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DaD - Now what?
Since we seem to need so many board mods and I haven't actually done that much to help, I volunteer.

Also, on the past couple of pages I've seen some contention between Da_WOLFE and Zephyr, in addition to criticism of senjuro, our only candidate for Treasurer. If we're worried about any given person, why don't we just write up a set of rules like a constitution that would provide for elections and recalls of site officers?
Quote:Oh come on, Zephyr. Have a little faith in "the kindness of strangers." You didn't pledge any money anyway, so why does it matter to you who's in charge of the finances here?

Harumph!!! I don't have any money to give, but I did offer to make comission pics that the comission would go to cover the half of the year's installments (some posts back, don't make me find it, or do it yourself). But I've been here for more than 2 years constantly and I wouldn't want to have the site vanish cuz sb we never heard from got the money but hasn't paid. That's just my opinion.

And Wolfe, I don't like that one should vote for sth that's everyone's concern in YOUR mail. This affect us all, so if there's a poll, it should be public. How the heck are we gonna know if you're not cheating?
Zephyr, you don't seem to trust anybody! I'm no cheater! There are only 5 votes anyway!

This is no poll. I asked everyone to do it in PMs so that if there was something about the candidates the voters wanted to say, they could get it off their chests without insulting anyone! Also so that their votes could be anonymous, again so that they don't insult anyone if a candidate gets smoked. If they want to say something bad about me, I don't mind. I may be running for something but until the votes are counted I'm still just another member! Unless of course the votes outrule me, in which case I'll be just another member until the next time this happens (hopefully it won't happen again).

Zephyr, if you don't trust me, I'm sorry. But at this point that is of no concern to me. So far, besides that comission offer (which we all appreciate, by the way), you have been posting many complaints, arguing about this and that. Both senjuro and I agree that we don't have to worry about theft. If he does steal money, then believe me, we'll know and we'll do something about it. All we want to do is keep the peace and restore the site. You don't want it in my mail? Alright, then we'll compromise.

In that case, are there any volunteers to take it? I'll forward you each and every vote that was sent to me (so far there are five). If there aren't volunteers, then I'm sorry, Zephyr, but I'm going to hang onto it.

I was hoping to end this whole voting thing by tomorrow, but unfortunately there aren't many votes compared to the amount of people who have been participating in this forum. Unless I'm wrong, of course. I can only think of Soni and Wisemon and Reo off the top of my head who haven't voted. But there are probably more. I'll check that out in a minute.

Again, you all, please send in your votes if you haven't already so that we can get this thing rolling!

Anonmon Wrote:If we're worried about any given person, why don't we just write up a set of rules like a constitution that would provide for elections and recalls of site officers?

Got some in mind, Anonmon?
It's not that I don't trust anybody. I don't trust YOU. I would trust Red Mage Dragon, I would trust Wise, I would trust Unk....well....uh.....maybe I would trust Unknown too.... Twisted If this has been made by someone who has been a lot of time in the site, I would trust him. But why, all of a sudden, people who never gave a damn about the place, unlike us who have come at least every week, want so eagerly to take part in it? A person with two cents of brain at least, couldn't be anything but suspicious. And I guess I'm not the only one, since so few people trusted you their votes. Only that I'm the one who has guts to say it.

And I have the total right to argue, this place is important to me and if they're saying sth I don't like, I say it. I don't wanna grab my head regretting it later.

Well, if you don't have anything to hide, then why not the public poll? When you vote you don't have to explain why you vote this or that.

Oh yeah, and I gave lots of contributions, see the first parts of the thread. That they haven't been accepted doesn't take the merit away from them. Like I said, I've done all I can. Even offered to work for the site though I'm the poorest person here (I don't even have a computer) so this I'm doing it too for the site. Even if it's just a rant for you.
Okay! This is enough!

You want people with "experience?" "Time on the site?" I'm an author here two years and counting, for crying out loud! You've heard what others have said about new people coming in! Chibi Renamon is even for it! Zephyr, if you have a problem with me, that's tough! So far, nobody has said a thing to me about mistrust on my part! You know why we don't have any "experience" on our new team? Nobody with "experience" has volunteered! You don't want "experience," Zephyr. You just want someone that YOU know.

Well I'm going to tell you something here and now. That isn't always the way it works.

We have a great list of great people who want to help. Chibi's approved it. NOBODY BUT YOU has objected so far to any of it.

You said, "When you vote you don't have to explain why you vote this or that." Guess what, Zephyr? Most of the five votes I have say otherwise!

You say people come here at least every week. (I do. I just never used to come here every day like I do now.) Many of those you're talking about are not here and have been inactive for a long time, I've heard!

You said before that many here do not trust me. All of you who Zephyr is referring to, please let me know now, and I would like a reason why!

As for you, Zephyr. I can name quite a few people on this site now who trust me. There have been no problems here on this thread until you started all this. So now I'm asking you. PLEASE. For the sake of peace here, just stop causing arguments. You don't know me? I hope to change that, but until I do, don't you judge me.

Oh yeah. And nobody here has said you've done nothing for the site. What you HAVE done, and ARE doing for the good of the site, is very appreciated.
Well, I guess it's time I contributed once again. In light of these recent votings, I'd like to express my interest as signing on as Administrative Moderator for the boards. I've been talking about it to Chibi for a little while, and he advised me it would be best to see what everyone else thinks.

Now, I know there are some certain individuals who think less of me, but tough shit. I try to maintain a fair judgement on everyone, regardless of who they are. if you break the rules, you break the rules. i dont play favorites. I would be completely fair and if there were to be any rising conflicts, I would hear it from both sides before making a decision.

I've been here for quite a long time, and I've seen many things that go on around here. I would like to just be able to keep everything under control when the situation gets more heated. I respect Wolfe for what he's been doing thus far, and so far, I've yet to see any reasons not to let him on as Mod for the website. To be honest, I more than likely would ot make a good Mod for the site, seeing as I have my own sites to run and worry about.

However, I DO know how to maintain a board, which is something I prepared to do. If it's alright with everyone else, of course. I have to be honest, I'm not very good with speeches, but I will just make the promise that if made Admin for the Board, I will be fair and balance. Moreso than Fox News.

Hope this isnt throwing the thread offtrack, currently.
But see, the thing is, why not take the leap of faith to trust people?

Despite the average depiction of people being gormless and despicably selfish, they aren't always. Da_WOLFE has tried to take steps here to try and reform the site, and you keep trying to block him simply on the basis that you don't know him. Like I said before, you aren't losing any money, and you'll still have a place to post artwork (the DHZ), so what concrete material resources are you losing by trusting him, or anyone else who's volunteering to help?

Yes, I admit, it's certainly a gamble. I never said it wasn't. Why should you donate time and money in the first place if you don't even know the people? But I ask this: what makes me less reliable than Togashi, given that he's deserted the site twice? You'd donate money to him rather than me? Give the proposed system a chance before you call it down. This isn't a government where you're stuck with us for a 4 year term. If I or anyone else is doing a shitty job, people will be more than happy to slam us. Do you think I'd be arguing the legitimacy of peoples' intentions at 2:15AM if I didn't care?

Until such time as we present ourselves as unreasonably untrustworthy or royally screw up, give us a chance to help. We promise we won't say "I told you so."

Your concern for the site's well being has been noted. We're not discounting that. We all want the site to be more active and successful than it is now. But right now, fighting against the people trying to help is counter-productive. We all understand that you want this place to be the best it can be, but once people start defending their candidacy online at this time of the morning, at that point you can probably safely assume that they intend to do what they say they're going to.

I'm going to leave it at that. I just leave you with this: if I or others did not care about what happens here, why would we still be posting?
Aplogies, Boss Reo.

I was too late in posting my reply. Much of my commentary in that post was intended for critics of Da_WOLFE's ideas for fixing this place up, either vocal or silent.

If people want to contribute, I say "Why not let them?"

More power to you!
Understandable and no need to apologize. I also agree with you completely, I'd like to add.
Well, it just became 2:00 AM here (I'm in Eastern time). Thanks, you guys, for your support! I mean it.

Well anyway, at this point I have seven votes total. Keep sending them in! We can call this voting thing a success if we can get at least three more votes.