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Magical Starsign.
'Huh? Oh, Katt. I wondered where you'd been. Uhm. I'm pretty sure it was a book of some kind, and we tried to stop them, two dragons, one was really creepy, and the other was pretty scary too. Midgard and Thorne i think they were called. Anyways, Dot got pretty trashed, she's in the healing wing now, and then they ran off. Sorry we couldn't stop 'em. Are you gonna speak to Vook and Dot? I'll come with you. I kinda need to apologise to Vook.' Ayumi said with a sigh, walking over to her fellow teacher.

'Hey, just what IS that book anyway? Why go to all that trouble for it? You wanna tell me what's really going on?' Ayumi asked, with one eyebrow raised.

all i ever wanted was the world.

Mel walked into the room and looked at the simple dorm, there was a wooden bed against a window and a computer on the other side. "Yaaaaay! Hye Fenrir! Let's go request a matt for you!" she walked over trying to find Katt. Eventually, she came over to the scene and her tail spiked up and frizzled. "OH MY GAWD! WHAT HAPPENED!?" she was jumping up, half in fear, half in pure excitement. "C'mon you hafta tell me! Please! Please!" Fenrir was blushing in embarrassment. "Such an innocent girl..." he mumbled.
"Thank you master." Raze bowed and saw his shadow. "You will be most perfect for training. I shall depart now." as he was walking down the halls he mumbled to himself, "I will be the end..."
Dorothy sat up on the bed silently, putting Tina onto her lap as she started fidgeting with her claws, "I was... pretty useless back there, wasn't I?" she softly spoke, her voice a bit strained.

(Training Grounds)

"Yeah!" Karomaru ran into the middle of the grounds, admiring the place all around, "This place's awesome! Who'd think a SCHOOL of all places would have this huge place, almost like... a... gymnasium, oh." He calmed down rather abruptly all of a sudden, before he turned around and faced Shaun with a grin, "I'm ready, dude!" he said, getting into an ready stance, "Draw you sword, for now we duel!" he said with a chuckle, "Always wanted to use that line."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"A little bit...but like I said, don't worry about it, Dorothy. That was an old student of mine, I taught her everything she knew." Vook added, gently patting Dorothy's back. "Do you need more water, Dorothy?" she asked, wanting to make sure that her friend was feeling okay.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"I'm sure you all did everything you could. I'll explain it with the others, don't wanna have to repeat myself." Katt said, forcing a bit of a smile as she closed and resealed the doors before heading to the medical ward, nearly bumping into Mel. She rubbed her forehead a bit, "It's nothing you need to be concerned with, the staff will take care of it." she insisted before walking past her. She continued through the halls up to the medical ward, "Vook, Dot," she greeted them, "You both okay?"

*Training grounds*

"Huh? You mean now?" Shadow smiled, already drawing his weapon from it's sheath, the white blade emitting a light glow, "Don't you use a weapon?"

"What? H-hey I thought you just wanted to test your armor," Kitt gulped a bit, "I, I don't wanna see either of you get hurt."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mel followed her, walking right to her side. "C'mon! Tell me! Tell me! Pleeeeease!!" she repeated this over and over, trying to get Katt to tell her. Fenrir was standing back, trying to seem invisible.
"Show me what you got... I'm surprised a shadow even nearly as strong as me EXISTS." he said as their blades clashed.
Ayumi followed Katt, frowning at Mel.

'Hey, kid! Why don't you go make some friends or practice your magic or play in traffic or something? This is serious business, you know?!'

When they reached the ward, Ayumi brushed past Katt and made for Dot's bed.

'Glad you're doing okay Dot. I was a little worried.' The teacher then turned to Vook,

'Sorry. I was being selfish. It's just that this is all a little wierd, you know?' Finally, she looked at Katt.

'Okay, explanations. I wanna know what's going on, and i'm sure Dot agrees. If we're gonna have to deal with them again, i wanna be prepared. They can't just do what they want, not with the four toughest women around on their case!' She laughed, scratching Koko behind the ears.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"Yeah, we're fine. It was only a little cut." Vook nodded, turning her view to Dorothy for a second, before looking back at Ayumi. "Yes, like I said Ayumi, Peoples' lives come before long explanations. The ones we fought were former students, gone bad, to put it simply. They've been taught forbidden Shadow magic somehow, which has corrupted them severely." She explained, sitting down on her chair again. "So they most likely have a master that they report to every so often. Be on your guard if they show up, Shadow Magic is not a weak school of magic."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Dorothy's ears perked up, "I-I can't believe it... Shadow Magic..." she repeated, "I read about it, this is the only magic which feeds on the strong, both repressed and unchained emotions, of the caster..." she turned to Ayumi, "In exchange for the great strength and power they receive, this magic feeds off their spirit bit by bit until they only become mindless puppets..." her gaze fell to the floor, "How are we going to face that...?" she said, obviously not too thrilled after her demonstration of weakness in the field of battle.

(Training Grounds)

Karomaru kept silent for a while, his eyes fixed seriously on Shaun as he heard Kitt and him talk. After a frown, he suddenly straightened up and put a hand behind his head, laughing audibly, "That's right! I don't have a weapon." He admitted.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Shadow magic is strong, but like all magic it's not unstoppable. But first and foremost if there's another attack, which I'm sure there will be, is to get the students to safety, second, do not engage one of them alone. They're too strong for that." Katt sighed a bit, "As for what they took, it was a tome written decades ago, possibly centuries, it's pages contain numerous powerful spells." She smiled a bit, "But don't worry, each defensive teacher since it was created has placed a ward on that book, kinda a write of passage, each one building on the previous one. I don't think we have to worry about them breaking it anytime soon."


"Well then," Shadow held his weapon at the ready, "hope you're ready." he smiled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad