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DaD - Now what?
Alright, there's Kous_u's story. Zephyr, if you're there, do you have anything to say? I'm gonna repost my thingy again just to put it in the right place.
I've worked with two large websites, both of which were shut down due to financial issues. I was the backup updater, for when the regular dude could not show up (which was fairly often), and I handled questions on the help portion of the site. I've worked with raw HTML like this, and pretty much enjoyed it. And I dudn't only update. This was a product website, so we were constantly getting questions, some of which I posted, others I only answered or had someone else answer and then just let it go.

Updates for here? You can usually expect updates from me regularly on weekends. On weekends I'm usually bored out of my mind and have nothing to do, so unless I'm not going to be here or have something important to do elsewhere, that update's going to be done. And the 5 hour thing? Hey, I can work on the HTML for a couple hours on weekdays and just copy and paste what I did there for this site. Updating regularly is no problem. If the update is delayed, I let the community and the administrators know and know why so that they don't have to wonder what's up. I can handle problems with individuals in communities, I can get things where they need to be without messing up the structure of the site, and I can handle updates regularly. So far, I can guarantee that I'm not on anybody's hate list in this community, so there will be no social problems or scenes in this site if I'm the updater. And pressure? Pressure is not an issue. As I said, if I know things are going to get tight one weekend, I work on it a bit at a time during the weekdays to at least shorten the time I'll have to be here on the weekend to update. With all responsibility comes pressure, even if it's small. Trust me, I can handle both, have in the past, and probably always will have to, whether or not I start updating here. Pressure is not an issue that I'd have to worry about.

About me then. My real name is Wolfe Anders, believe it or not. I've been an author here for a couple of years now, but I've only posted my yaoi stories, just like on the DHZ. I like writing stories, whether it's yaoi or another kind, doing outdoor stuff like sports or just walking around, TV, sometimes video games, or just chilling with friends. A few things I stand for are punctuality and fairness, fun and responsibility. There's more, but I'm just putting down the first few in my head.

Well, this is me! Sorry for the double-post.
Senjuro here, candidate for treasurer (and future donater, no matter the outcome). I'm a total unknown here, except for this thread, which I've posted in a few times. I'd been looking for this kind of website for years (off and on, and not really intently, but I eventually struck it rich!). Upon my discovery that the site was in trouble, I felt compelled to asist. I'm not usually a fixer, but I'm definitely not the kind of guy that'll drive by a car accident without getting out to make sure everyone's ok.

My job would be to oversee the financial aspect of the site. Basically, I'd have to supervise the influx of donations and out-payment of fees, make sure we stay in the black (or green, or pink, whatever positive financial color you prefer!), generate interest in the site and motivate visitors and regulars to donate to the site. Finance is the backbone of any organisation, and I seek to keep the finances here as straightforward and uncomplicated as possible.

I'd like to think I'm punctual and reliable, necessary qualities for a treasurer position. I feel that I'd be able to handle the job very well, and I'm really looking forward to the opportunity to fix this place up.

Incidentally, I haven't written any stories yet, but I have a few ideas that I think would make for quite nice stories. Since I found this site before any other, I'd lke to post them up here when they're done to get some feedback.

Heh, so in a way, I kind of want to get the site running smoothly again so I can share my stories with you all.

Anyway, thank you for your time, and I apologize for any unintelligibility. It's 1AM, and it's high time I go to bed. Good evening, all. Take care.

Quote:Sorry about that, Gucchi. Maybe when the time comes you can be a board moderator instead.
Would be great =) thanks for thinking on it. ill just wait and see
Whoa, never thought it would come to this.. but meh.. whatever. o_O

This is my first time on this site in over a year. I hope all of this gets resolved, and i hope the new owner is awesome. :P
Hey! What's going on? Suddenly it's all quiet! There's only one vote so far! Come on, let's get this done!
Huh?! What happened here?!
.........anyway, my answer? Is there any reason why there should be just one updater? The more the merrier, I say. The more of us there are, the more updates we'll get. The DHZ used to have lots of reviewers and such some time ago...why can't we do the same? Some times I have time, sometimes I don't have any. Guess this applies to all of us.

Oh yeah...I wouldn't want a treasurer that nobody ever has heard of know what I mean? It's dangerous. As dangerous as it was for me to leave this thread only to be insulted gratuituously by a boorish girl-hater gay guy--again.
Zephyr of Darkness Wrote:Huh?! What happened here?!
.........anyway, my answer? Is there any reason why there should be just one updater? The more the merrier, I say. The more of us there are, the more updates we'll get. The DHZ used to have lots of reviewers and such some time ago...why can't we do the same? Some times I have time, sometimes I don't have any. Guess this applies to all of us.

Oh yeah...I wouldn't want a treasurer that nobody ever has heard of know what I mean? It's dangerous. As dangerous as it was for me to leave this thread only to be insulted gratuituously by a boorish girl-hater gay guy--again.

Yes, there is a reason why we can't have more than one updater/administrator. Soni brought it up long ago, and even Chibi agreed with it. It is too complicated to have more than one updater. Check through the thread to find it. And reviewers review work and stories-- they don't update. As for time, I have plenty on weekends, which is when updates will happen regularly if I'm the updater.

As for that last part, you are the first person who has objected to senjuro becoming the treasurer. If he does something bad, we WILL find out and we WILL do something about it, believe me.

And the VERY last part? You could be talking about me or Reo-- we're the only ones who have said anything negative about you. I said you were being a bit rude, and Reo said... well, we won't get into that. But I think you must have been talking about Reo, because I don't hate girls and I'm not gay. And I'm not insulting Reo, I just don't know his preference as far as that goes.

Anyway, here's the thing, and this applies to everyone. Rude comments (I'm not pointing fingers at ANYONE) need to stay in the Rants portion of the board. This thread is focused on the existence and future of the DaD, and ONLY the existence and future of the DaD. It goes for me and everyone else. And we need to focus. I AM pushing everyone toward the restoration of this place, not because I'm trying to be a slavedriver or something, but because we keep getting off-track and we keep ignoring things we really need to do to get this thing back together.

The things we still need to do are:

Pick the updater/administrator. As of now, there are only 2 votes. May I also remind you that we don't know how long we will have even this portion of the site. It's definitely not permanent. If we don't do something soon, we will be cut off. So we do not want to take too long.

Distribute what certain staff members need to do their jobs.

Pick board moderators. This can happen after we restore the main parts of the site. The old crew can hang on for now, and longer if they plan to stay as moderators.

So I'm asking everyone (politely) to please cooperate. We want to get this place back in order, and we don't want to wait too long. We're almost done, so let's PLEASE do this!
Well, one for the art and the other for the fics....wait a minute...the art will be back again, won't it?
And yeah, it's the second time that person insults me gratuituously.
I've done all I can. See I'm not in the contributor's list, but well...But this is not YOUR thread and we can chat of OTHER things without YOU bossing us around. You want to be the admin, you're NOT the admin, and this is not a military camp. Got it?!
Okay, here we go. Zephyr, please understand that it isn't your thread either. I am not insulting you, I'm just saying that we all need to chill and take arguments somewhere else. There's a whole forum on this site. We need this thread dedicated to the restoration of the site. Basically, the whole thread's been about one topic. Well, except for the would-be Togashi mob thing. We should really keep it that way. Nobody is calling this a military camp, nobody is TREATING it like a military camp. I'm not bossing anybody around. Once again, I'm only trying to keep this thread for the restoration of the site. If the site isn't restored, we may not have a forum to talk on.

Here is what Soni and Chibi had to say on the matter. Personally, I agree with them, although I was the one who brought up the update team thing in the first place. It's on page 3 of this thread.

Sonimon Wrote:Yeah...... well.......... it's not a nice thing to say, but I speak from personal experience when I say that having two people doing the updates complicates things more than it helps unless they're a REAL team who work closely with one another. Part of the reason I left this site was because of problems with my uploading "partner." The authors began getting way more attention and the artists got their artwork posted once every other week or so. If there's going to be more than one person updating the site, they'll need to be able to work very well with each other to avoid problems further down the line.

Chibi Renamon Wrote:Mh... Soni's got a good point there. Okay, he has a ton of good points, and it's nice that he's chipping in his experience. Thanks! ^^

A few thoughts and rough ideas about maybe splitting the work without messing up the "Not two people doing updates" rule (which is very true and should be followed), based on my personal experience: