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Renamon RPG
Olvin trembled as he stood up, taking in the amazing sight in front of him "Are these... Digimon...?" He mumbled to himself.
"It's a nice day, Kyo... I don't know why you're not up already!" White giggled softly, as she brushed her tail over one of Kyosan's legs - luckily underneath the blanket.

"Well... what happened before, anyhow?" The human asked quietly.

"Don't know, but this ain't home...." She whispered softly back to him. "But, hey, food first."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"So,spot anyone yet?"Alan asked as he continued walking.

"No,we must be in the deserted part of town."

"The whole town might be deserted."

"I hear some people."Ashley's ears started twitching.

"Let's go meet them."Alan said as he sped up,Ashley keeping pace rather easily.
The blonde haired kid sighed deeply looking up at the sky

"You miss them...dont you?" the voice asked.

The boy nodded "Yes."

"There must be a way." the voice asked

"We'll...find it."
Olvin began wandering in a daze... Digimon... lots of them... everywhere... He didn't understand... it was impossible...
"So..." Kyosan muttered, as he slowly got out of the bed - his brown hair ruffling. "...Head to a cafe, as usual?"

"Yeah, I'm not really hungry." White chimed in, blushing softly.

With her saying that, he moved to the door of the room. As he opened it, he noticed it was the only room in the building. "Uhhh... this is an apartment, isn't it."

"Yup, brought you here and stole your money to pay for your night here."

Silence dawned.

Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The voice asked "Remember when I found you?"

"Yup." The kid answered

"Do you want to ummm." The voice asked nervously

"No..I do not."

The voice whined "You're no fun."
"I think we found someone."Alan said when he saw a blonde haired guy.

"And now they know we're here."Ashley said looking at him.

Olvin was in so much of a daze that he didn't see Alan until it was far too late. He collided with his side with a muffled thump and fell back "S-Sorry..." olvin managed to say, still looking around in utter amazement.
The voice gasped "I see someone!! They're staring at you..and he has a digimon!!"

The boy stood up and looked at Alan "Hello there." then hes saw the person run into him "Hello to you too."

"These people are weird." the voice said.