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Renamon RPG
Well, this will (hopefully) bring this place back to life... ^^


The story here is simple: You and you're Digimon are knocked out after a huge battle with some sort of organization called "Karlias Erextis", and you find yourself in a foriegn city after waking up.


1. No Godmodding! Most of you know what this is.

2. POST FLOOD. This will be a MAJOR rule in this RPG. There is a limit of 5 posts with a fellow poster in this RPG!

For three people, the limit will be 15! For two people, the limit will be 10.

3. All players must have a Digimon that resembles Renamon!

4. You're Renamon (Or different form of Renamon) CANNOT have the name Renamon, Rena or Renee. ^^

5. Powerplaying disabled.



For the tamer--

Name: (neccessary)
Age: (neccessary)
Description: (pictures accepted)
Digivice: (pictures also accepted)
Crests/Digi-Eggs: (note how many here)

For the Digimon--

Name: (neccessary)
Type: (is it a normal Renamon or a different form of her? Note here)
Description: (pictures accepted)
Weapon: (optional)
Attacks: (neccessary)

I'll write my profile up soon. ^^[/i]


Disturbed and Amaterasu have two RPG warnings.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Name: Gus
Age: 19
Description: Blonde hair, blue eyes, stocky build. Wheres blue camo pants and a black t-shirt.
Digivice: Ummm blue camo collor *shrug*
Crests/Digi-Eggs:I have no clue

For the Digimon--

Type: Normal
Description: Dark Violet furred with creamy white underbelly. Has three tails. No clothes just the tuft of fur covering her chest.
Weapon: (optional)
Attacks: Ryu Fire (shoots fireballs of different sizes), Ryu Kick, Ryu Punch

Name:Alan(my name)
Description:short,dirty blonde muscle shirt,black jean pants,black shoes.deep blue eyes.
Digivice:blue with red and black stripes


Description:looks like a renamon,but the yellow fur is replaced by blue,white replaced by red,and the symbols are black
Weapon:3-foot long sword called Zeta Blade
Attacks:Diamond Storm,Zeta Wave(swings Zeta Blade to send a small wave of energy),Zeta Barrier(forms a barrier around herself)
EDIT: *coughs*

Name: Olvin
Age: 23
Description: Here ^_^
Digivice: D-Ult (black)
Crest: Vengence

Name: Rellen
Type: JeRelmon (Avenger - Data)
Description: Like Renamon but a midnight blue colour. Eyes are crystal white.
Weapon: Moonlight Gaurdian (sword in pic FTW)
Attacks: Enchantment (ups defence/speed/attack on target by 15%), Calibre (launches energy wake with sword), Saviour (target gets moderate healing)

^_^ How's that?
Rellen - *grins, has sword over shoulder* Thanks.
LOL! (At the picture of Olvin) It's alright, Poke! Nice sword. XD

Name: Kyosan
Age: 17 (Yeah, a change)
Description: -
Digivice: Plain white
Crests/Digi-Eggs: None... yet.

And I must lol, Poke.

Name: White
Type: Lienamon (Basically just a white-furred Renamon)
Description: Picture a Renamon, with emerald green eyes and her yellow fur dyed white. ^^
Weapon: Uses magic instead.
Attacks: Lightning Storm (casts a small thunder cloud over the enemy), Energy Bomb (throws a sphere of pure energy that explodes at an enemy), Bright Rain (summons a cloud of rain that hurts the enemy and heals friends).

Without further ado....


The human's eyes twitched slightly, before it opened. Immediately, the brightness of the day outside caught his pupils, and he closed them again. "God... where am I...?"


He stopped as he heard the voice, and chuckled softly. "What'dya mean, inside..."

"Inside a city... I don't know how...." The voice replied.

Kyosan then opened his eyes again, and almost immediately, a huge white face was nuzzling his.

"HEYA KYO!!" White giggled into his face, rubbing it softly.


Meanwhile, in another part of the city....

OOC: Heh.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: ^.^ ... *blushes*


Olvin yelled as he hit the ground, the tree having just given way from his weight. He grabbed his head and gritted his teeth "What the hell just happened!?" He growled at no one in particular. He blinked as he realised his surroundings... and the creatures as well... his eyes went wide.
OOC: Oh as for swords Zin'rokh baby!!!


A kid with blue camo pants and black t-shirt was sitting on the park bench on a sunny day. A voice emitted from somewhere saying "Nice day huh?" followed by a light giggled. The kid responded "Yeah, sure is." he then chuckled "Why are you in the tree?" the voice responded "I like it up here." the boy just shrugged and said "Alright." then he slipped his headphones on listenging to (I wonder who :P) some rock music.
"My head."Alan said as he got up.

"How did that happen?"

Alan opened his eyes only to see Ashley sheathing her sword"Any idea where we are?"

"Nope,I have no idea."Ashley said as she walked up to Alan.

"Didn't think so.Let's find some people."Alan then started wondering around town,with Ashley following close behind.