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Blythe / Ada RPG
Ada's paws glowed a dim green before her body flowed with a greater warmth, causing all the water drenching her body to become a light steam. She then looked back to Blythe before shaking her head. "I'm not sure, but it didn't seem right to leave someone out in such a downpour. Besides it is hardly a burden, please make yourself at home." Looking closer at her guest, she observed his handsome features, the grey lupine having the rugged look of one who has endured several battles despite being a mage. A crack of a smile formed on her muzzle before turned towards her cauldron. "I suppose I would be a failure as a host if I didn't make some dinner for you. Care to tell me a little about yourself while I get the water boiling?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
As he watched Ada dry herself off he couldnt help to notice the look of her beautifal figure, most witches would be old, green skinned, and have a crooked nose, but she looked radient. Feeling a little more at ease now the wolf leaned his scythe against the wall next to the door and decided to have a look at Ada's collection of jars and such as he did he spoke, "There isnt much to know really, my past is all but a blur to me except recently I stumbled onto an ogre den which werent all to happy upon seeing me and started attacking me. I'm usually always living outdoors untill I find a cave to rest in for a night..people arent too fond of me so no-one has ever welcomed me with openned arms like you have." The gray wolf paused for a moment "..Blythe."
The crimson vixen gave a small nod and cracked a small smile before answering back with her name, "You may call me Ada, a pleasure to meet you, Blythe." She wondered for a few moments why anyone would be wary of the wolf other than his special powers, but Ada knew that was reason enough for some not trust him, many not trusting those with magic like herself. "As for those people...some aren't fond of those with magic, they were probably just afraid, pay them no mind." She went over to the shelve to retrieve some ingredients to make a nice stew, vegetables and meats falling into the boiling water. After giving it a good few stirs she allowed the mixture to cook before taking a seat across from Blythe, a glimmer of curiosity in her eye. "Dinner will be ready in a bit. So you say an ogre attacked you, yes. They don't usually come around these parts. Was there only one?" Though she was fully aware that the number of monsters in the world had been increasing, the fox witch found it a bit disturbing that they were getting this closer to her forest.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Blythe decided to take a seat across from the vixen, "No..the Ogre mound was far from here I guess they just didnt like the fact someone found their mount so they sent that fool after me and he ended up meeting his fate." The wolf now showing a bit of interest in this new person since he had not known very many others with magic abilities such as himself "I noticed that you carry many oddities you, have knowledge of potion making?"
"Yes, I have plenty of experience with potion making, along with other various magics," replied the vixen, taking a good look at the wolf as the fire blazed beside them. A small idea popped into her head before asked, "What of you Blythe, do you happen to have any skill with potions? I have one I've been working on, but I've been rather unsuccessful."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"You can say its a hobby of mine." Blythe then slowly openned the light vest he was wearing showing his many different viles of mysterious items dragon breath, unliving flesh, liferoot, stranglekelp, also unintentionally showing of his fine furry chest, "Perhaps after dinner we can look into it further and I can help you. Its the least I can do to repay your generous hospitality you've bestowed upon a stranger such as myself."
Ada gave the wolf a small smile for his generosity as well as the sight of his furry chest before she answered, "Thank you, though I warn you this is no simple elixir." She heard a hissing coming from the pot behind her, the vixen knowing their stew was about done. "I had best get that, would you like anything to drink with your food?" The vixen went over to her cauldron while she waited for an answer, giving the stew a couple more stirs before ceasing the flames below.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"If you don't mind rum would be just fine." Blythe answered staring up at the vixen as she attented the stew. He couldnt help but start to feel a little well warmth from just sitting there with Ada fixing them dinner, even through his coldhearted exterior he managed to crack a smile.
Pouring herself and Blythe a couple of glasses of rum from one of her shelves, Ada completed setting up their dinner with a couple of bowls of hearty stew with a small loaf of bread. The vixen took a seat across from her mysterious guest, her green eyes continuing to show a shade of curiosity whilst the candlelight in the room reflected off of her emerald pools. "I hope you find everything to your liking, Blythe. Let's dig in," she said with just a light chuckle before she helped herself to spoonful of the steaming bowl. A strange sense of peace filled her body that night and not just from the stew, the magician enjoying having a guest that night whilst the storm continued to barrage the land.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Looking down at the stew the vixen had prepared for them as he stared at it his stomach let out a deep growling of famishment. Taking a spoon full of brothy stew the wolf murred quietly from the hearty taste "...good..." is all Blythe said then continued to eat. He slowly started to feel comfortable, the wolf haddent had a warm homecooked meal in some months now living out on his own foriging for fruit and wild meat.