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DrakeZero/DMX RP (Dead Space)
"Whatever, I could call you shit-for-brains too, now let's move." He replied to his partner but stumbled back from the blast.

"Don't have a glue, maybe their equipment malfunctioning or an attack?" he replied, but that seemed far fetched. Who would bother attacking a mining colony? Another blast ripped down from the colony causing one of the main support struts to rupture and tumble towards them.

"Shit! Move!" he yelled to Micheal as he ran with the wall of steel crashing down onto the floor.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Woah!" Michael gasped, doing his best to jump out of the steel wall's way, his reflexes having been just in time, his RIG wouldn't have been able to protect his body from such an impulsed crash. Having dodge-rolled out of that thing's way, Michael panted as he wasn't used to such adrenaline-rushing actions, still shocked, "What... just... happened...?" he asked again, though this time he wasn't really asking Drake or anybody else in particular.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake slowly got up. His leg muscles burning slightly from escaping the fallen strut. He turned towards his partner who seemed to be okay.

"What the hell would cause a strut to break off?" he asked himself as he approached the area looking around. "Anyone here?!" he called out, "Anyone?!" But there was silence. An eerie silence.

"I don't like this Micheal...." he said as he continued to look around.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael stood up, still considerably shaky from the sudden intrusion. He was glad it wouldn't show thanks to his RIG's helmet, Drake apparently liked to poke fun at him, and he was glad another reason wouldn't be given.

Catching up to Drake's walk, Michael looked around, then he quickly remembered their comm-links, "Hey, Drake, just a sec. I think we should contact the people inside before walking in anywhere here. Look," he said, pointing over at a domed facility not very far from their current location, it looked like some sort of green house, and currently lots of visibly yellow gas had taken its insides.

Nodding to his superior, even if he wouldn't listen, Michael put a hand to the side of his helmet and began trying to look for a radio signal to be able to speak with anyone from the colonies, "Excavation Team Beta 9, Class C Miner Michael Williams. My superior and I heard and watched a lot of explosions from the colony. Is everyone okay?" he asked, then realized how redundant he had sounded.

As Michael walked around a few desolate parts of the colony's outer cabins, he idly walked, waiting for a response, a sudden hiss alerting him as a shadow went by an open window of a nearby cabin. He gasped, feeling his heart pace pick up as he tried looking left and right but saw nothing, "M-must be my nerves..." he said to himself.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake didn't reject Micheal's suggestion. It was good one, and at the moment they needed some answers. The hiss sound caught Drake\s attention, and he looked around. Where would a hissing sound come from? It didn't sound like a gas man or compressed air....

"You got anything, rookie?" he said, "I have a feeling somethings really wrong here."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Excavation Team Beta 9, Class C Miner Michael Williams," Michael repeated, "Main Colony Control? Come in." He tried, but to no avail. Apparently, either comms had been shut down or there was nobody to answer his message.

Michale shook his head at Drake, "No, sir. All I get is static..." he reported. He put a hand to his neck as if looking apologetic, about to utter something, but he turned again at a new, louder hiss; a loud bang was heard, as if a stone wall had been toppled over by a wrecking ball, not next to them though. Michael was now completely shaky, his hands were stiff in place and he couldn't stop looking around, "Drake... I don't think we're alone in here..." he said with his even shakier voice.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Please tell me you have your blaster." he muttered to Micheal as he pulled his own and started to approach where he thought he heard the sound. As he walked further in, the lighting became dimmer. Dam power loss in the breakers? As he grew nearer he felt something liquid he stepped in. "What would water be doing here?" he asked himself as he turned on his light and gasped seeing the dead eyes of what remained of a security guard. "What the fuck?!" he shouted tripping into the pool of blood.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"What? What's wrong?!" Michael yelped after Drake, running into the cabin, his eyes going wide under his helmet as he put a hand in front of it as if he were to puke, but he held it in somehow. Michael couldn't stand the gory scene: A completely lascerated body missing a head that was at the same time missing an eye and half of its cranium, the victim probably having been a security guard thanks to the tag.

Michael did his best to take it all in, and tried not to make such a big deal of it, but he ended breaking in the end, "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!" he fell to his knees next to Drake, realizing he was kneeling over a pool of blood and just freaked out more, screaming in terror and falling onto his butt.

"GYAAAAAAH! Heeeelp!" an even louder pitched scream from outside broke Michael's melancholy and fears. A girl was being chased outside by some sort of grizzly creature. Michael could only turn in time to identify both, but he then wished he hadn't as he witnessed the female colonist tripping to the floor, falling, and being pounced by some sort of human torso with a gigantic spine. It reared back and dug its 'tail' into the woman's skull, blood splattering and her screams for help silenced for all eternity as it then pulled and the lifeless body was beheaded. The creature then turned its head with its dislocated and split jaws towards Michael and Drake. It screeched violently and suddenly launched itself towards the cabin's entrance.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake cursed and got to his feet and aimed his blaster. "AGHHHHHHH!!!"he yelled firing his blaster at the creature's head. The laser fire ripping it to shreds. It's jaw falling apart, its' eyes exploding out of it's head leaving nothing but mush, but it still came at them. "Shit shit!" If he didn't do anything, the beast would be in the cabin in no time. He took a chance and fired at one of it's arms. The blast of heat sheering it causing the thing to howl and stop in the dirt.

Was it dead? He took the dam thing's head off and it still came at him like it was nothing, but it looked like it was done. "Micheal check the girl see if she is-" Suddenly the creature roared and slashed the blaster out of Drake's hand with it's long spine tail, and knocked the miner down.

If Drake hadn't had his helmet on, his partner would have seen his terrified face as he saw the creature's broken head roar with only it's tongue recognizable. It quickly crawled back but the thing kept coming forward. It's tail slashing down getting closer and closer to him. "Fuck, Micheal get the blaster and shoot it! Shoot it damm it!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Ahh! Damn it! What IS this thing?!" Michael feared for his life, but right now, that trashing tail was approaching Drake, he had to help! The creature didn't seem to take notice of him, probably because it lacked eyes, so he quickly made for the dropped blaster. He wasn't much of a shooter, but it wasn't the time to dwindle!

Where to shoot, though?! A decapitation and an amputed arm, how was it still alive?! He figured its tail was the last thing to go, so he quickly aimed towards its base; a large chunk he would surely not miss and opened fire. One, two, three, four, five. The plasma bullets kept being fired, Michael was in a frenzy, shouting incoherent things or just randomly swearing, cursing the creature to die at his hands. The trigger was still being pulled, the gun clicked, but its clip was empty. Michael's teeth were grit together, he was groaning inside, shaking a lot.

The gun normally would have not had any effect, but the scorpion-like creature's tail was severed after fortunately one of the half dozen shots Michael had fire collided with the other, forcing the tail to be severed and somehow killing the creature. Michael still stood there, a dazed hero.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad