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DaD - Now what?
I would like to apply for a moderating position also, be it a simple area, or a global moderation.

Despite being in the shadows, I am always looking for the opportunity to contribute to DaD, whether it may be posts of a positive nature, but mainly just observing and respecting everyone's opinions. I have had experience leading and moderating, working with administration teams, and taken all of my roles seriously. And no, I don't play favorities either, despite knowing some people here on a personal level.

Yes, I can handle the responsibilities on a daily basis, morning and night. Yes, I will perform at no compensation what is needed of a moderator.
Yes, I will be fair and just.
Yes, I can be trustworthy if the opportunity is extended.
Zephyr, if the voting has been done by PM then every vote is in somebody's Sendbox, thus making them verifiable.
Okay, Zephyr. We're gonna need you to back up out of "cunt-mode" and dump some cold water on your head. Right now, you're being a stuck up bitch who thinks her farts smell like purfume and it's gotten old. You don't like Da_Wolfe? Well then, who's his competition? Vote for them. Oh, that's right! There IS no competition because he's the ONLY ONE who seems to give enough of a damn about this site to try and bring it back from the brink of death. Sit down, shut up, and let him give it a shot. It's better than just watching the whole site go down, Titanic style.
Hm. Quite a bit of drama here.

Since I guess that people will take anything I say here as a fixed decision, I'll try not to point at people. This isn't my site anymore, and I fully support open discussion in here as long as it's somewhat constructive.

I'll just say that much. There are people who contribute a lot to the boards. There are people who contribute a lot to the Lemon Area. There are people who contribute a lot to the Art Area. And there are people who do virtually any possible combination of these things.

That's all cool. Really. They all contribute to the site as a whole.

God knows I'm not an active board poster myself. I hadn't been active before becoming Admin, and being Admin didn't exactly boost my postcount. I've got what... 300 or so posts maybe? In more than 2 years? That's not much. My lemon count is also incredibly low. Speaking by quantity, I had not really contributed terribly much to this site before becoming Admin.

I like to think that I got the "job" because I seriously wanted to make a difference in a crisis and that my few contributions until then made me less of a random, no-name stranger for Togashi, who then did his leap of faith.

And now there are people who showed enough enthusiasm to make a difference in THIS crisis. Anybody can look back at the past 24 pages (counting both Announcement threads since they are effectively linked) to see what I mean.

When this entire thing started, it was basically me telling a crowd of unknown size that we'd all go down the drain unless the crowd came up with something. After the initial phase of chaos, a few people coordinated efforts, combined and selected ideas and suggestions, streamlined things and doublechecked them with the "experienced" people.

These people, in the course of their forming, reforming and discussing, showed qualities I tend to associate with Admins and Moderators. This thread (and the sister thread I locked) is the main reason why I decided that I could and should do my own leap of faith.

I'm not pointing at anybody here. I don't have to point at anybody. Everything's in here. It's not about who did the most or whose suggestions "won". It's about who showed effort, enthusiasm and determination. You guys know who you are. All of you.

The thing is, even though the group nature of this setup is cool, there is at least a distinct need for ONE person to coordinate the update job. The other Admin shtuff can be decided in a group (heck, you guys can make your own "Inner Circle" board and hide it from the public so you can discuss these things alone in peace and quiet), if there's the need.

It's up to you if you call the updater "Uber-Admin" or "Poor dude with tons of work". That's just a label. The thing is that there should only be one person, due to the way this site is structured.

The main "problem" (there are more problems, but this post is long enough already) is that the updater basically keeps an offline copy of the site. Once new submissions come in, the updater makes changes to the offline copy and then uploads the changed/added files to the site.

So once we have two updaters, there is a risk of accidentally overwriting changes made by the other updater unless both always update their offline copies. The only other option would be not to keep an offline copy at all (so that you'd have to download all pages you would like to change, edit them and then re-upload them).

Both "solutions" would only make a complicated process even more complicated. And it would require a lot more communication. In the end, I'd say that two updaters will get less done than one, assuming that the chosen one doesn't slack off too much.

So in the end, you guys are basically just choosing a representative/workslave, not the President. If you later on come to the conclusion that stuff's not working out, you can re-organize things or something like that. From where we are now, things can basically only get better.

Right now, the main emphasis is to get this site up and running again. Go get the funding running, then settle on a person to do the updates, at least for the time being.

And since the question came up: Yes, from what I last heard, the Art subdomain will go online once the funding's re-established.

(Yes, I get kicks out of writing long speeches :P)
Well, I want to kind of extend the votes just to get some more, but so far the vote's been surprisingly unanimous. So delaying the closure of the vote may be somewhat pointless, unless maybe we dalayed it for like a week, which would not be very wise anyway (remember, we do not know how long we have even this portion of the site). So, at midnight tonight (Eastern Standard Time), this vote closes, unless you all think that it should stay open later.

So far, I have seven votes. It's quite a low number. But we still have 3 hours and 45 minutes to get more votes in.

I want to thank all of you who have volunteered, all of you who have been taking part in this thread, and (naturally) all who are a part of staff here. You've been great! Without everyone's input and ideas, and the volunteers, we'd still be

Anyway, we have almost everything ready. I'm STILL waiting for the payment information so that we know who to send the payments to. senjuro, you can greate a seperate PayPal account if you want. You can use any method, as long as the payments get to the host on time.

Funding board members -- you know who you are -- are expected to pay their parts. senjuro, you know this part-- just make sure everyone is doing what they said they would and that everything is running smoothly.

As soon as I receive the payment information (which I've asked for a couple times already) we can do this.

Well, that's all as far as funding. Chibi is right-- the most important thing is that we get the funding going.
Sorry, I'm not sure how to vote here, but Da Wolfe has mine. Let's get this thing going, and I'll start PayPal-ing it. This board has been here for me through hard times, so I'm here for the board.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Thanks, Wise! :D Alright, now I have nine votes.
I set up a PayPal account for the site, as well as a general use e-mail for the admin staff when that's all figured out.

Send your money via paypal to:

E-mails concering receipt of your contribution will be sent from the same. The concerned admin staff will be given the password for both the e-mail and Paypal account to ensure integrity on everyone's part.
Quote:I set up a PayPal account for the site, as well as a general use e-mail for the admin staff when that's all figured out.
Well, I have to say, that looks a bit more trustworthy than a personal account. Let me know when you're ready to collect.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Who has the cpanel access? set an account up called Can't get mroe offical then that.

Also, word of advice, make sure you set it up to be a personal account and not a bussiness one, paypal charge less that way.