacher's lil' sis? How cute, that'll make this even sweeter." Mar grinned, walking over to the large couch nearby and sitting on it whild holding Kitt to his strong chest. "Hey Thorn, come over... you're sexy too, I'm not letting you stay out of the fun." He growled sensually.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi stared at Karomaru and his familiar, completely out cold on the even colder tables.

'You mean, those shadowy goons have been back already, and beaten up a couple of students?! We gotta do something! I'm going to get Katt.' Ayumi said, marching out of the medical wing, almost bumping into Dot and Shadow.

The teacher caught the tail end of their conversation.

'A female tiger? Are you talking about Kitt? I had her in my class just before all this started, she's a natural at hand-to-hand combat, even if she is a bit of a scaredy-cat. What's happened to her?' Ayumi asked, pausing in the corridor.

all i ever wanted was the world.

The two nurses worked their healing magic on Karomaru and his Familiar, sealing up all the cuts and healing all the bruises on his beaten body. "He's injured pretty badly, Miss Vook."

"I can see..." Vook nodded, staying by the side of the bed as Karomaru was slowly healed. Come on, kid...don't give up now... she thought.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Hehe," Slash blushed and laughed stupidly, a large grin on his face, "Can't keep the ladies off me." he bragged.

"Ugh, let's just get inside, hopefully they'll need to put you under for at least an hour or so." Shadow joked a bit as he turned towards Ayumi, "Some big, I dunno dragon or something, came out of nowhere in the training area. Knocked me and Karo away like toys then took her and her, oh duh, her familiar was a pheonix, bet that would've narrowed it down a bit." Shadow groaned at his own temporary stupidity.

*Dark room*

"Aww, such a gentleman," Thorne smiled, moving her tail around as she sat. Taking care to keep the blade away from Kitt and Mar.

"What do you want with me, I'm just a student, I don't know anything," Kitt cried, terrified by everything that was happening.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Dorothy's ears folded back as she tried looking elsewhere, that dragon had called her sister, and there was no other explanation for that. This was too much for her to bear, but she had to regain her composture; she was a teacher. "He... was one of them, he took Kitt and her familiar and injured both Shaun and Karomaru." Dorothy confirmed, trying to look Ayumi in her eyes, "He faultered when he saw me, however, it did not seem as if he was going to stop his agression until I made myself present. H-had I not startled him, causing him to leave..." she momentairly looked at Shaun, suddenly feeling full of guilt and embarrassment at the same time, so she averted her gaze and looked down to the floor. "I... I couldn't..." her voice started sounding raspy.

(Medical Wing)

Karomaru rocked on the bed, same as Reno, they seemed to be making slow, but steady recovery. Their wounds had begun to close up and his bruises disappearing thanks to the healing magic. Soon he started mumbling in his sleep, "K... K-Kitt... l-let... go... coward..." But Reno seemed to be much more quieter, after all, he could not talk.

(Pitch Black Room)

"Oh, it's not about being smart or popular, strong or useful..." Mar interrupted the tigress, "Thorn and I already met those requirements, that's why the Master accepted us. You, on the other hand, have a very specific, different role. But enough about business, Thorn's been irritable lately, job must be getting to her, so you'll have to help me give her a nice and cozy reward... Don't worry though, you may keep your clothes on. For now." He grinned, winking to Thorne.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad