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DaD - Now what?
Hey here's an idea; how about if we throw the extra funds and donations into a bank account. That way if someone dosen't do their part we have it, if we need it, and in the mean time we get interest. ;)
I'm not 100% positive, but I believe that paypal accounts generate interest.
yes, Paypal accounts store the money which is not needed. So if you have to pay $15, but you recieve $20, they send just the $15 and keep the $5 at your account. so that shouldn't be a big problem.
Da_WOLFE Wrote:Aw, thanks you guys! Yeah, I do think I'd like that. But it's up to ChibiRenamon, to tell the truth.

if you want to you should =) i think i was going to be new admin but i dont have time for it anymore. my hours in school changed from 6 to 11 :/

so take my place^
Sorry to keep you guys waiting... it turns out ChibiRenamon e-mailed me on Sunday. I just didn't know about it. Hooray for Outlook.

Well, as far as positions go, ChibiRenamon is leaving it up to us. Once we take care of this, we can keep going. I suggest a vote on who will be what.

So, here are the candidates!

Treasurer: senjuro
Updaters: Da_WOLFE, Kous_u, Zephyr of Darkness
Funding Team: Wisemon - $7.50, Kous_u - $5.06, senjuro - $4.23, Red Mage Dragon: $5.00

Sorry about that, Gucchi. Maybe when the time comes you can be a board moderator instead.

Zephyr, Kous_u, you should take this time to let everyone know what your plans are for the site. I've already done this step a while ago, lol.

Notice I haven't mentioned administrator or board members. This is because we don't have any.

Well anyway, I believe someone said that the updater should be doing some administrative duties as well, which makes sense in a way, since the updater is the one who takes care of the main structure of the site. Besides taking care of the communication with the host and making sure all is on the up-and-up with the site, I can't think of anything the administrator really does anyway. So, unless someone (preferrably but not limited to someone who knows how things go around here) wants to step up to the challenge between now and the time our voting ends, the Updater may double as the administrator-- that is, if the voted updater agrees to it.

senjuro, since there is nobody voting against you, you are automatically the treasurer. That is, unless somebody steps up between now and the time we close the votes.

The funding board members are automatically in.

Basically, all we have to vote for is the new admin/updater.

To vote, send me a PM with who you want to vote for. Votes should be kept private.

If not everyone votes, sorry for them--we probably won't have time to wait for the whole board so we'll have to do it based on the votes we get.

Once we get the above settled, we will take care of the future of this forum. Current moderators, consider whether or not you wish to stay a moderator and then when the time comes, put your name down to volunteer for it. We should have a limit. Does two moderators to a category sound fair (depending on our total number of moderators)?

We are almost done, everyone! Let's keep active for a while and we'll have this place running smoothly again before you know it!
How are going to go about this? Are we going to open somthing up in the polls, or are we just going to just have the poll here?
No polls. To vote, just send me a PM with subject "Vote" and the name of who you're voting for in the message itself. I'm asking you to do this because if we open a poll, people will vote who don't know the candidates or what we want to do for the site. We want to keep it here because all who have been following this thread know what's going on and who is who. And I'm asking you to PM me so that all votes are private. Well, except for when they're being counted up.
Oops I guess I didn't notice that part, but when are we going to close it.
Didn't say, but let's keep the voting until the end of the week.
Okay, campaign speech huh? Well, here goes:

Hi, I'm Kousu. Yay. I don't really have that many plans for the site (I don't think I should, I am a newbie here). My intent here is just to keep DAD up partly because I'm nostalgic and partly because I don't like link rot. I guess those don't sound like good reasons do they? Oh well.

I'll explain what I mean by nostalgic: I kept up with digimon when it was being shown, and then stumbled across this site and was all :D :) :( :o lol 8) :? :shock: :x :P :oops: :cry: Wink :roll: Twisted Evil :!: :?: Idea :arrow: . Then just recently I discovered that it was dead and panicked--and downloaded all the digimon eps just in case--because it was, to me, the end of this whole era of life (it's good to know that you define yourself in terms of cartoons and porn :roll:). But then I was told that it came back and was happy, and decided not to let it die again. So yeah, here I am.

As far as what I can do, it's pretty much anything we'd need. I waste enough time on TV or just sitting and not actually getting anything done for hours so I can just reassign that time to updating the site. First thing I'd do is fix the lemons to be easier to update (i.e. a script to format plaintext and HTML for use on the site, and generate necessary changes to the pages). I can make webpages and deal with servers and CGI scripts and know photoshop reasonably well, so there we go.

BUT, I'd very much prefer to just be the updater. Maybe whoever gets admin can just delegate the usual jobs like uploading pics, editing the pages, making the banners on the art section (if it ever comes back) to me.