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Magical Starsign.
Serin twitched at being completely ignored before walking forward, pushing Shadow out of his way as he went. He disappeared around a corner.
[Image: FANTASY%20-%20IMAGE%20-%20Girl%20Warrior...ragoon.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
'EXCUSE ME?! I have just fought two complete strangers, almost getting myself blown up in the process! You could at least explain something Vook! Some of us can't fly, you know! Some of us want to know what's going on, you know! Some of us would rather not chase unappreciative dragonesses around the school, while feeling forgotten, you know?!' Ayumi screeched.

The teacher then sighed and sank to the floor, sitting against the wall. She rummaged in her cleavage for her cigarettes, then lit one, taking a draw with a heavy sigh. Koko lazily padded over to her and laid his heavy, maned head in her lap.

'You smell singed. You worked hard too, didn't you? Ahh, whatever. It's obvious what's going on. Vook's too concerned with Dot to notice anything else. I always knew there was something going on between them. Well, ever since i met Dot a short while ago, that is. We shouldn't get in the way of love, Koko.'

all i ever wanted was the world.

OOC: Say, Kitt didn't ignore 'im. If you look at her first sentence, you'll see what I mean :p


"Arf!" Reno barked playfully at Kitt's petting, his tails excitedly wagging as he kept drooling his tongue.

"Training grounds, huh? Hey Shaun!" Karomaru said, turning over to the wolf, "I wanna try how tough my Level 2 is, got anything to try to hit me hard with?" he said with a grin, thinking about showing off his toughness to Kitt.


Dorothy had fainted mid-flight, the blood loss had been too much.


Tina had remained sat, she could not talk nor move due to her condition, but she tried to crawl like a baby, trying to follow Vook, but the cute little serpent had no means to catch up. She started sobbing, and curled up on the ground, feeling completely alone since Vook had taken her master away.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"C'mon little girl." Vook's familiar scooped up Tina and took off after the dragoness, coming up behind her. "HEY! Stupid, you forgot someone!" she shouted, obviously annoyed. "Yeesh, mortals. You'd think that they'd have more than one brain cell." she mumbled to herself.

The silver dragoness sighed, shaking her head. "Damnit..." she growled as she landed at the medical wing, and threw the door open, rushing to the emergency wing. "Injured staff! Injured staff!" she called out, placing the unconscious dragoness on a rolling bed as it came to her, before entering the 1st room with them.

They easily repaired the wound with their healing magics, seeing as it was merely a flesh wound, Vook's ghostly familiar coming in and setting Tina down by Dorothy's side.

"Nice going, Vook." it said in an annoyed tone.

"Well excuuuuse me, for wanting to save one of my fellow teachers!" The silver dragon shot back, growling slightly, before sitting down in the chair, as the medical staff left, having completed their job swiftly. She focused slightly, casting one of her many spells.

"Hey, you calm down, Ayumi. Peoples' lives come before explanations." Her voice rang inside Ayumi's mind. "Dorothy could have DIED from blood loss, so do NOT call me unappreciative, got it?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Haven't learned any real attack spells since someone insisted we go to familiar studies."

"Yeah what were you thinking?" Slash shook his head.

Shadow rolled his eyes a bit, "Anyways, all I've got is the sword I brought. It's sharp and strong so it should be a good test."


"Fine, I accept your surrender." Katt said, happy for a reason to end the fight without more violence, "But I want you to leave."


Thorne stepped through the portal in a dark circular room, a stand sitting in the center of it. She set the book down, "Master, we have retrieved what you asked for." she said as she stepped back.

A dark shadow crept over the book, the book vanishing as it did, "Good." The cold voice whispered, sending a small chill up Thorne's spine, "Hmm, the seals on this are powerful. It will take time to obtain it's full power, but I can already feel it's power." there was a long laugh asshadow crept across the floor towards Thorne, rising up infront of her and slowly taking shape. Creating a near mirror image, "A small gift for you troubles, not as strong as the original, but I'm sure it will serve it's purposes."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Zane sighed and looked at her. "For now... I will" the land turned back into the school hall they were once in. Then a black sphere surrounded his and flew straight through the ceiling, making a part of it collapse. He appeared in the same room as Thorne and said to the Master, "If I was given a few more minutes there would have been no more school... so what is the next step?"
-=Girl's Dorm Wing=-
"1122... 1122... 1122... OH! Here it is! C'mon let's check it out Fenrir!" she said with a large smile and in an excited tone. "Coming Mistress." he said with a deep sigh. (Shadow, describe it?)
"Ahh..." Dorothy felt her shoulder's wound close, she felt herself squirm before she was able to stabilize and wake up. "Where..." her blurry vision acomodated as she adjusted her glasses, finding the sobbing Tina next to her. "Tina... were you worried?" she softly spoke, reaching to cuddle the little dragon, but she beat her to it and pounced Dorothy, cuddling to her chest like a child missing its parent. "It's alright... it's alright... there was no water around, you couldn't have done much..." she murmured, and looked up at Vook, her ears folding back. "Uhm... I... I'm sorry... for causing you trouble..." she spoke, looking apologetic.


"YOSH!" Karomaru launched his fist upwards in a rather cheerful mood "Let's head over to the training grounds then!" He proposed, "Will you be our guide, Kitt?" he grinned.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The cigarette fell out of Ayumi's mouth as she jumped, hearing Vook's angry voice inside her head.

'No need to take that tone, you know, i care about Dot too. Though i'm surprised that the teacher with the most powerful defensive magic here doesn't know how to heal a flesh wound...' She said airily, knowing full well that Vook could hear her.

'Whatever. I'd rather not get involved anyway. As long as they don't threaten our students, i don't really care who they are, or what they steal.' Ayumi said with a yawn.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"There's a difference between defense and healing, Ayumi. And I think you SHOULD care about who people are, and what they steal." Vook sighed, before cutting off the spell, turning her head towards Dot. "Don't worry about it, Dorothy. It can't be helped." she shook her head, before standing up, and grabbing a paper cup off the nearby counter, filling it up at the sink. "Here, this should help, right?" she asked, handing Dorothy the cup of cold water.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: You're more then welcome to descripe the room however you want it Magus. It's not very important how the rooms look.


"Yeah it'd be my pleasure," Kitt smiled.

"Cool, finally sounds like we'll have some fun." Slash smiled.

"Kay, after you then,"

*Training grounds*

"It should be, AH! Here we are." Kitt smiled pushing open a thick set of doors into an enclosed courtyard, there were a number of wooden dummies as well as targets on stands and hanging from the trees.

"Wow, was kinda hoping for something a bit more high-tec, like some VR thingy."

"You don't get as good a feel from striking an imaginary opponent as something solid. This place is specificly designed to withstand a large amount of punishment, so the students, and teachers, can go all out without worrying about hurting anyone. Well anyone outside of the area."

"Speaking of which," Shadow set his bag on the ground, pulling out his weapon, "You ready to test that armor of yours?" he smiled.


Katt quickly raised her hands up, creating a large dome to protect against the falling debris, unsure if any students were in the area. She shaped the dome and dropped the debris on the ground carefully, He didn't come here just for a fight, otherwise he never would've surrendered. she broke into a quick walk through the hallways, her eyes darting around for any signs of a disturbance, she turned the corner spotting Ayumi standing near the door to the vaults, "Oh no," she said in disbelief as she saw the doors open, I knew it, that wasn't just some random attack, it was a distraction. She looked over at Ayumi, "Did you see what was taken? Anything?"


"It will only be a matter of time before they find out what was taken," Another shadow crept forward, taking the shape of Zane, "I need time to break these seals, I know you both have history with that school, you're more than welcome to have some fun there when I do not require your services."

Thorne couldn't help but smile, "I'm glad to hear that."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad